Scenario: Sleepless Night

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Thank you to Littleknightmare for your suggestion and experience.

(Brief Warning: The following is about a serious condition that many deal with, so bear that in mind. I hope I did those who go through this with justice, or at least with respect. Enjoy your read. )

How Mettaton Helps with Insomnia.

At first, Mettaton didn't seem to notice. The occasional sleepless night was something that many went through, including himself to a degree. So in the beginning of your romance, he failed to notice right away. It wouldn't be until later when, upon waking early he noted your absence from your bed. Of course Mettaton wasn't too worried, at first, until he happened to find you sitting alone (either at the edge of your bed, or in your living room or table) with exhaustion clear on your face. Worried for you, he brought it up and was careful to ask his questions carefully, not knowing what the problem could be, he wanted to brace himself. Nightmares were one that instantly popped up, followed by fear or stress. Eventually you said what was happening, and how you had been given a diagnosis by a doctor on just what was happening. If in the case you weren't sure yourself, then he would wait until later when you were fully awake and clear before leaving your home to the doctors office. Once he learned of your condition, and how long it had been affecting you (either from a few days to a week) or Chronic (which can last for a few days in a row, past a week and into months) he would feel devastated and concerned for your well being.

But not one to give into despair, he asked what could be done. Thankfully, many solutions were offered to help (some more obvious or simple whilst others would take time to get used to, but still work.).

(Short Term Insomnia)

Getting back home, Mettaton set to work in an attempt to make your life easier, even if you tried to say otherwise. But he wouldn't have it. If it was because of work making you stressed, he would be by your side and help you with it or do it himself. College or maybe School? By your side (or maybe even doing your homework which would force you to stop him at last). Family drama? He was quick to assure you everything was alright and that your family bond (or your bond with him) was and always will be too strong to break. Is it where you're living? Then he would set to work making your place much like your previous home or somewhere you held much comfort in being in. Depending on just what it was, he would go above and beyond to make you comfortable.

If none of the above were needed, or you simply told him as such, he instead went basic as possible and provided you with anything to help you relax. Tea, a comforter, books to read, download audio meant to create a relaxing ambience. He would do it and try to ensure you could rest well at night. He would also get some help from your friends and family, just to make sure he wasn't overdoing it or missing something that could help.

(Chronic Insomnia)

If long term, Mettaton would buckle down and like as said above, would set to work in making your home environment comfortable for you. He would help set up a proper sleeping schedule to ensure you got enough sleep (even if your job had you get up in the middle of the night to go to work, he would refuse them and tell the boss that your health and well being were more important than what he wanted from you.) When the time came to rest, Mettaton provided you with several sleep diaries, meant to write down your experiences. Medication he would keep tabs on, eventually trusting you to do just that whilst he handled the day to day life and managing the house.

Regardless of which condition, Mettaton would be there to help along the way. The worry he had at the beginning would be replaced by willingness and determination to help you through your condition. If somehow none of the other comfort items he brought were enough, then he would more then happily offer himself up to assist you. Cuddles? You better believe. A calming hum or lullaby? No problem. Just his presence by your side as he held you close in bed? You both ended up asleep and soon you found yourself feeling more alive and awake like never before. And it was all thanks to him. And your appreciation for Mettaton only grew stronger as a result.

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