Scenario: Birthdays

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How Mettaton celebrates your special day!

Birthdays are treated like a big event with Mettaton. And not just how your typical family might celebrate a special day, with a party at home and much of your immediate family present. No, instead with someone like Mettaton it becomes the event of a neighborhood. He makes sure to invite friends and family to attend, has a stage with the finest performers he can get (including a final act with him, Napstablook and Shyren). The Party is pretty big, normally taking up the whole inside of your house and backyard (if you have one) where you all celebrate your birthday. To make it more sweet, Mettaton also takes the chance to refer to it as your anniversary as the start of a new year of getting to love you (his romantic/mushy side is on full display and he can't help himself.)

The house is fully decorated, Mettaton often hiring a whole team to help prep the house whilst he has Sans, Papyrus or Frisk take you away to surprise you later when you return. If you are not one for surprises (as much as he would love to so the surprised look on your face), he would instead simply welcome you home while standing outside with the whole family. From there, you two would party like never before (until your next birthday) and celebrate by doing things you and Mettaton would like, either dancing, games, etc. A dance floor is also installed for you to boogie down. If you're not one for any attention (or just not a party animal in general) Mettaton wouldn't force you to and stick close by your side to keep you from feeling overwhelmed.More than likely you'd spend time speaking with your guests or just enjoying one another's company.

When it comes time for the cake, Mettaton would do a number of things;

Either A: He made the cake himself, making sure it was a mix of your two favorite flavors with your favorite colors with a beautiful ornament on top of him in his Ex form.

B: Hire the finest baker around (usually Toriel) to make the cake with much the same requirements as mentioned above.

C: He would simply have a massive cake brought in with him inside it. (This one always causes much embarrassment on your end and leads you wanting to punish him in some way for it).

Once the cake was out of the way, Mettaton would present you with his gifts first. Despite how dramatic and self-centered he seemed to be, Mettaton made sure to pay close attention to whatever it was you wanted. A new pair of shoes you two happened to cross by? Mettaton was already writing down on a notepad and later leaving to get it without you knowing. Wanted a new console for games? Heh, already ordered at least a week in advance. A new car? You better believe it would be waiting safely outside for you two to walk out and see it. If you wanted it, he would get it for you.

Above is what he would do if you wanted a big birthday party. Or at least one where you could manage and have a fun time. But if you didn't? If you didn't feel comfortable with that many people around, then he would make it simple. It may not have all the glitz and glamor that came with a Party he would want, but since you wanted it then he would be happy to make it. A simple get together with your family and friends, and not a whole neighborhood? Of course. Staying inside to watch movies or play some party games? He has you covered. The only thing that wouldn't change would be him getting presents for you, nor the cake and decorations. He wouldn't want a typical and boring party, he would want it to be special and memorable.

Ultimately, whatever you two decide to do for your birthday, you two would always end up alone together after the party was over and your guests had left. You both embraced one another at the end of the night and shared some cuddles as his warmth comforted you. Nothing topping that day, not until valentines, Christmas, thanksgiving or your next birthday (but still, it's the thoughts and memories that count).

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