Family Meeting

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Pacifist Ending

Nerve racking was the only thing you could feel at that very moment, as was expected considering the occasion you were with your love and soon to be husband, Mettaton would be letting you meet his family for the first time. It was something you both had given some time to think over, before finally planning ahead and setting the small event up. It took place at Mettaton's home residence within Newer home, on the surface. From what Mettaton had told you, all his cousins would be attending. "How many (Cousins) do you have?!" "At least 4, dear. All Ghost though only three have a body to call their own. They are all really nice once you get to know them, dear." Shrugging simply you went along with the divia as he made his way to his front door, pulling out his keys along the way. Waiting some few feet behind him, you tried to keep the fear off bay by looking around for anything interesting to distract you. Unfortunately the moment of peace was over as quickly as it began, as Mettaton gave you the heads up. "Come Darling, destiny awaits." "Drama Queen." Following him inside, you two approached his living room where several voices were heard. Stepping inside, mettaton proudly exclaimed; "HELLO DARLINGS! HOW ARE MY FAVORITE COUSINS!?!"

"We're you're only cousins, moron." "Hey to you too, big mouth." "Hello... Metta...." ".... .... ...."

Looking around you were surprised to see a pair of dummies, a ghost floating just above the couch, and an anime girl. The four were all giving you different reactions as they stared at you. "Who's the brat?" The more torn dummy said, eyeing you with suspicion as he got up and floated over to get a better look. "Darling, this is my love!" Mettaton embraced you, leaving you a little flustered due to the 'audience' currently seeing it. The Ghost, the Girl, and the Crazy Dummy all looked surprised. Then the girl spoke; "So Metta finally grew up and got himself a cutie!? I'm so proud!!!" She said in a clearly teasing tone, as if talking to a child. Mettaton scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Say what you want, Mew Mew," He then smiled after leaning his head down and resting it on your shoulder. "There's no need to feel jealous~" Mew Mew shrugged, though clearly looked a little offended at Mettaton's words. The ghost was first to speak up and quickly end the tension; "So Metta... when did you two meet...?" And thus started the conversation, which thankfully had no more hiccups. Now you learned that Napstablook was the closest to Mettaton, that 'Mad Dummy' was the most... aggressive of the duo? That Mew Mew was a passion from Dr. Alphys herself, and finally that Silent Dummy... was silent. A moment off introducing everyone went by which ended with everyone at the dining table which led into lunch. "And that is when I proposed." Napstablook and Mew Mew could only smile, while Mad Dummy nodded; while clearly making an effort not to show emotion, it was impossible for him not to at least give a grin. A moment later Mettaton began to make a beeping sound. "Oof, sorry everyone. I forgot to charge my batteries earlier. Mind if I step away for a moment?" Everyone gave a nod or wave off, and soon the star was gone. In that moment however, the four members of the Blook family, or really the trio of Mad DUmmy, Napstablook and Mew Mew, all turned serious and looked at you. Feeling worried you tense as you sat back in your seat while they all seemed to scrutinize you silently in their mind. Then Mad Dummy spoke first; "Listen bud, we may not get along. But I just wanna let you know, that if you ever hurt him... even a little. I'll make sure to carpet bomb you out of existence." In that same moment, a knife appeared as he gestured towards you. Mew Mew followed suit; "Yeah. He might be a drama queen and over-dramatic. But I ain't havin' anyone break his heart!" She slammed her hands down on the table, everything stopped rattling from the impact. "You hurt him, I will hurt you." A honestly terrifying smile appeared on her face, something only a truly crazed individual could muster up. Napstablook came last; "Well... I can't do much... but please, take good care of him... he... hasn't forgiven himself from before... completely... He needs someone who can help him lose his fear..... Just promise you will help him, okay...?" They then followed up with a smile, with shared nods from the other two. Leaving you stunned, you simply nodded back. "I-I will." In that moment Mettaton came back, a cheerful smile on his face as he found a seat beside you. "So dears, how was everything while I was gone?" Napstablook spoke up; "Fine Happsta... I think you picked the right person." They were followed up by Mew Mew; "I have to agree!" She exclaimed proudly. "You got a cutie and a good soulmate! I'm jealous~" She winked playfully, leading the duo to laugh."

A period of just an hour and a half later, and soon the four all had gone off to their rooms, leaving both you and your love behind. Together you two were laying together on your shared bed, cuddling away happily as the TV played in the background. In a moment however, Mettaton spoke up. "Did they treat you alright dear? I know my dear Blooky is a sweetheart, but Mew Mew and Maddie are a bit.... Aggressive?" "Well;: you started with, followed by, "They were alright. They just told me they wanted me to be careful with you. Not to hurt you, ya know?" Mettaton smiled; "Yes, although I have a feeling that both said a little more?" In your own mind; "You have no idea." Eventually, off to bed you both went, leaving the home to enter silence once more.

It turns out this family meeting wasn't so bad after all.

(End of Story)

(Arthur's Note) After some time, I have reached 150 total one-shots. The final end-goal is just ahead. Honestly, I'm excited for what might come next, as I hope some readers are who enjoy my works.

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