A Typical Wednesday

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MTT FanFic

The TV continued playing random programs, the odd commercial or show, product and whatever else as you changed channels hoping to find something worthwhile to watch. Besides you and serving as your current head rest, Mettaton sat alongside you. Currently, the star was underway on his nails, his Ex body needing minor touch-ups according to the star himself. Turning his hand to get a much better look at his now blank finger-nails, Mettaton hummed in approval before he turned towards you. "Darling, do these look good?" You casually glanced, already knowing your answer for a number of good reasons. One, he was your love so of course you would say he looked good. Two, he was a diva and attention seeker, and loved getting compliments. Three, you didn't wanna have a whiny bot to deal with, even if it was unlikely, Mettaton definitely disliked any sort of negative opinion. "It looks great hun, as always." Always, you added a little more to help convince Metta, including saying 'always' as he loved hearing that. Back you two went to your own respected worlds of watching tv and doing your nails separately. Then your notification on your phone went off, a simple jingle as you took one glance at your phone before turning away and ignored it. Mettaton said nothing, instead focusing on his nails which he was still not yet done with when any notification bell went off. Sighing in annoyance, you instead took the chance to pick up your phone before quickly unlocking it, then shutting off its bell function. Back to watching tv once again, you paused to glance over and watch as Mettaton had stopped too now look at you. "Are you sure you should be ignoring that?" He gestured with his pinkie towards it, whilst you merely shrugged, reclining back on your couch.

"I don't feel like doing anything today, just wanna lay back. Maybe pick up my favorite movie or show, if I'm lucky, and it's today." With it said, you began searching if any of your favorite shows were currently available whilst Mettaton simply shrugged and went back to blowing on his nails. Moments later and your phone began to ring, your response being to let it ring and hoping it went into voicemail so you wouldn't have to answer. It turned out that it wouldn't be the case, as the phone rang once again and you finally gave in. Plucking it off the table, you checked the caller I.D. to see it had been Sans calling. "Great." You spoke in exacerbation before flicking the screen open, and taking the call. Moments later followed, as Mettaton was putting his small kit away while you and Sans talked on the phone. "and paps has been so busy recently, they've really gotten him working as the 'mascot' for monsterkind." You were already feeling worried, as apparently Papyrus had been having some trouble with some humans who were being unfair and rude to him. Despite that, Papyrus brushed it off easily and went on his merry way like usual. Relief was what you felt then hearing that, as Papyrus always had a smile on his face. "I'm glad he is alright, but what about those people giving him trouble?" "dealt with them like usual." "Sans..." Sans laughed and confirmed he was joking around, but still; "last thing Frisk needs is you going 'bad time' on some poor soul. We still aren't completely in the clear, remember?" "I do, I do. Just wish they'd let me scare some poor schmucks, it was fun doing that. Heh, at least my fans think so." "Wait wha-" ANYWAY, what about you? How are you a Happsta doing?" Taking a glance, you saw him casually leave your bedroom, and responded back. "Fine, the same old glitter bot from underground." Sans hummed in response, moving his position on his own couch before continuing. "Heya, by the way. What are you up to?"

Watching the tv again, you yawned simply. "Nothing but watching trash tv. It's starting to slow down over here. You?" Sans too sighed; "bored to the bone, kiddo. And nothing but waiting for something exciting to happen." "Can relate..." The call ended soon, now you found yourself in silence aside from the television, you soon flopped back and laid on the couch without any more care in the world. 'Wonder what Met is up to.' Yawning, you stood up and left to your kitchen, getting a drink to help lift your mood. In your bedroom, Mettaton was fairing no better as he laid in bed as he read through one issue of a magazine. Flipping one page over, Mettaton finally stopped reading and let it fall off his hands and onto his lap as his interest just wasn't there. "Psh, and here I hoped my favorite subscriptions would at least be interesting. Sigh, and no doubt my dear (Name) is feeling any better. But how does one overcome such boredom?" He was silent as the gears in his head were left spinning, as he held his chin with his hand. "Hmm, going out maybe. But where and to do what?" Back with you, you drank comfortably on the loveseat back in your living room, boredom evident in your eyes as you kept thinking of things you could do. Easier said than done, as nothing sounded appealing. Moments later though, and you heard Mettaton come walking back into the room, seemingly in deep thought before his eyes found yours. "Hun? Are you feeling bored?"Nodding, you thought about simply laying back down on your couch again but Mettaton beat you to the punch. Taking a seat himself, he gestured over to you to join him which you did. Sitting down beside him, you two soon moved positions until finally you both were laying down, you atop Mettaton as you both snuggled up together. It wasn't anything special, but it would do for now.

"So, do you feel like doing anything for today?" He casually asked, giving you a chance to think before shrugging again. "Nothing. I don't know." Mettaton was silent for a few moments. "Maybe we can go out for a bit. Nowhere specifically but just to check around and see where the road takes us." Well, it was a start, and you two were soon off to get ready to leave.

(To be Continue)

[Authors note:]

Its been a while, dealing with school and the flu, I think I'm both exhausted and have less motivation. Still though, I never forgot that I wanted to continue these oneshots. Despite everything, reaching 200 total is still a goal of mine. Since 2019, assuming how far back I've worked since I started this book of oneshots for all to read if they wanted. Regardless, I know I will be trying to reach 200 and finish this book. It maybe sooner or later, but that's just what my goal is. The current situation isn't the best, as I still feel some fatigue, but far from unmanageable. When I'll release another story for this book, I can't say for sure, just that it will come out at some point or another.

I hope you enjoyed reading and thank you again.

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