Mettaton's Backstory (headcannon perception)

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Happstablook once dreamed of something. Dreamed of something they cared for deeply, and for much of his early life they kept said dream in mind. Then one day, when the unexpected happened and they first met their best friend. It was honestly surreal being able to have a body to call their own. One that was of his own desire, but more importantly would allow for his dream to become reality. They loved music, they also loved opera. They have read about movie stars, about about actors. They had learned of how they were treated, respected and revered. And yet they had done it. Though coming from a humble background, not that rich nor exactly poor; even though they were from a minor family unit- they had big abutions, and dreams to go along with them. They not only wanted to play the part, but be the part. They saw how monsters felt in their daily lives. How bored they were. How they lacked a idol to look up to. How they struggled to find much meaning, let alone a reason to smile. It was all obvious to them, clear as day with the sad smiles and words which played from the echo flowers within Waterfall.

Monsters needed a idol, a monster who could bring smiles and joy to the people. And they, Happstablook, would be that monster. That idol. Their star. So determined in this, Happstablook continued to imagine and dream while working on their families snail farm. It was simple work, but they always did their best doing it as they always believed in not just doing a good job, but also putting on a show with it. With that mentality in mind, Happsta often found themselves working the farm alone as their cousin Blooky was still quite young. Happsta dotted on their younger cousin, seeing them as a adorable sibling needing protecting. This had lead to Happsta always going out with Blooky by their side, teaching them to care for snails and even teaching them how to float. Each moment they kept near and dear to their heart, with each as precious as the very last one.

When the one day finally came, and Alphys first appeared in 'his' life it had been surreal. Happsta's club they had set was a failure, but Alphys soon came across it and the duo because fast friends. For a time, the two were inseparable with Alphys being just as ambitious as Happsta was. Both wanted to help monster kind in their own ways. Both wanted to improve their lives and make a name for themselves. And both saw the other as a bridge way to it. Alphys had offered to make a body for the inspiring ghost before, while the duo discussed the latest in womens fashion, during which Happsta commented on a page depicting high heels and had amazing they looked. Alphys soon came with an idea and after presenting it to Happsta, they instantly agreed and soon Alphys was at work.

A year went by, but soon it was ready and Alphys aid Happsta in their new body and functions. It was a fantastic moment and one neither would forget. Soon Alphys found herself as royal scientists, something she had dreamed from a young age and now here she was. Mettaton too, had reached his dream, and became a star. And with that, the duo had reached their height. But soon, both would see their falls. Alphys, involved in the Almalgament experiments, fell into a deep sadness which left her unable to coup with the burden of the job, soon forcing her into self exile in the lab, ending up all alone. Mettaton, for their part, grew worried and attempted to see their friend. Unfortunately, she made no effort in meeting with them and soon they gave up and left. It hurt. It hurt so bad that they focused his time on stardom and being a idol.

It helped, but a nagging feeling of their mind still never fully over what happened, and how it all seemed to fall apart so suddenly. Once they was safely at home, Mettaton soon made their final move and left behind the life  they' once had, for the life they always dreamed. That didn't makes aids move any less difficult or painful. Despite it all, Happsta still cared for Blooky, but after so long, he assumed Blooky would only hate him forever and would never want anything to do with him ever again. Little did they know that fate would have other things planned for him.

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