The Cyborg and the Bot(2)

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By oriental --- beast

Time passed slowly, day by day as you spent time along with your creator, which eventually leads to you referring to him as "father," as that is what he soon became in your eyes. With that established, (Dr Name) spent time teaching you much about yourself, tasks and eventually, humans and the outside world. It was incredible to you, hearing about humans and what they did in their daily lives to sports and games, from ways to travel and many other aspects. Soon enough, (Dr Name) decided to prepare you for your first time outside, to which you eagerly prepared. And by prepared, you ended up charging up extra for your spare battery and putting on some boots, ones meant for wilderness walks.

Finally ready, (Dr Name) lead you through a set of doors and you found yourself staring up a tall staircase. Following behind the good doctor, you soon were left speechless once outside. To every side and direction, tall trees, bushes, plants, flowers, all kinds of plant life were to all directions! Small insects, bees they were? Alongside flies, butterflies and so many other little creatures. Stunned, you heard a faint chuckle and looked to your father, only to see him giving a kind smile and a warm aura around him. He gestured over to a car, or more rather a truck, his own and you nodded before getting in with him.

Soon the large machine started off, and you stayed glued to the window and stared outside. The road you were on eventually leads to the side of a large cliff and you saw a large city in the distance, before it being endless forest and a massive pool of water that seemed to stretch on forever. This site just as quickly as it came, however, soon disappeared behind a new wall of trees and other plant life, blocking your view completely. You were slightly disappointed, but figure you could easily re-download the image into your hard drive so you could easily see it once again.

Finally out of the forests, you now were in some open country than a small town. Eventually, you two left the small town and entered a larger and populated part of a city. Tall buildings, from two, to three and a few four even, stood tall over you and you were amazed at the sight. People of all sizes and colours walked along the sidewalks, passing shops and pubs, bars and restaurants. So many colours and directions, people's and styles. It was almost overwhelming to you.

Eventually pulling off out of the main road, you went down a smaller street and eventually stopped before a two-story house. You watched on while (Dr Name) silently stepped out, then walked to your side and pulled the door open. Once it was, you eagerly stepped out and began walking towards the tall house while studying your surroundings, eyes widen and mouth agape. While watching, you failed to notice (Dr Name) as he reached in the truck and pulled out a couple of bags and toolbox. Ge looked back at you and smiled before locking his truck up. "(Name)?"

Hearing your name, you quickly turned and faced father. "You'll be staying here now, at my own home from now on, alright?" He said as he approached you, to which you gave no notice as you were instead focused on his words. Then smiling at what this meant, you nodded eagerly and watched as he grinned before leading you inside and showed you to your room. After a shortlist of rules you had to follow while in his home, you bid your father goodbye and watched as he left from your bedroom window as he returned to the lab for some remaining equipment. Now alone, you decided to explore the house, careful of your surroundings and not damage anything. Eventually, you found yourself back in the 'living room,' where a mere TV, couch and chair rested, alongside a coffee table and a few photos on the walls. Nothing special, but it was comfortable and enough.

Taking a seat, you glanced towards the TV and the feeling of curiosity returned. Reaching for the remote, you pointed towards the TV and watched as the TV screen turned on before a logo appeared, followed by the main screen which showed off several channels and a search bar. The Channels presented came in three rows, one for most popular (Currently), to latest/New, to most recently visited. Eager to learn and understand more, you switched and eventually found a channel talking about humans and some of their technology. You're learning experiences began.

(Days Later)

You were once again on the couch, watching the television while your father was in the kitchen preparing himself dinner. As he was away preparing his meal, you stared on at the TV waiting for the next show to come on when an ad appeared which caused you to jump before watching with interest. A robot, one which appeared like a grey box on a wheel, with two noddle arms with white gloves, showed up talking into a microphone and a smooth, thought slightly robotic voice. "Hello, Darlings! It's your glamourises Host! Mettaton!" Generic crowd applause followed right after. "Now Darlings, tonight's show will be the sequel to 'The Princess, and the Prince~". I hope you enjoy~!" And with that, it ended. You, however, quickly memorized the channel info needed to find the show and what time and you grinned. 'Another Robot? And WITH HIS OWN SHOW!?!'. You squeal, quite literally on the spot as your father stood at the doorway, staring at you confused with an amused smile on his face.

(Hour Later)

You waited for your father to head off to bed, and once he did you snuck downstairs and quietly turned the TV on and sat on the couch. Waiting eagerly for the show, you felt your circuits spark in excitement as the screen turned on you were met with the pink logo and MTT theme song playing along with the image of the star himself waving at the screen. The screen instantly changed a few seconds later and changed to a prologue that told the current story. Once done, some small credits and finally... The Show.

"Oh my love~

Is it they I see~?"

Mettaton appeared, rolling across onto the balcony on the stage, his hands held together as slow-moving petals fell down from above. Across from Metta, a short human with brown hair, wearing a prince attire with a fake sword on a hilt around their waist reached for Metta, who gasped before reaching towards Metta. Metta, adored in a dress, continued on to sing as he and the human danced side by side. Admittingly, you were impressed with both, the two were in sync with one another and moved along perfectly. The music continued on, a romantic yet also mystical tune.

After a period filled with romance, love, and glamour, the curtains finally were drawn and the show ended. Meanwhile, you sat there stunned into silence, but soon it was replaced with a grin as you eagerly searched the channel for when the next showing of Mettaton's show would happen. By the morning of the next day, you had found out the time and when the next shows would occur. Meanwhile, your poor father (Dr Name), happened to walk in and found your form slumped on the couch, as you had run out of energy. Apparently, you forgot that you weren't hooked up or charging, and your backup battery hadn't set off for some odd reason. It ended up being a long morning for (Dr Name), as he had to carry you back to your room and let you rest and charge.

To Be Continued

Mettaton x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz