The Gangsta of Hotland~ (punishment)

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(Maybe disturbing to some readers, at least to some so continue with caution)

"Darling put it on~ Don't try and fight me on this~" Mettaton narrowed his eyes at you as you kept your arms crossed and shook your head while you sat on your bed. He had a new (Suit/Dress) he wanted you to try on but you refused to and now he was getting upset. Today you decided to try and stand up for yourself, you were done being a pushover. Unfortunately, this was a mistake. 

"NO! I'm DONE taking orders from You! I'm not gonna be your slave anymore!" He growled and looked at the floor as he pulled back the (suit. dress) he offered you. The next thing he did was set it down on the bed beside you before he looked back up into your eyes, something dangerous and full of mischief as he looked into your eyes. Your confidence beginning to waver slightly.  Finally, he reached out and grabbed your collar, you gasped but before you could protest or even come up with a thing to say he pulled you close and whispered dangerously in your ear. Mettaton: "Darling, just for being a bad pet, you'll be punished~," He said as he glared at you and you instantly lost all the confidence you had left and gulped. 

Mostly later...

"METTA!! PLEASE!!!" You said as he pulled you by the collar and you two made your way to the back of the mansion, passing several of his staff along the way he looked sorry or terrified for you. Upon reaching the back door, he unlocked the back door then turned to you. Mettaotn: "Sorry darling, but a pet must be punished when they disobey~" He then reached into his coat and pulled out a set of dog ears and a tall. You looked at both confused and slightly disturbed when he placed the dog ears on. Mettaton: "For me, you must ACT the part~" With that he made you put it on before opening the back door and pointing outside for you to leave, you shook your head. Already feeling humiliated enough but he wouldn't have it and sent you out. As soon as you stepped outside, you instantly felt the cold air against your skin as you shivered. He then shut the door behind you but not after saying: Mettaton: "I'll be back in one hour, by then I hope you learned your lesson~" He then closed the door and left, leaving you outside. No coat or even dress shirt on, rather a simple t-shirt and shorts that left much of your body exposed.

A while later...

You whimpered as you knocked on the door for the fourth time today, you are desperate to get back inside. You were shivering more now, more than ever as you kept knocking on the door. Meanwhile, Mettaton himself was just inside, smoking a cigar and occasionally checking on you through the windows of the mansion. Finally deciding to take mercy on you he walked back over to the back door and opened it up for you. When you saw this you instantly rushed in and wrapped your arms around his legs, shivering badly as you stay on your knees, eyes closed and whimpering while he sighed and instantly felt bad, tho he chooses not to show it. Instead, he reached down and picked your body up. Turning on his heel, he closed the back door with his leg and made his way to your room.

There he brought you to your bathroom and ran a warm bath for you to relax and warm up. While you were warming up in the tub he went ahead and picked up some warm and comfy clothing for you to wear to bed. Finally, he waited for a few until you said you were done and he got you out, dried you up, and helped get you dressed. Afte after this, he brought you back to his bed and laid you down in it. Tho surprisingly, you reached out and grabbed his hand before he could walk away. Looking up at him with your head tilted, an action that Mettaton would describe as cute, he looked at you confused. Mettaton: "Yes dear?" (You): "P-Please... stay with me..." Being caught off guard, he took a few moments to understand what you said before he nodded his head and stripped off his hat, jacket, and boots. He then climbed in bed with you and laid down while you instantly cuddled up with him and laid your head on his chest. Feeling the warmth that came from him and hearing his internals going to work, you closed your eyes slowly and eventually fell asleep as he wrapped his arms around you. He stayed with you like that in his arms for a while, him staying up until he felt himself start to fall asleep and so he decided to save power and shut down. He could wake up early and leave you be to sleep for long once he got up. For now, it was time for this mob boss to rest.

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