The Star that never was.

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Happstablook x Reader

Awaking alone in your room, you stared outside as the sun rose up from above the horizon. As the branches swayed gently to the breeze, a few birds chirped happily away before taking flight. Soon getting up and managing a quick stretch, you staggered out of your room and to your bathroom to clean yourself up. The cool water helps wake you, but not by much. Soon cleaned and freshened up, you left your bathroom and prepared to leave and head off to work. Much later and you held a piece of toast in your mouth, while closing your front door with your free hands. Stepping back, you checked your home and thought if you had everything. Quickly figuring you did have everything to go, you went ahead to retrieve your bike and off you went. Like every other day, the streets were mostly empty except for the occasional car which drove by. A few monsters were out and wandering, while the only known human, Kris and his friend Susie, wandered into the past. Noticing them at the same time they spotted you, you shared a simple wave before moving on with your days. Soon enough you pulled into the parking lot of where you currently worked, unfortunately an office job which involved spending much of your time inside. Parking your bike along the bike rack, you chained your bike safely, before turning and going on inside. 'So begins another boring day.'

By that afternoon, you were eager to leave already. Finishing off the day by filing some last minute paperwork, you went ahead and got ready to leave. A short while later and you were currently driving along the sidewalk. You decided that along the way, you'd make one quick stop at the small grocery store and pick up a couple things. The guy running the small shop, named Sans, was pretty funny with the puns. It came in sight just as you were thinking some puns up, and soon the cycle repeated, with you chaining your bike up before heading inside. The Cool air coming from the AC united greeted you, and was a welcomed feeling as the cool air touched your skin. Feeling the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, you instantly got used to the temperature and off you began to search around. You noticed a few others there, among them being a member of staff from the school in the form of Toriel, along with a ghost, and even a deer-like monster, a girl. Paying them no mind, you soon had what you wanted and reached the counter. There, Sans took a step on a short stool and greeted you with his usual smile. "Ay Kiddo; got the usual?" "You bet.." you said lazily, before placing your bag of items down before removing them from the bag. "Yup, you know it." Sans shrugged as he began placing the items, scanning them before placing them back in the bag. The total came up around- "100 Gs" you laughed, shaking your head before giving him only around 20. "Nice try." you said in a fake, 'caught ya' tone. Sans shrugged; "Was worth a shot." Before you knew it, you struck up a conversation with Sans, each of you sharing one pun after another. "I can't believe it, really. How can you keep riding that bike for so long? Doesn't it get 'wheely' tiring after a while?" You shrugged, grinning as the pun you couldn't wait to give, surfaced. "Simple, I take a 'brake' after a long ride." Snickers follow suit, including from Toriel who was just around the corner and hidden within a asle.

Sans continued with; "Guess that makes you the master of bikers, ay?" Clearly Sans was trying to think of a pun to finish with, but you beat him to the punch. "Yeah, though my handlebars are a problem.... They just tick me off, ya know? But I really need to get a 'grip'." "Ayyyy-" "Ayyy!" And soon ended another several minutes of horrible puns and laughter all around, but once again you were on the way home. However, as you were about to pass the last house before the Flower King's Shop, you paused for a moment as you began to hear it. Slowly coming to a halt, you pulled off the road and near a bench where you leaned your bike against. Next you took a glance around, wondering where you were hearing the singing from when you figured it was coming from the Ghost's home. The Blooks, as their last part of their name, were mostly quiet and kept to themselves. Though apparently, there were two who lived there currently, one being Napstablook and the other known simply as Happstablook. 'I wonder;' and so you made your approach. While it was getting fairly late, there still was enough sun to see around and so you walked up through the grass before stopping. Pausing, you could still hear the voice, now much more easily, sing from behind the door. It was flawless, probably worthy of stardom to whoever it belonged to. Without realizing it, you had begun leaning against the door to hear more. You became so caught up in the music, you failed to realize that your feet were in an awkward position, and so you took a quick and sudden tumble forward; running smack into the door. A loud bang echoed, and what followed was a painfully silent quiet. Instantly you froze up, unwilling to move in the vain hope of not being noticed. Yet at the sametime, what if you were caught? Without missing a beat you stood up and raced towards and hopped on your bike, then off you went. Daring not to look back, you failed to notice the figure with one eye visible, watching silently as you rode off. The figure, shy and timid, silently floated down and disappeared from view.


The next few days had followed the pattern of before, however each time you went by that same house, you felt tension rise and thoughts swirl around your head. Have you been spotted? Did they think you were a thief? Did they even see you? Why didn't they say anything? So without wasting much time, you continued to speed up and race past the Blook's home. But it seemed this cycle wasn't meant to last, as one day while repeating it once again, you were unfortunate enough not to notice the rather sharp rock then proceeded to screech to a sudden halt before your bike could go forward and throw you off. "Tch, crap." You saw your tire begin to deflate, and soon it was an empty, rubber balloon. Feeling the frustration hit, you muttered to yourself while wheeling your bike back by its rear tire. Along the way, you decided to take a break and rest, though where you did almost convinced you to keep going. The bench, just across from the Blook's home. Finding a seat on the far end, you laid your wounded bike to rest and sat idly by. With the cool autumn breeze passing through, you admired the beauty as a few leaves fell from above and seemed to sway on the way down. 'Would make for a nice picture;' you thought, not noticing the same figure from days before had spotted you and was now watching silently from their room on the second floor.

After a while you soon prepared to move on again, and thus triggered the pink figure to disappear and enter their space on the second floor. There, they reached for their nightstand with a microphone and lamp, and picked up a simple diary which rested alone there. What followed was their pen moving across a set of pages, each filled to the brim of elegant words and phrases, stage names, and other such desires. Soon completing their work, they placed their diary back before looking outside once again, only to see you gone. The figure sighed before moving on to begin planning, daydreaming , and just wishing to be something more than what they were now.


With being off from work, you decided to just wander the woods near the lake. It was a nice enough day to do so, and without much else to do you were midway through your walk. Just as you were about to start heading towards one of the benches, you paused as your eyes caught sight of a pair of ghosts using one of the tables. One, Napstablook, and the other, a pink one with a noticeable bit of hair with a small bow on their head. Quickly hiding behind a tree, you began to question just why you were doing this before you took a peek. It seemed the duo were getting ready to leave, and so you let out a sigh of relief. Sadly, life didn't seem to agree and instead of letting you off the hook, you checked again only to spot Napstablook looking back at you from afar. "Oh no-"

(To Be Continued)

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