My Last Tale~ 2

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By Rey

Once home, you two returned home again where you went right back to chatting. As if no time had passed since you two last spoke again, it felt like you were home once again. You two chatted about your lives thus far, how you two spent your time after you last saw one another, and how your work was. Eventually, you two ended up watching TV together on the couch, ironically even watching his latest episode he had taken apart as one of the main characters. He was an actor and was quickly becoming famous. It honestly amazed you and you couldn't help but give him a tight hug. You were honestly so happy too. Time went by, slowly as you sat side by side as you both watched the episode play. Eventually, it came to an end, and you praised Metta, to which he dramatically thanked the non-existent audience and you for the praise. Later, you offered your spare room which he took up and went ahead to get settled, meanwhile you went ahead to get ready for tomorrow. Soon, you two went off to sleep, each in your own rooms though neither of you could sleep right away. As you both eventually felt the need to rest, you thought of the other until finally, sleep took over.


A year later, you two held the others' hands as you both left the theater you had just spent your first date at. You two had smiles on your faces, and you two soon found yourselves in the park near the center of town. You two wandered through, taking your time to talk, and eventually found a bench to sit on. Hardly anyone was walking or wondering about, leaving you two in peace to yourselves. Giving the other a kiss, you nuzzled and embraced each other. A short while later, you two came home and spent the rest of the evening having dinner, made by you, some television, and finally to bed. In the same bed.


Several years later, you two were once again in the same park as before, on your latest date after spending so long together. You two walked hand in hand, eventually approaching the fountain itself where you took a step on and walked alongside Mettaton who remained off. You both smiled at one another and continued on until reaching the other side, and hopped off. Walking either side of each other, then finally stopped as you turned to face one another. You smiled at one another, especially so as you felt the small package in your pocket rub against your leg. Then, you got down on one knee, causing Mettaton to freeze. Then, you reached a hand and pulled out a small black box. One which fits in the palm of your hand. Using the other, you opened it up, showcasing an adorable ring, one that shined in the light of the moon, with a nice jewel that adored it. "Happstablook... we have spent several years now, several years of our life, together. Now... I ask you, will you... be the star of my light, and marry me?" Silence followed, then a quiet voice. "Yes. Yes, I will." Sliding the ring on his ring finger, then you stood up and embraced him. Tears of happiness soon followed.


Bell rang from above, as many stood by and watched. Their eyes trained at the altar, where two stood before a priest and smiled at one another. "Dearly beloved. We have gathered here today to witness the betrothal between Happstablook Mettaton, and (Name) (Last Name). For any who may oppose this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." SIlence.

"Then we shall begin..."

Finally, the big moment came after much anticipation. "Now, you may kiss the (Bride/Groom)." You two instantly touched lips, while everyone else in the room cheered for you two. Behind Metta, his best man named Napstablook stood there with happy tears in his eyes and applauded, though was otherwise silent. Later that same day, you soon found yourselves in your new home while others watched you two leave. Once there, you two enjoy the time between yourselves. (Up to you what you two do~ ; ) A new chapter of your life had opened, while a previous one finally closed.


"DAD!!! (MOM/DAD)!!! Wake up!" You felt a heavyweight suddenly land on your shared bed, causing a groan to escape your lips as you glance with one eye towards your child, Impact. He stared angrily at you two, pouting with his two different colored eyes. Impact had been born with both your traits, one darker pink for Impact, the other (color) from you. He was already past his toddler stage, yet just as energetic as he was before. Staring at the angry pouty face of the child, you couldn't help the smile come to your face as you sat up. "Okay. Okay, hun. We're up, we'r-" You both went silent as a loud snore was heard. Turning towards the other side of the bed, Impact

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