New World Blue's

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In a new world

(Original Idea from 11Link, so thank you once again for providing this idea!)

Mettaton silently stared outside the window sill having already fallen some years ago which now gave way to an endless wasteland for miles until the horizon. Lowering his gaze downwards, his eye landed on a simple picture frame that held a photo of someone he was so close to. You. The photo was you and him together from several years back, back before it all went down. Life was normal then, normal as humans and monsters lived side by side together on the surface for several years. During that time, you and Mettaton had grown closer than before, as you both wanted to live out your lives peacefully on the surface. But that was just a dream, one that came to a tragic end of 204X with the fall of civilization. Starting from the beginning of 203X, a virus seemed to be unleashed on the world once a scientific lab close to New-New Home went into meltdown, with its reactor going off. The sky turned dark as flames shot towards the sky, dark clouds soon replacing the blue as pieces of debris and specks of ash fell from above. Chaos was everyone in the panic, with monsters and humans alike running for shelter anywhere and everywhere they could find it.

~(Years before)~

Among them were you two. You and Metta had been traveling together just out of the province where New-New Home was in. You had joined him on his tour, leading him throughout many towns and cities to visit his fans all over. At the moment of the blast you saw two on a train station, waiting to take the last one home when it happened. One moment, and you two sat on a pair of separate chairs besides a small table. You two had just been served from the small cafe on the station where you two snacked while waiting for the last train of the day.

~(Mettaton's POV)~

As I watched (Y/N) enjoy their (Snack), I grinned to myself thinking of all the fun things we would get to do at home once the tour is over. The tour would take us to our own home for the grand final, the place where we would celebrate the anniversary when Monsters and Humans became friends once more. I couldn't wait to attend this final show, but I was looking forward to spending my time with my love. As we finished, I gave an extra tip after finishing my coffee. "Ready to go?" "Yeah, let's go!" Now standing from the table, I reached for our bags while (Y/N) cleaned the table off, just out of respect to the waitress not having to do much work. Instead, once you finished cleaning off the top you and I soon gather the last of our things and stood close to the station platform.

Things seemed to be going just right, though I suddenly had an odd feeling at that same moment.

(3rd Person POV)

As you two waited, the loud clanking of wheels on the tracks could be heard followed by the woosh of steam. Soon coming into view, a steam locomotive came into view. As it slowed to a halt, steam flew all around as the station crew began unloading bagedge while the engines' own driver and firemen waited for the passengers to either board or get out. As you two made your way towards the couch assigned to you on the tickets, a ringing sound could be heard, followed by a sudden rise of temperature in the air. You looked about, noticing it wasn't just you but several others who noticed the sudden rise in heat. As this happened, so did a sudden breeze become a gust of wind which you all noticed by the violent sway of trees and leaves. The sky above seemed to turn a light red, then orange, then deep red again. Everyone was quiet, not knowing what to say or do.

As you and Mettaton moved closer together, you both kept a close look out. It was all only in a minute or so, but that brief minute felt like forever. Then, what sounded like the loudest cannon in the world occurred. The harsh temperature suddenly spiked and you felt sweat form instantly, windows nearby shuddered while treetops suddenly were grazed before effortlessly being sliced off. Leaves and branches, telephone poles and street lights came shuddering or falling down. Next thing you knew, and what appeared as a massive, gray, mushroom cloud appeared on the horizon. Without another moment, chaos broke out. The crowd began running in whichever way. Children screamed or hanged onto their parents for dear life. Men rushed to save what bags they could, while also grabbing family and dragging them to safety. Infants screamed and cried.

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