"You're Beautiful, no matter what~"

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Mettaton x Scarred Reader

Mettaton x Reader Stories

You stared on, in complete silence, at your reflection in the mirror. You're eyes lingering on the scar that now resided on your face. It was impossible NOT to notice it. A long, deep scratch that went down your eye. One would naturally ask; "How did you get that scar?" Well, you had gotten it in a fight and said the fight was against those against monsters. They had ambushed you and caught you off guard. In their attempt to end your life, one of them had used a dagger or knife. With one sudden slash, they attempted to stab you with it. You barely dodged their attempt, but that didn't mean you left the fight unharmed. Not only did you have a scar, but your eye was wounded too. It was bad to the point where things appeared blurry in your vision.

Now scarred, your real suffering began. Before it was rare but people tended to be rude towards you, thanks in part of your support of Monsters. However now it had gotten far worse, now you had begun almost being bullied constantly for it. Parents would turn or lead their children away from you. Those against monsters would insult and be rude to you. And everyone else either stared or would look away.

It got to you very quickly, all of it. This leads you, again today, to wear a mask, one that could cover much of your scar along with brushing your hair to cover much of it. As you finished getting ready to leave your home, you wondered if you would get to see Mettaton today. He was one of the few people who saw past that scar, and only saw you. He treated you with kindness, and you were grateful to have met him.

Which was why today, you decided to visit him at his home with Blooky.

Walking out, you felt the cool breeze against your soft skin as you heard the birds chirp as they flew high above your head. The weather was perfect in the sense there was hardly any cloud cover and the sun was the sole occupant right now. A car passed by just a moment later, after you had taken in the beautiful scenery, and you began making your way to Mettaton's home.

Time went by slowly, your eyes focused ahead as you wandered along the sidewalk. Eventually, you reached a crossroads, and made your way across, and continued until stopping in front of a house. Said house was a single-story, blue and pink house, with a set of flowers under one window with pink curtains, while under the other was echo flowers and a small snail garden. A snail garden which had several plants and snails wondering about, minding their own business. The path leading up was a simple brick path that curved slightly in a few places and leads to a short set of stairs and then a small patio where a pair of chairs and a small table were sat.

You smiled to yourself, already you could remember how Mettaton and Napstablook designed their home they shared on the surface. It was a mix of the glamour and modern of Mettaton, with the simple and peaceful of Napstablook. A good combo you admitted to yourself. Arriving at last to their front door, you balled one fist up and knocked, while your other remained in your jacket front pocket.

As you waited, you quietly listened in and could faintly hear the sounds of music from what you guessed was Blooky's set up playing. Seemed he was practicing at the moment. Then you heard a pair of clicking approach the door, and you already knew who it was. And with that, the door swung open, revealing non-one else but Mettaton himself.

Mettaton's screen visible changed from a question mark, right to an exclamation point then "smile." "Darling (Name)!" He brought you in a tight hug which you kindly returned. Separating just as quickly, he wheeled back and stood aside, which allowed you in.

(Mettaton) "So darling, what brings you to, I and Blooky's lovely home~?"

You turned and followed after him to the couch of the living room. It was of average size, with one couch, dining room table, and TV in the room. The setup reminding you much of Papyrus's and Sans's own home. Several pictures lined the wall, a combination of both Mettaton and Blooky pictures. One even of Napstablook and Mettablook as ghosts floating side by side, while underground next to the small snail farm they had.

Turning back to Metta, you offered a short shrug.

"I wanted to come by and see you. Maybe we could hang out? If you're not too busy."

(Mettaton) "I'm not! And it's rather a good thing you came by, as I was simply getting bored of practice!" He admitted, fanning distress as he placed his hand on his head, and leaned back. This caused you to grin and give a short chuckle at his dramatics.

"Well good thing I came, then. We can go out to the park to hang out?"

(Mettaton) "Wonderful idea darling! Let's go then!"


With that, you two continued on and left his home, bound for the only park in town.

(Story continues onto Part 2)

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