.Mettaton's Neo time to shine. (Part 1)

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Mettaton felt the tension within the room, it being all that could be felt between the four as they watched Undyne battle against the crazed human, their duel extending from original the old wooden bridges of Waterfall into the leveled ground, close to her home.

Blue spears flew towards the small child as they expertly dodged and turn, the blue spears just barely missing from their body. Undyne let out a frustrated growl and summoned yet another horde of arrows and sent them flying towards the child who quickly flipped and dodged once more.

Then, the child attacked... With speed and quickness that not even Undyne would have expected, she let out a pained gasp and cry as the child blade penetrated her chest. The room became filled with sorrow and pain as they all watch the former captin of the royal guard collapse onto the floor and soon became dust on the floor, her armor falling with her on the ground.

With a loud clink, the dented, scratched and now dust-covered armor was left as the child simply shrugged and walked past with no care in the world. Each step they took leaving a dust-filled footprint on the floor as they continued on their Genocide.

Asgore let out a low sigh, followed by opening his eyes once more and giving the screen a sorrowful gaze as he watched the child move on and continue their killing spree. The King could watch no more and he turned away, bringing his hands together behind his back he looked out of the security room over to the one containing the human souls themselves, each faintly glowing in the distance they were in.

Sans stood there at attention, his hands in his pockets and his body remaining still. He had the face of sadness, his sockets almost closed with his pupils hardly visible anymore. His grin turned into a pained frown. He to turned away and simply looked towards the floor, unable to continuing watch the screen along with the King.

Alphys closed her eyes, both quickly watering as she let out a choked-out sob and shuddered on the spot. She began hugging herself, struggling to hold back the tears that threaten to fall from her eyes. As she stood there, ready to break down she felt a gloved hand be placed upon her shoulder which caused her to tense up and freeze on the spot. Turning her head away as a couple of tears rolled down her face her eyes met with those of her best friend and creation, Mettaton.

The star's screen was red, showing that he was upset at the situation, however, it quickly changed to a yellow screen, the yellow glow brightening up the room. "Don't worry Alphys... I will avenge her... I will avenge everyone!" The star formed a fist and bumped his chest before turning on his wheel and quickly racing out of the room. Alphys was just about to reach for her creation arm in a futile attempt to stop him, but she paused and just let him go. Knowing deep down she could never change his mind on this topic.

Asgore turned to Alphys and then to you, his face full of pain and sadness, uneasiness and insecurity. Eventually, he nodded to himself, turned on his heel, and left the room also. Sans remained along with you and Alphys as you both looked at the screen once more as it switched to MTT Resort and later, the core.

As you watched you felt pain, anger, and sadness. This child was killing everyone you cared for for no reason and seemed to even be enjoying it. With this horrible thought in mind, you quickly turned away and ran out of the room. This caught the attention of both Sans and Alphys but neither could stop you as you quickly left and started putting on your own set of armor.

Being a royal guard in training yourself, you had been taught by both Asgore and Undyne. Now it seemed was the time to put your skill to the test. Racing across Hotland and later into the core you eventually arrived just in time just to see Mettaton begin his attack against the child in his Neo form. He sent projectile, bombs and got in close with his blade, and slashed towards them.

The child expertly dodged and dashed, the bombs, blade slashes, and shots from Mettaton missed them as they got closer and closer. Seeing this, you summoned a large ball of flames in your hand, the heat quickly engulfing your palm tho it didn't harm you, you aimed.

Just as the child was about to his Mettaton's when a ball of fire came out of nowhere and stuck them on their hip. This made them cry out in pain and stop their attack as they came to a halt and clutched their side with their hands. They turned to you, their red eyes glaring daggers when they suddenly got impacted with a heavy boot to the face and were sent flying back towards a nearby wall. The child's body leaving a huge dent behind as they fell onto the floor.

You ran over to Mettatpn and quickly embraced the star to which he did so after a short pause out of shock. Suddenly a bullet came flying past you two and you both looked back and saw they were holding a revolver in hand, ready to fire. Seeing this you gritted your teeth and summoned another fireball in your hand while Mettaotn got into his battle stance once again.

The child stepped forward and now only stood several feet away from you both as they clutched their revolver in their hand, their knife in the other. The two monsters and human child glared at one another, the final battle was going to happen.

(To be continued)

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