Mettaton's Stardom3

71 3 1

By MTT_Writer

(A Non-x Reader, but simply an attempt to flesh out Mettaton more as a character in a short story with just him and how he spent his time in the Underground before the Human arrived).

With the confidence he could muster, at last, Mettaton stood before the fish's door. His eyes continued to stare at it idly for a few minutes, unsure if he should knock or not. Eventually, though, he just went through with it and proceeded to knock twice before standing tall and placing his hands behind his back. Going silent he listened in as he began to hear the sounds of footsteps approaching the door inside and eventually found their way to the door before it slid open. Standing before him was Undyne, captain of the Royal Guard, who was said to be invincible by some based on her ability to fight. She stood there, arms crossed over her chest, wearing her signature tank top and blue pants, along with a bare pair of brown boots, her hair slightly messy but in a pointed tail. She had slight sweat dripping off her too. Clearly, a sign she had been just working out or training.

Mettaton offered a kind smile, not one like he normally did for tv as he looked back at the unimpressed fish. "What do you want, scrub?" "Hello to you, Undyne. I mean you know harm, I just wish to have a word with you. One on one." Undyne appeared to think for a moment, her single visible eyes closing as she entered deep thought. Then looking back at the bot, she spoke up. "Alright. BUT! This better is good..." She responded slowly before stepping out of the way and gestured for him to walk in. With that, he wandered inside and glanced around Undyne's living room. It seemed things had been moved around, as he couldn't see the piano he had so willingly brought in last time. Oh well.

A pair of weights rested in a nearby corner, alongside a custom-made target with a large hole through it, lively a spear being the cause. Spotting her couch quickly, Mettaton was quick to get comfortable before watching Undyne sit across from him on her own leather seat. Once the two were seated, Mettaton was silent before taking one deep breath and slowly let it out. "Look... I need to get straight to the point, Undyne." Undyne was surprised, honestly, because Mettaton rarely if ever used her actual name. "I don't want this rivalry between us... our bad blood serves us no favor and we are just getting into the way of one another." "Well... you got that right. As much as I find it fun to tease you and all, it does get kinda boring. I honestly wouldn't mind a change." "Good. Also Undyne..."

Undyne watched as Mettaton went silent, then continued. "I would like for us to try and be actual... friends." Undyne was beyond confused at this point, hovering noticing how he appeared to want an answer she was quick to respond. "S-Sure thing? I think that would be nice. Do you wanna meet later after your show? Maybe then we could hang out?"

Mettaton seemed to relax, and before long was smiling now. "Yes Undyne, I would love that."


After spending a while more talking things over, and saying their amends, the two new friends went their separate ways once Mettaton decided it was time to leave. With a wave goodbye, followed by a thank you for the talk, Mettaton soon was on his way back to MTT Resort. Along the way, he continued planning for what his next show and/or performance would be about and when.

(The End~)

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