A Simple Fairy tale

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As you wandered through the Kingdom, you continued searching for help in finding your way to the palace after being summoned for a noble quest. Said quest by the King of Monster, King Asgore and Queen Toriel, to take up for a high price. From what had been told by the messengers, the Kingdom's young and adopted Prince Mettaton, had been kidnapped one horrible night. From what was said, a fierce, horrid oriental dragon had snuck into the palace after waiting for nightfall and flew overhead. After overpowering several guards and knights, the beast located the poor prince and captured him with little resistance. Now, in desperation, the King and Queen summoned a request for aid from all other Kingdoms to attempt a rescue. Being a lowly knight and warrior yourself, this was your chance to make a name for yourself, and win a mass amount of gold. The price, around 20 million Gs, was enough to fill a wagon, and already at least thirty men and women had arrived, you being the thirty-first. After only a period of searching, several Royal Guards locate you and lead you safely through the small village and towards the Palace Gates. Moments later and you were safely within the walls of the palace, as you followed the guards close behind. Eventually arriving in the public dining room, one used for most public events, you found the others there who were all sitting around the table. Seeing several knights and warriors, orcs and other species, they all turned to you with mixed reactions. Finding your seat, you all went quiet as a few more arrived to take up the quest. As you all waited, out stepped several servants and maidens, all of which delivered plates and trays of food. Drinks and alcohol, wine and beer alike followed. As everyone ate and drank, the wait continued until the trumpets played and the King and Queen appeared at last. Instantly all the knights and staff of the palace stood at attention, while all of you either remained seated or stood out of respect.

"Sit, everyone. We imagine that you had a long journey to get here." spoke the King, as he found a seat besides his Queen on their own separate chairs, a fair distance apart from everyone else. The Queen continued; "And we are quite willing to pay any price for the return of our child. Despite how 'dramatic' he may be." The Queen chuckled to which the King playfully rolled his eyes, meanwhile everyone else watched either too tense to break the silence or too bored already to care. Finally a man dressed in nordic attire with a helmet and ax, stood up and spoke in a thick Scottish accent. "Enough of this! We cam 'ere for the quest! And I, for one, wish to begin immediately." A collective murmur followed suit from everyone else present, say for a few. The King and Queen gazed at one another before sighing. "Alright, we shall provide for you whatever you need for your trip, per your own request. You have about a week each to achieve this quest, and return the prince." With that cheers followed, and soon all of you were sent off to separate rooms around the palace to rest for the night, plan and restock on supplies. As everyone was working for the journey ahead, you were busy inspecting a map ahead for where the beast had taken the prince. The map was old, partially torn in some places, but still showed a path. Several, actually. One, an old path from long ago, but had been unused for many years. Another, by river crossing, fairly new but did not lead directly to the dragon's keep. This trend was shared by the other paths, which left either you and the others unsure on just what you'd do. Stressing over this, you soon realized you would get no sleep so opted instead for heading to bed.

Tomorrow came no sooner, and you were all on display before a massive crowd before the Kingdom. Each of you either mounted up on a horse or wagon, supplied, armed and ready. The crowds cheered for you all, as some of you either waved back, gloated to men and women alike, or simply ignored the attention and focused ahead. With a final play of the trumpets, and off you all went. Forward the horses and wagons went. Wheels rattled, and hooves pettled the ground and left tracks behind in their wake. As you all rode through the town, you each were already planning on just what you'd do with the gold when you had it. Some are louder and more outlandish than others. By mid day, you had found yourself reaching beyond the outskirts of the Kingdom and the first set of branching paths. Some took the water way, others a set of underground caverns, and some the old route. Taking the old route, you wandered along the old path. To one side an old, routine fence, slowly crumbled away as plants and vines crawled all over the timber. Eventually mere woods and trees surrounded you. Looking behind yourself, several others had joined you on this trip. Amongst them a pair of skeletons, a spider girl, a blue skinned knight, purple dino girl and a few other colorful characters. Despite the diversity, you all had the same goal ahead. To save the young prince of Monster Kingdom.

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