"Don't worry darling, everything will be alright."

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(For reader/author @user91113115, I hope you enjoy~!)

Darkness surrounded you as you seemingly floated in an endless void of darkness, one that surrounded you completely, and as it seemed there was no light to be seen. You tried to move but, only your body moved really if it even did but due to this odd world you were in, you couldn't even tell. Looking around, you felt the tension start to build inside you as you felt a pair of eyes on your form. This made you turn your head and start looking around, trying to find whatever it was that was looking at you. You felt your heartbeat quicken as your chest started heaving.
"H-Hello?" You said as loud as you could, or as loud as you think you could. It was hard to tell based on wherever you were even at. Then you heard an odd sound to your "left" and looked. You swore you saw something faintly move quickly. something that was a slightly lighter color then it's surroundings. Then again, the odd squishy like the sound you heard, but again, you had no clue as to where it came from.

You felt the fear really get to you know as you could hear your breathing pick up and your lungs quickly being filled with air only for you to let it back out again. As you finally took a moment to relax after nothing else happened, only for that to change in an instant.

You failed to notice but a black and sticky "tentacle" (Why does saying that get me worried?) slide up then around your foot, the cool yet sticky and wet texture instantly catching you off guard and causing you to instantly look down and see the appended wrap around your foot firmly. YOu instantly panicked and reached down to rip the thing off as it started to squeeze your foot, causing you severe pain. Unfortunately, whatever this "thing" was, it had more limbs and grabbed at your arms, first your left then your right by the wrist and pulled them apart, exposing you more to whatever it was attacking you. Your remaining leg soon joined your other limbs and was also grabbed tightly.

Now you couldn't move, not that it would help relly being in this void. You looked around confused and worried, wondering what was going on. Suddenly, an entity that looked similar to one of your friends, Sans, slowly float "Up" in front of you. His eyes were little more than black holes and his bones seemed to be made of a black inky substance that currently dripped away from him, sticky and black substance that you could only wonder what it was exactly. You noticed the black "tentacles" on his back that slighter and rived like a snake. His smile tho... It was what made this creature even scarier. It was a wide grin, pearly white teeth as you saw it. The grin never lefts his face, not even when he spoke to you. His voice... it sounded like Sans but... it sounded off, slightly darker, more malice or evil behind it.

He slowly floated closer and closer to you as you tried to move away but your arms and legs were tied down, preventing you from moving away. Finally, it stopped and just stared at you, his smile never faltering as he tilted his head and seemed to examine you closely. You were shaking now, causing you to finally turn your head and looking away. You felt your eyes water as you became afraid of what would happen next. Sans then reached his hand out to you, his right eye (from his view) lighting up in a dark blue, much like Sans when using his magic.

"Don't worry Kiddo... this won't hurt... ..."

He leans in close to you as you felt another one of his limbs slowly wrap around and begin to squeeze your neck tightly, causing you to gasp for air. Your eyes watering as you felt your oxygen run out, he spoke once more before darkness completely consumed you.



You sat up almost instantly as you let out a scream, your eyes remaining shut tightly. The scream only lasted for a moment as you quickly came to your senses and realized it was nothing more than a nightmare... Yet, why did it feel so real...? You let out a shaky sigh as your mind instantly went back to what had happened just moments ago. Those horrible images flashed in your mind as the tear began to form almost instantly in your eyes. The pain you felt, everything!

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