End of a new Beginning

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Undertale Multiverse

(Warning, Certain characters may be a bit ooc, and unlike their original counterparts.)

It all began one late afternoon, when the sun was setting and everyone was off minding their own business and doing as they pleased. As everyone treated the day like any other, forces at play would quickly destroy that illusion soon. You see, living within a multiverse with many versions of the world and people you lived with would no doubt contain those few rotten eggs in a sea of otherwise free hatchlings. And unfortunately, yours would be the victim of one such rotten egg. Or more like a demon born with chaos strictly and the only thing on the mind. And he had appeared once he'd managed to slay his former vial and sole foe, Ink when he managed to surprise the helpless defender of the multiverse and cut him down without remorse. It was beautiful when he did so, watching as he turned into a mixture of ink and dust as he dissolved. Watching on silently as disappeared, the glitch of Sans known simply as error was now free to do as he pleased. As such, erasing several Aus was the top of his bucket list. The fun only continued from there. As Error made quick work through countless AUs, so did the fear of him began to grow as most Sans's and those who knew of Error and the multiverse, now were left without a key ally to protect them. Instead they were forced to wait and hope Error decided not to go after them or was feeling merciful. But for Sans, it wouldn't be too long. Worst of all was that Error could just end it right then and there by destroying all AUs, but rather he refused to be that simple and instead kept up going after one to the other. Awaking this afternoon though and it seemed his worst fear came true. As he sat up from his mattress, he began hearing the screams as countless monsters and humans ran for their lives before countless strings seemed to appear out of the blue and tangle them up. Sprinting out of his room as he yanked his jacket right off the floor, he appeared outside where his dear brother Papyrus was currently standing as he gawked at what was going on. Standing there beside his brother, Sans was left silently fearful as Error calmly walked as he plucked Monsters and Humans up off their feet, legs, scales or tails and lifted them up into the air. In that same moment, Undyne charged at Error, spear in hand as she let out one stoic battle cry. Error for his part, merely amused, sidestepped the fish monsters spear thrust and toss. Now left with an opening, Error waved his hand off as Undyne found herself plucked right off by her feet and flung straight up into the air. Behind Error, Undyne was left winded and struggling to catch her breath from the sudden lift up towards the sky and drop. As it was happening, Papyrus and Sans seemed to be the only ones un-touched. Without waiting another moment, Sans and Papyrus instantly jumped into the fray. A wall of bones appeared before buying spun in place till they were pointed straight for Error. Instantly launching them, the skelebros were left dismayed once they saw Error merely teleport out of the path of their attack. What followed was Sans gaster blasters which appeared in pairs and unleashed near nonstop blasts, only for Error to dodge expertly. Papyrus acted quick, as Error reappeared, and swung several bones to try and finally score a hit. This failed as Error sent a pair of black strings which suddenly seized Papyrus bones and ripped them out of his grasp. Papyrus was quick to step back however as suddenly a set of 10 gaster blasters appeared which surrounded the glitchy Sans, and unleashed their blast at once and seemingly consumed Error on where he stood. In a moment the spot where Error was once, it was not a hole in the ground in one massive crater. The two assumed for just a moment they had won, only for Error to reappear behind them. "H-Eh, nIc-E Tr-Y."

As the chaos raged on, Mettaton (Ex) and (Y/N) found themselves within the former's resort and waiting patiently for Napstablook to come by. He didn't despite how short the distance was from home to the resort. Instantly this caused you two to get worried, and now you found yourselves peeking outside whilst BP and the receptionist both sat at their stations and waited for guests. Before either could respond however, the Resort was rocked hard by what felt like an earthquake, causing either to freeze up in place and drop whatever they were holding. For (Y/N) and Mettaton however, hearing the loud boom was only one thing but the sight of a bright beam coming from nearby said all that they had to know to confirm something was up. "They might be in trouble! Everyone!" Mettaton (Ex) spoke, now turning on his heel as you followed him towards his room to prepare yourselves. Burgerpants and all his other staff followed close behind, wondering on what to do. Mettaton was quick to answer. "Simple. Get any guests we have out of here and to the basement, and make sure they are kept safe. Understand?" They nodded before rushing off, leaving Feliz (BP) behind with you as you both watched Mettaton (Ex) transform into Neo, summoning his human hunting armor and weapons to his body. Worried though, you tried to tell him not to cause he might end up... dusted. But Mettaton said nothing, for a moment. "I know dear. But I can't stand here and just do nothing. There is something I can do!" "And get yourself killed!? We don't even know what is happening!" Burgerpants stood there, facepalming angrily as he spat out his cigarette out from between his lips. Mettaton (Neo) shrugged simply. "We don't have much of a choice in this equation. Now go you two, find somewhere safe. If I don't come back, don't wait for me." Mettaton (Neo) then ran off, leaving you and Burgerpants behind as you watched silently for a few moments, your heart clenching up as your breath quickened. 'Just please come back.' You said silently to yourself, as Burgerpants placed his soft paw on your shoulder to comfort you. "It's alright little buddy. Let's get a move on, that's what he wanted after all." Nodding slowly, you soon joined him in leaving. "You're right." You said this as you two made your way to join everyone else heading for the basement below.

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