A Drunken Night

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(Original Idea: From Me)

Staggering with the bottle in hand, Mettaton found himself wandering alone one evening from the MTT Hotel one autumn night and over to his close-friend's (and love interest), (Reader's) home. As a long month of filming had wrapped up, alongside a solely performance from the previous night had left the star feeling drained and unable to handle the overflow and exhaustion, he had taken to drinking to help cure his woes. Unfortunately, it only numbed the feeling of stress, but the star was unwilling to change and find another way as he needed a quick outlet regardless. No, instead he found himself quite drunk and was wandering around his personal hotel sweet before he left on his own accord. It was late, so hardly anyone was out. This was good, as it meant Mettaton wouldn't risk his image being spoiled by his drunken state being discovered. Instead he was now walking along the sidewalk, until an idea came to his juiced up mind. 'What if I visit- (Reader) tonight?' and so he began on his short trip to your home. He was lucky, again, that your home was only a short walk away, a couple minutes or more.

Stopping just outside of your home, the star nearly fell off your small porch and into the large bushes flanking either side of your front door, though he caught himself before he could. Glancing down at his bottle, he had already gone just past the halfway point but still had some left. Sighing in annoyance that he would soon run out, he shrugged and gagged before knocking firmly on the door. A brief pause, then he knocked again. Then again. Then for a third, fourth, the fifth time. Each time growing louder and louder until finally he saw the lights from the windows turn on, and the front door unlock. Swinging open, the star's eyes landed on a rather upset, tired, very annoyed and sleep deprived, (Name) standing there with your arms crossed. "Metta? Do you have any Idea how late it is?" The star shrugged, his eyes nearly falling closed as he struggled to stand still. "And- is that alcohol!?" Realization clicked before suddenly Mettaton slumped forward, his whole body clumping down on yours. His head ends up on your chest, hands around your hips, while on his knees. You nearly fell backwards but just barely saved yourself as Mettaton landed on you.

Feeling anger build up, you struggled to hold your tongue back and shoving Mettaton off you. 'It's too late for this.' You thought as you struggled carrying Mettaton inside your home. Dragging him in, you managed to finally drop him on your couch before closing your front door, then went off to the kitchen to get some water. Coming back, you saw Mettaton looking upset about something with the offending bottle still trapped in his hand. The star gazed down towards the floor, looking dejected before he took another violent swing of the bottle. Sighing, you took a seat beside Mettaton, the star turning towards you as a smile came to his face. "D-Darling! *Hiccup* I-I am- *Hiccup* soooooooooooo DRUNK!!!" You thought of the idea of just tossing Metta out of the house, then going to bed with ear mumps but reframed for now. "I noticed," you said full of sarcasm; "And just why in the name of Toby Fox are you drunk off your bolts?" The star shrugged before he let out a girlish squeal and picked you right up. Placing you then on his lap, he nuzzled his nose on your neck as he embraced you. "B-Because- *Burp*!" You scrunch up your face, unknowingly, at the horrible smell of booze. 'Maybe throwing him outside is worth it;' you thought to yourself as the star began to babble away, managing to say everything in an unknown language, said language being complete nonsense. He finally stopped and pouted while looking at you. "D-Darling?"

"What..." you deadpanned, hoping that this was just a nightmare of some kind. "I-I wanna KNOW... Do you H- *Hiccup* a crush one SomeONe!?" That left you stunned, and questioning why he wanted to know this. But what he said next left you with whiplash. "C-Cause I LOOOVVVVEEEEE *HICCUP* YOU!!!" he sang cheerfully, kissing your cheek which only made your face redden more. "OKAY!!!" You quickly managed to sneak out of his grip, the star whining as you did so, and snatched the bottle from his hand. "W-WHAIT!!! I'm NOT done with THAT!!" Mettaton whined, falling to his knees as he grabbed the front of your shirt. "No, you're too drunk!" "G-Give it back_" A Hiccup before he gazed up at you in arguably the most seductive face ever; biting his lower lip, eye nearly closed, hair tousled, teary eyed, blushing, he continued with; "Please? I've been a good bot~"

Your face was scarlet from that, but thankfully before you had to say or do anything, Mettaton's whole body slumped forward and you instantly realized he was out cold. Feeling a huge wave of relief wash over you, you quickly realized that now you had not only been confessed to, BUT NOW had to care for a very grumpy and hungover Mettaotn in the morning! SHOOT!!


The following morning, mettaton awoke with the biggest headache in his life. It was as if a hammer had slammed into his head repeatedly and now he was left staggering up from the couch. A couch? Then Mettaton realized he wasn't in his hotel room but someone else's. Panic set in for a moment, wondering if he had been kidnapped but soon everything became clear as he realized he had been there before. Thinking it over, he now realized he was at your house! How did he- His question was seemingly answered by the sight of a wine bottle atop the table in the room. Clearly he may have drank a little too much of his brand of alcohol. 'But it tasted wonderful, in my defense;' he thought before he struggled his way into the kitchen. There he witnessed the rather attractive sight of you, hard at working and making breakfast. Eggs, Bacon and Pancakes the main course. You hummed a tune as the light from outside poured in from the window, while the coffee machine hummed filling a mug with its contents.

Seemingly noticing his appearance, you turned and smiled at Mettaton before waving. "Morning Met! Here, have a seat. I'm almost done." Mettaton did so, still stunned at what was happening before the plate was placed before him. He then glanced up at you again as you went back to fix your own plate. "Just let me know if you want more, okay?" Mettaton seemingly had hearts in his eyes, a small goofy smile on his face as he thought- 'OMTF, what (Husband/Wife) material!!!' Soon he dug into his food while you soon finished in the kitchen, then sat at the table and began to eat. As Mettaton munched away happily, you were busy trying to figure out how to avoid the awkward conversation on what happened last night. You hoped he would forget, but life didn't seem to be fair to you as Mettaton spoke up. "So darling," he began, "I noticed I woke up here last night." You froze but gave a slight nod to confirm. "Did I say anything to you while drunk?"

"Well..." Glancing away, you wondered if you should or shouldn't tell him.

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