Visit to the Ward

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(Idea originally from 11Link, hope its alright!)

When a normal day turns south, your love hopes for the best.

Mettaton and Impact waited, together within your shared living room as time ticked by. Both had only learned moments ago that an accident had occured while on your return home. Having taken the train/subway to and back, you had hoped to save up so opted to not use money for the car you two had. While on your way back from working, the train had gotten into a severe crash along the way. A truck got stuck trying to cross the tracks, and the train was unable to slow in time. One could guess the rest of what happened from there. To put it bluntly, it was a wreck site. Parts of the trailer and front of the train rested all over the grass and road surrounding, while the trains front, engine and two cars, rested on their side and in a ditch. Behind them, the rest of the cars remained either derailed or leaning on one side or the other. The truck had been torn clean in pieces, with the front still where the impact had happened, while the rear was all over and the trailer smashed to bits. It was unknown how many were hurt, and if any were in worse condition or 'gone.' The news had hit your family hard, and poor Impact was left unable to sleep as they remained up with their dad, Metta, for you to come home. Both were too worried to even keep their eyes closed, with Metta eyeing the house phone hoping for a call from you that you were okay, or that you would be home soon.

Anything really, but nothing happened. Poor impact seemed red in the face, cheek bones stained from tears and body still shuddering from sobs. Finally, Mettaton heard the phone ring and it was possibly the most amazing sound in the world to hear at that moment. Without missing a beat, but also careful not to, he lifted Impact from his lap and placed him safely down atop your shared bed. Grabbing the phone, he brought it to his ear without inspecting the ID. "Hello!? Darling! Are you there-''''No, Mr, Happsta-blook. We are calling to tell you we have (You) under our care. They are stable, though have suffered severe bruising and possible broken bones. They may have to stay overnight until we're sure." Mettaton felt as if his soul dropped, but knowing it was for the best he nodded to himself. "Fine, but I wish to visit them tomorrow and the latest!" On the other end, papers could be heard being shelved about. "Alright, we can have it arranged. Take your time and we will do our best." Ending the call, mettaton fell back before the sense of both relief and worry took over. Finally, this seemed to do the trick as Mettaton was just too overwhelmed by emotion, and fell asleep.

The following morning, metta awoke only to feel a small weight on his chest. Glancing down, his heart and soul fluttered noticing it was Impact. Having stayed up for slightly longer, Impact soon found himself on his dada's chest and fell back to sleep. Not wanting to interrupt the young child's rest, however, Mettaton opted for carefully moving off and finally began to get ready. Soon dressed casually, Mettaton took the time to ready and dress Impact before lifting the poor child up. Both of them went and soon were driving towards the hospital. The car ride was tense, only the sounds of the engine and Impact snoring was all Metta could hear. With this Metta turned up the radio, hoping to try and calm his nerves and at least help calm down. Though said song only made it worse, only fueling his worry. Unable to handle it, Mettaton pulled into a parking lot for a simple restaurant joint. Halting there, Mettaton took a brief moment before stepping outside to think. Breathing slowly now, his mind slowly was able to quit overthinking that the worse would occur. His body also finally began to cool. A cool breeze soon arrived and helped.

Feeling ready again, Metta soon got back in and began the drive once more while Impact began to awaken. As they were making their final stretch to the hospital, Mettaton could feel the joy in his soul rise once being able to see it. Once outside and having taken the time to park, he calmly stepped out and carried Impact with him inside. He just hoped you were alright.


Within the complex, several medical beds rested in rows, with each divided apart by curtains. Within each, staff and doctors worked around the clock to care for the victims from the crash. It was severe, and all staff were needed. As they worked, two doctors overlooked your own bed as they read the results of several scans they took. From what it had seemed, your body had mostly survived injury, and wouldn't take too long to help. Though neither wished to take a risk, however one soon overheard a conversation just behind the curtain, causing the duo to step out and leaving you behind. Once stepping out, you began to feel your body tense, struggling to move it. Everything felt so cold, and quite uncomfortable. Struggling to open your eyes, you finally managed to see where you were. It was difficult, however. Your whole body was hurting slightly in a few places, though the pain was minor in all honesty. Glancin about, you instantly could tell you were in a hospital bed and were being cared for. Now why exactly?

You knew you were on your way home, but things during the trip were a blur. Honestly trying to think it over, and you had the feeling of pain. Though that could still be the injury you sustained somewhere. At least if the bandages and bottles and containers of medicine that rested around you and your bed; but not wanting to put much pain any longer, you laid back and allowed yourself to fall asleep. Hopefully a nape would bring osme the pain down. Hours passed, and memories began to take shape. Memories, that soon became nightmares. Said nightmares based on what happened before this point, while on your trip for home. You felt like screaming at times, your mind imagining how you almost were killed in each repeat. Each becoming more terrifying and heart breaking than the last. But the worst was without you, as in you weren't involved. But instead Mettaton and Impact were. It made your body turn cold and mind and emotions enter panic and beg for them to get off and survive. And you called out in desperation as they were sent directly into the worst of the crash. Sitting upright instantly, sweat dripping from your head as you struggled to control your breathing. Glancing about, you were instantly met with a sight that brought much relief, but also joy seeing who was there.

Mettaton and Impact, either still asleep, on a chair. Mettaton having Impact rest on his lap, with either asleep. Finally relaxed, you laid back, adjusting your pillows to allow you to sit up atop your bed. Happy now that everything was fine, especially with your family alongside you, you soon reached and took a gentle hold of Metta's hand. Feeling at ease with this, you soon fell back into a peaceful slumber as now you knew your loved ones were safe and with you.

By the time you awoke, Mettaton and Impact joined you and together you three would soon be able to return home, but for now both stayed to support you in your recovery. You being quite grateful for your love and childs efforts, your survival was scary but you were grateful to have survived.

(The End)

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