Human!Mettaton X Reader "Crippled.." Chapter 2

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Metta was resting in his wheelchair now, calmly rolling it into the living room as he is followed by Blooky. Metta is looking down a little but is calmed down and is quiet. Blooky was still a little worried but continued to follow him, ready to care for his cousin.

Finally, Metta stopped and so did Blooky, Blooky instantly became worried.

(Blooky): "A-are you alright Metta...?"

Metta paused before turning around and nodding, giving a shy smile.

(Metta): "I'm fine Blooky, but... can you do me a favor~?"

Blooky nodded.

(Blooky): "Anything..."

(Metta): "Can you call (C/N)?"

Blooky nodded and made his way over to the phone to make the call.


You made your way over to Metta's house. You had received a call from Blooky, one of your closest friends, who called you over because 'Metta wanted to talk to you'. You agreed and were now were standing in front of their front door. You knocked.

After only a few minutes, the door opened and sitting there was Metta, in his wheelchair, looking at you with pure happiness and joy. Metta smiles, a large happy grin on his face. It had been a while since Metta actually smiled, but here he was, overjoyed to see you. Metta reached out and tried to hug you, arms raised. You smiled and decided to return the favor, hugging Metta tightly. The hug felt like it lasted forever, but it was really only for a few minutes until Metta and you pulled away.

(Metta): "So, how have you been?"

(C/N): "I've been alright, but what about you?"

Metta's smirk fell a little but he continued to smile.

(Metta): "I've been better honestly... But thankful you are here~"

You smirked and nodded, then he 'rolled' back and you entered, closing the door behind you and turned back to Metta. Metta looked to you and signaled for you to follow him into his room. You followed, curious as to what he wanted to tell you.

Finally arriving at his room's door, you entered and stood there for a moment, admiring Metta's very pink room. Posters of famous movie stars rested on the walls, a computer, instruments, and even a microphone stand and microphone rested in the corner of the room. A table containing papers for musical notes and songs, close to a computer and printer.

You turned back to Metta, seeing him stop close to his desk and pick up the only paper out of place, he then turns around and rolled over to you, handing it over.

(Metta): "Alphys handed me this yesterday, it's an offer for an 'operation' she says..."
You looked a little confused, and a tad worried but still kept a normal tone.

(C/N): "As in... an operation like the ones they perform in hospitals?"

(Metta): (Shaking his head) "No, not like that. They have designed a pair of legs for me... based on my specifications." 

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