Final Chapter: "Goodbye"

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This was it. The last run. After all that you had gone through, after all the hard work in saving as many lives as you could (and unfortunately had an indirect hand in taking) the pacifist ending was finished. 

No more secrets to find, no more monsters to save. No more need to fight or kill, it was now over as you finished your speech to humanity in the form of counsel asking to allow Monsters to live on the surface. 

Afterwards, your adopted sibling in Frisk joined you in leaving the negotiation room and returned to your friends and family with the hope your hard work had paid off. 

But after a month had gone by, you feared the worst and prepared to tell Asgore and Toriel that Monsters had to leave only to be told by one excited and tearful Undyne that they agreed. 

Now Monsters were free to live on the surface and in peace. In that moment, so caught up in the celebration with everyone else present, Mettaton couldn't contain his own excitement as the rectangle on sexy legs promptly grabbed your hands and began dancing with you to which you tried at first break away, but opted out and joined in once several others got involved and music began blasting on some speakers set up nearby, originally meant to announce what was happening to all the monsters present. 

Alphys was practically picked up off her feet by Undyne as the two rocked the night away, while Papyrus let it all out as Monster surrounded him and chanted his name as he did a number of sick dance moves on a makeshift dance floor. 

It was all so much fun, and a very important moment in your life which you immortalized when you had a photo taken of you, Mettaton, Asgore, Toriel, Undyne, Alphys, Frisk, Papyrus, Sans, Muffet, Grillby, Shyren, Napstablook and Flowey all together as one family.

That had been in the game though, and now you found yourself alone once more watching as the screen cut to black as the credits rolled. 

Watching the names of all those responsible for making the game go by, along with various cutscenes with the whole cast enjoying life on the surface, you eventually couldn't help but let the full emotion and wait of everything finally land on your shoulders as a tear gently rolled down your face. 

Happy for them, but sad it was over, you opted out of simply exiting out the screen and closing the tab, but instead let the background music continue to play as you mentally said goodbye to them. 

Finally reaching the end of it all, now back in the warm comfort of your bed as you felt the feeling of sleep take over your body and mind, you failed to notice the screen gave one last text box with the words: "Goodbye, Love. Sleep well." 

And with that, so came to the end of your latest and final adventure. 

Even through all the hardship, pain and sorrow, it seemed the light at the end of the tunnel was reached and it led to the surface where now love, happiness, and peace reigned supreme. 

With that, you felt satisfaction with your work and effort in place. 

But now was the time to return back to the real world and leave that fantastical one filled with humor and love, behind at last. 

Closing the final chapter of your book, you now look to the future and what your life may have in store for you now. 

So finally, you fell asleep as the dream world consumed you once again.

And with this, you had said your final goodbyes and readied yourself to continue the rest of your tale in your life.

The End.

(Author's final words:)

From the author of this book, I thank you to all those who have read up to the end and those who will read all or most of these in the near future. It was fun, though also frustrating, at times coming up with stories that felt satisficing and entertaining for this book. But I'm sure I deliver enough for it to be worth the long wait time. And with that, I reached my goal that I originally set in 2019 for this book, and that was to reach 200 total pages by the end. And here we are. By the time I type this, I myself am already nearing the end of my Highschool year and soon will be opening a new chapter in my own life. What ever the future may hold for me, I have no clue, nor if I'll be ready for it. But regardless, I intend to face it and grow regardless.

Again, thank you for reading. Will this by the last book of its kind? Likely not, as still being a fan of this sexy bot, I can't help but imagine going beyond 200. But its a stretch, so for now I'll leave it as is. That's all from me, so thank you again and I hoped you enjoyed.

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