Scenario: Theatre Reader

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If you were in theatre!

Theatre was something you enjoyed with a passion, being a regular in the past you soon fell in love with the display and theatrical productions that you often saw live when growing up. But once you entered high school and took up drama class, you only grew more attached and became eager to enter a stage production and perform for a crowd. Time came and soon you became a fairly renowned individual, handling not just the performance but the technical aspects of theatre well. From what was a side hobby turned into a career which often saw you performing for large crowds who loved to see you sing, dance or perform. When the time came and you and Mettaton first became an item, he had already heard of your theater career. Such a thing being one of the reasons he took interest in you, became a shared passion that only made your bond stronger as a result. If you were off to perform, he would make sure to take time out of his usually busy schedule to attend and be there for you. He would even bring Napstablook along.

If not performing anywhere else, Mettaton would ask for you to perform in one of his shows. ON stage, you two easily fell into your roles easily, and with Mettaton around you felt even more comfortable knowing he was there to help incase of anything. Forgot a line? He could improvise and get you back on track. Costume malfunction backstage? He was already ready with the stage crew to help make the fix or replace the outfit outright. Stage lights or curtains not functioning? Alphys had already set some measures in place to prevent that and Feliz (BP) knew his way around the mechanics and was a solid handyman. Regardless, most of your worries were immediately lessened when Mettaton was around, he always seemed to have a way to calm your nerves. Being a couple, your acting together felt truly authentic to those who watched. You two easily fell into your roles with little issue, and you two became quite popular. The stage became your dance floor, the place where you two more often than not were alone and the rest of the world didn't matter.

If not a performer, but someone who wrote scripts, Mettaton would often rely on you for advice or scripts themselves to perform for his shows. You had experience and time, you were capable at the beginning of your relationship (Or before it) but now you had become a key part in Mettaton's production, and Mettaton always found the time to point this out and show love to you for it. If you ever dare doubt your abilities as either a performer or Arthur, Mettaton was there to say otherwise and prove you wrong. Eventually, you two became renowned in your fields and you yourself made a notable name for yourself, and that was in part due to your relationship and love between you and Mettaton.

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