Time at the Carnival~

358 13 12

(FInal Idea, for now, was suggested by

"NYEH HEHEHE!!! LOOK AT WHAT I MANAGED TO WIN SANS!?!" Papyrus held in his hands a large MTT brand plush as he looks at his brother proudly, hugging it tightly. Sans smiled at his brother, glad that he was having fun for himself. Sans: "Nice one bro, I'm honestly plush of you." He winked which led to papyrus's eyes bugging out and him snapping back. Papyrus: "SANS!!!" Toriel let out a giggle after she heard it and stood near the two skeleton brothers, with Asgore standing near her with a hopeful smile on his face. Meanwhile, Undyne was busy dominating the game of which involved knocking bottles down with a ball. The player had to do it at least three times in a row to win with their also being at least three extra balls to use. But from what you saw, she didn't really need any extra ones to use as pone after another, the piles were knocked down until there were no bottles even left on the table they once stood on. Undyne shouted 'Yes!' while throwing out a fist bump into the air in triumph while Alphys clapped her hands in applaud. Alphys: "Y-Yea! You did g-great Undyne!" Undyne's triumphant grin only grew as she got back from the game's owner plushy of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie. Undyne instantly handed to Alphys who gasped then smiled brightly and hugged Undyne who happily returned the hug back as they cuddled each other.

Napstablook and Shyren were busy listening to the music as they nodded their heads to the beat, enjoying it with a small smile on their faces. You and Frisk were already trying out several rides and had gotten to the carousel that was there. You got on a dragon while Frisk hoped on a Lion, you both giggling away as you got ready for the ride to start. You both watched on as several parents and their kids got on their own animals and were buckled in. A couple also joined in a took a seat on one of the few double seat animals, which happened to be an Asian dragon.

You gripped onto the pole that went right through the middle of your dragon and patiently waited when Metta showed up. Mettaton: "Hello darling~!" He came walked up to you and brought you into a tight embrace which you happily returned with a huge smile then a kiss on his cheek. (You): "Hey Metta! You joining us?" Mettaton nodded in response. Mettaton: "Of course darling~! This place is perfect for me to pose~! Observe~" Mettaton takes a seat on a horse then he grips the pole with one hand while allowing his body to lean back and stretch one leg out and leave it standing up, showing it off to all nearby. He placed one elbow on the back of the horse and laid his head on his balled-up fist as he smirked at you. Mettaton: "See~? Don't I look great~?" You only sighed and shook your head but still ended up with a smile on your face. (You): "You always look good no matter what you do." Mettaton: "Aww, thank you~!" He then started striking several new poses... some were a little ... naughty? Yea, naughty is all you would say about some of them, to say the least. Unfortunately, he was getting a little too into posing and not being careful.

The ride started and by this time Mettaton was almost standing up and on his knees, striking another pose with his tongue out. You were busy laughing at this time and enjoying your Bf antics when you suddenly noticed something... The pole holding the horse, that he was on, that kept it in place plus allowed it to rise and fall was starting to break as you heard the sound of thin metal be slowly split apart and a small popping sound of screws being pulled and then broken in two. YOu're eyes widen and you reached out to Metta to stop him but you were a few feet away, the ride was still going and you were strapped in. (You): "Um, Metta? You-re horse-"
Mettaton: "What Darling?" Mettaton spoke up as he now stood on the horse. Suddenly, a loud snap followed by a bang could be heard then a scream which came from Mettaton as he fell with the horse onto the ground in one of the most cartoonish falls you ever saw...

There was silence, silence aside from the music produced by the carousel, the rides nearby, the sound of hydraulic and parts that helped move the now ruined horse still going. Then a new sound joined them, it was laughter and it had quickly grown. Who was laughing? You were and you doubt you would ever stop. You struggle to even see soon enough s tears soon clouded your eyes as you looked away to try and control your laughter. All you could see now was a completely frozen, yet still shocked Mettaotn laying on the floor with the now destroyed horse just next to him. Mettaton then sat up and blink only to then blush brightly in embarrassment as he saw you laughing at him. He pouted and crossed his arms at you but continued to remain quiet. You WISHED you had your phone so you could have filmed that... it was so funny. Finally, after one long laughing fit, with a few quick chuckles in between your breaths for air and calming down, you turned to Metta and grinned at him. (You): "And that is why I love you! You make me happy and laugh!" Hearing this Mettaotn stopped pouting and just started to laugh with you now as you thought of the scene again in your heads, with no care in the world. Though, you knew deep down that Mettaton would have to repay the owners for the damages.

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