"I'll try to heal your broken heart."

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Falling into the Underground had been an interesting experience for you to say the least. You had fallen in and had made your way throw the empty caverns and found much in your time walking throw, including a home in the ruins that had once belonged to a woman, simply known as Toriel. You' ed also found her robes and "remains" as you left. Your next in a set of interesting encounters was with a skeleton named Sans, who at first was a little hostile until you revealed you were no threat, had introduced you to their new "king". In order to preserve order and stability, not to mention keep order, the Undergrounds sole celebrity named Mettaton became King. This did preserve the monarchy to an extinct but meant that an egotistical and seemingly self-centered person to rule over. 

Anyway, when you finally went and meat the King himself, Mettaton, you were welcomed to join his "fan-club". Apparently, the King had a unique fascination with humans and their many qualities. You personally saw nothing special at being human in all honesty, but this did mean you were already on the King's good side without having to do much of a thing... except answering any questions he had about humans and their fashion, films, and other celebrities relate facts (at least what you know). There were also questions about the more physical and bio side of humans. 

Anyway, after joining Mettaton's fan club, you started becoming close to the King, you two acted like friends, always talking about whatever was on each other's minds. You soon became an advisor of sorts, not officially, but you had some influence on the King's decisions and were someone he turned to for opinions. After a while, you learned that while he was this cheerful and entertaining celebrity in front of thousands, behind the scenes, he was in fact, quite sad. Sans had hinted and later explained the loss of the former royal scientist and now he sorta served the role, along with secret service, along with his brother Papyrus.

Today, you were currently making your routes through Snowdin, the King sending you to "make sure my Darling fans are doing fabulously!". Snowdin wasn't your favorite place to go, it wasn't anything inherently wrong with it, it was just too cold sometimes. Thankfully, it wasn't so bad now, you could at least wear a sweater at least. As you made your way thru, you spotted Grillby's in the distance and decided to head on in and have a quick bite. (You didn't get the chance to have breakfast this morning thanks to your beloved King rushing you, saying that, 'the Kingdom is more important than an empty stomach' and that was that.)

Heading in you were greeted by the regular patrons of the pub, all providing simple greetings. Sans sat in his usual spot, his nice suit and tie a little disheveled and untied. Sans paused once you had entered and he turned to face you. "Hey kiddo, morning routine?" "Yea didn't even get a chance to eat..." As you say this, your stomach rumbles, you both just barley hear it and Sans just grin while you choose to ignore it. "Well, you've come to the right place in order to catch a bight." You simply nodded and sat on the stool right next to him, sighing in relief as now your feet were free to relax. 

Grillby placed the glass he was cleaning down and turned to face you. "........ .........  ......... ?" "Yea Grillby, another day without breakfast... Why does he do this to me." You groan and face plant on the counter. "....... ....... .....?" "Yea, that will be fine." Grillby nods and turns away, into the back. "So kiddo, what do you plan on doing later on today?" "Organizing MTTs next few stage performances..." 

"That's rough kid..." 

"I know..."

An hour or so passes and you received your (Food of choice) and continue your small talk with Sans. You too helped one another including Sans work in the Lab. Sans had also been working on MTT himself and gave him new upgrades. You were there to help, however, due to your lack of knowledge, Sans had to teach you and give you a few tips about handling certain things. Now Mettaton had you handle his maintenance, plus upgrades which were rare and thankfully, nothing you couldn't handle. You also helped with organizing certain events for the King. Parties and the like. Anywho, the pub was mostly quiet and you continued eating while Sans began drinking... Ketchup? What the heck? How is that even... ...nevermind...

Then, out of nowhere, the pub door burst open, causing everyone to jump from their seats. Everyone turned and there stood sweating yet still well organized and well-dressed Papyrus, standing there, breathing heavily.  "H-HUMAN! THE KING REQUIRES YOUR PRESENCE, IMMEDIATELY!!!" You groan and are about to stand up, only to be dragged away by the Skeleton, forced to drop some gold on the counter to pay for the food and say goodbye to Sans as you quickly disappear through the door. You eventually make it to the river-person and without much time to talk, Papyrus says your heading to Hotland without much of a word. And as soon as you arrive, you (Or more rather Papyrus) race through the lab and the rest of Hotland, MTT resort, and arrived at "New Home". Finally, after being dragged through almost the whole of the Underground, you burst into the throne room, only to be met by a rather wide-eyed, and sitting Mettaton. 

"Um, thank you, Darling... But when I said to 'inform them to return to the castle immediately' I didn't mean 'drag them here'." 

"Oh... right... Sorry, human." 

You finally manage to get up after the rough trip you took and dust yourself off. "It's fine Papy, just next time, be more careful." 
"I will." 

Papyrus then takes a bow before turning away and running off, elsewhere. You then turned to Mettaton as he still stood there. He, of course, was in his Ex form, wearing a Crown, just the right size for his head with his normal shoulder pads with a cap.  He also was holding a scepter of sorts, only for show but for little else. 

"Well, anyway... what is it you need now your majesty?" You followed up with a slight bow. Mettaton paused before giving you a sad smile. What? Mettaton then turned away but motioned for you to follow him out of the room. You followed, no questions asked. Mettaton was quieter than usual. Normally he would be rather loud, showing off, bragging, or just something. But here, he was quiet. It was rare for him to be like this unless he was sleeping or charging. As you followed, you entered the Garden which he had kept, 'in tribute to the fallen and beloved King Asgore', who you learned had been killed by the 7th human to fall down here. Now he was gone. Only a statue, plus similar-looking structures were built and set around the castle, plus the other regions of the Underground. 

The Garden itself was well maintained, mostly by a gardiner Mettaton had hired and paid well to keep the garden upkeep. However, Asgore statue (Which was around the size of the man himself) wasn't the only one, a smaller statue existed which you soon found out after you arrived was the former Royal Scientist (Plus former best friend of MTT) Alphys. Upon hearing the news, it broke your heart, especially after hearing how he tried to fix his relationship with the scientist, only to find she was gone. It honestly saddened you to hear that.

You snapped out of you trans and focused back on MTT, who was now standing in front of the small, yet life-like statue of his former friend/creator. It was honestly heartbreaking, to say the least. He stood there, still as a board, arms at his side, cap hardly moving after he stopped walking. His pink eyes glued onto the statue. You stood there watching this for what seemed like hours until you heard someone begin sobbing. This only increased as time passed and you stood still, realizing that oily tears were beginning to come from your king's eyes. He sniffles. This moment seemed to last seconds, which turned to minutes, by which time, he pulled out a handkerchief and blew his nose with it, which in all honesty was unnecessary but you weren't going to point that out, not now especially. 

It seemed MTT forgot you were there because as soon as he turned and saw you, he jumped. "O-oh right... Sorry, Darling... I-I was just... Thinking..." He says this as he turns to face the statue once again. Streaks of tears now down his face, with Mettaton hardly keeping his composure. You couldn't stand this, not watching him like this. You finally approached MTT, and with some hesitation, hugged the star, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him close. You felt him stiffen up, only to sob some more but wrap his own arms around you.

Mettaton: "T-thank you Darling" 

You: "Your welcome Mettaton, and don't worry. I'll try to heal your broken heart."

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