A Live Modeling

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Or; You are invited to attend a Life Modeling Drawing Class, only for you to come across a special someone during it.

Adjusting your sketching pencils hidden within your satchel, once sure of, you turned your attention back towards opening the door to the classroom. Peeking in to see if anyone was inside, you felt some of the tension disappear as you spotted several students and a pair of teachers present. Better yet, they didn't seem to hear or notice you, meaning you would have no attention stepping inside. Taking that chance, you wandered inside and wrote your name on the listed paper of those attending the class. Seeing as you were one of the few students attending that week's "Life Modeling Sketching," you decided to give it a try as you had nothing else going on for the time. Once the name was down, the teacher turned and greeted you. She was of average height and build, wearing your typical artsy attire in the form of an apron covered in some paint here and there, along with having pockets filled with paint brushes and other tools. Upon noticing you, the brunette smiled before approaching you. "Welcome to Life Modeling and Sketching Class, my name is (Teacher Name), and I'll be instructing you. And what is yours?" She spoke while removing a gloved hand to offer a handshake, one that you respectively returned in kind. "Thanks, and I-I am (Name). This is kinda my first day here." You offered up with a simple smile of your own, which helped lighten the mood as Miss (T. Name) grinned from ear to ear. "Oh! A new arrival? I'm so happy! I always enjoy introducing newcomers to the world of art! It is, of course, varied and comes in any and all forms! I'll help you get settled in. We are, of course, starting something new but you won't have to start today. You may sit back and observe, get a real good feel in the class. Sounds good?" You gave a firm nod, already feeling yourself at ease. "Good;" she continued before gesturing to a table close to the windows, one besides several chairs set up in a circular shape around a single stool and couch near the center of the room. Heading on over, you placed down your pack of pencils and other items in your pockets to help get comfortable, and took a seat.

Your eyes soon found their way across the walls and ceiling of the room, which was decorated in all kinds of art. From Classical paintings, to hanging or sitting sculptures on shelves and ceiling. An Art piece based on the solar system, using both physical planets with a painted background rested on the back of the room. It was all colorful and filled with life. The quality of the art just showed how many students of different grades attended these classes, as most were from either younger grades passed Grade 9, while those from 10 and up appeared more organized and were more 'clean' but held a charm of their own. Getting settled, you began practicing on your own while those students there already, began pulling out sketch pads, moving chairs, gathering pencils and adjusting the stands which they would be placing their sketch pads on. Miss (T. Name) along with her assistant both aiding where they can and soon enough, the room appeared ready. With that, Miss (T. Name) stepped forward to the front of the class and cleared her throat, silencing all voices who turned to pay attention. Seeing this, she began to speak; "Now Class, we have already begun the previous week of Modeling and sketching. We have taken some time to practice, and today we continue. This time, however, we are dealing with the human body. Specifically, a nude one." This seemed to catch everyone's attention, as everyone's eyes appear wider. Some clearly snickered at the notion, while others appeared red on the face. Sighting this, the teacher gave one lengthy laugh before wiping a tear away and grinning. "Not to worry. They will still be wearing 'something' to cover up. You won't be seeing it 'all'~ Boys and Girls." She gave a wink at those who appeared flustered, only making their situation worse as they stuttered back in response. "Now, let us begin. First however;" She paused for dramatic effect, "We need the 'body"~" Despite the awkward, if not rather concerning phrasing, everyone remained still as Miss (T. Name) turned and gave a call out towards the doorway, partially open, into a light room. "Alright hun, come on out!" And moments later the door came swinging open, and several mouths dropped, and what some anime fans would know only, nose bleeds began.

There standing in his full and utter glory was one of the senior students, a male 12 grader adorned only in a robe with a soft texture. Silk you would assume. What was clear was the muscle on him, as it became obvious as to why he was chosen for this. Bringing a hand through his raven locks, Hapsta was the name he was. Grinning at everyone, he gave a bow that allowed the robe to fall and outlined his body some more. He then found a seat on the stool as Miss (T. Name) gave the gesture towards them. Once seated, Mettaton soon took a calming, deep, breath of air through the mouth. Breathing out through the noise, Mettaton grew still as Miss (T. Name) turned to everyone else. "Now is the time. Pencils out; and prepare to sketch!" And so began the sketching, pencils on white drawing paper. One after another, each student paused to take a peek before quickly returning to their work. Soon paper began to pile up alongside each student's stool, sighs and growls of frustration were heard, and sweat began to roll down their heads. Mettaton remained quiet, remaining as still as he could but listening silently, he struggled as time ticked by. Finally enough and a timer rang, making Miss (T. Name) speaking up; "Alright everyone! Pencil's down." The room seemed to transform from a tense atmosphere, right into a relaxed one as those practicing dropped or placed their pencils down, stood up and stretched, or tossed papers away into the bins. Meanwhile, Mettaton yawned before getting to his feet, and stretching out. An audible pop was heard, followed by a few girls and gents alike drooling over Hapsta as he stretched his form out. Noticing the attention, he could only smirk before laying about on the couch, laying on his stomach as he teasing showed off his bum. This had the effect as it seemed those watching were sweating hard, and looked away.

Of course, you hadn't been looking at A; you did not need the feeling of being in a sona. And two; you didn't want to fall into his ploy. Though curiosity was a nasty beast, resisting was difficult. As clean-up began, so did Hapsta turn and leave the room as he planned to get changed once again. Packing some of the supplies away, miss (T. Name) got everyone's attention through a clap of the hands. "Alright everyone, we will be moving on to our own separate art projects. I think it's best to give you and your minds the freedom and break from this practice, and allow your mind to wonder." With that, everyone made their way to separate tables or chairs and began their own work. As this went on, you watched and continued working on the small sketch you had made. It was difficult and you did feel it was hardly a sketch of anything, but you digrased. Glancing towards the room Hapsta disappeared however, you thought about him as time ticked by. By the time classes ended, he had reappeared before chatting with Miss (T. Name) and her assistant, before receiving some money and sent away. As he left however, he spotted you watching and gave a smile and wave, one you gave back while hoping no one saw. After he left, you wondered when you'd get the chance to see him again and attend Life Modeling & Sketching class once again.

(End; possibly for now)

Mettaton x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя