The Avengers (Short One)

134 4 3

By oriental-beast

Idea by

Humming silently to yourself, you continued to watch as the sparks continued to fly up as you continually work on your latest suit. This one, the mark 3, was definitely a marked improvement of the same design as your last two, by now having more energy from a more powerful core alongside improved targeting and weapons check, as well as an in-built tracking device; it for sure would beat out your last two suits designs and abilities easily. As you finally finished adding the finishing touches to the mask, Jarvis was able to speak up.

"Sir/Ma'am. We have a visitor in the front entrance."
"Huh? Who is visiting me at this time of night?"

A small screen on your work table opened up, showing the screen of your security camera, alongside the basic information of who had just arrived.
"Agent Metta, also known as Happstablook. Member of the Avengers and of the Organization S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Shield huh?"
You looked over the screen, quickly searching it up only to find the information was off limits. "Tch, typical... Alright, ask them what his business is here and what he wants." You said before reaching for a hand towel to wipe the sweat from the heat off your brow; "And also turn on the air unit, please.'

"As you wish, (Name)."

With that, you instantly felt the cold air hit your bare skin which made you smile at the feeling, so with that you went over to another table, pulled out a chair and took a seat. "Ahhh, another slow day for criminals... Any reports Jarvis?"

"Non thus far, (Name) thought I do question why you insist on knowing. Considering what happened on the last occasion you tried playing the hero."
"Hey! It wasn't my fault the suit decided it wanted to stop working while I was in flight! If anything, that's on you for not charging the suit up before we left!"
"Sir/Ma'am, I did inform you beforehand, however your eagerness to 'save the day' made you rush preparation. What as you said 'better now then later' as I recall?"

"Sigh, fine. I learned my lesson, anyways... Is that agent still-"


You jumped from your seat, instantly falling on your but with a loud bang as you landed against the hard surface. Cursing under your breath with the sudden pain, you were quick to stand up and glared at who just came in only for you to stop as you felt your eyes widen at the sight before you.

Standing just at the doorway to your 'garage'/workspace was a tall male, his dark raven hair curled with a large tuff that blocked one of his eyes. He had an adorable nose, rough cheeks and a single eye which stayed focused on his own. He wore a tight, very tight form fitting suit which should have all his curves and thin waist, though it was opened just enough so you could see the top of his chest. He wore a pair of tall, dark pink, combat boots. He also had on a tight belt, one which held several small items and the main buckle had a heart with the logo of the Avengers on it.

You were stunned by this man's looks, he was for sure breathtaking. Though this only lasted a mere moment as he spoke up. "If you're done ogling me, I have something to ask of you which is of great importances." He said in a smooth, yet deep voice as he wandered into the room, a clear sway of the hips clear in his walk. "Oh um, yeah? Take a seat" You awkwardly offered up, gesturing to a chair across from your own to which he sat before calmly turning to you.

Taking your own seat, you looked towards Metta with your arms crossed. "Soooo, to what do I owe this pleasure of hosting an Agent of Shield here in my humble home?" "Shield, and indeed the new "Avengers" are recruiting, and I was sent here alongside several other of my companions all over for those who could join. And your name happened to be near the top of the list."

"I see.... So what do they need me for? If it's for weapons, then no thanks. I've long since given that up and learned my lesson."

"No, in the name of Toby Fox knows we already have plenty of those. Instead we require another member to join us both on and off the field, and we think you would be great for that due to your experience and time spent using your advanced suits. Of course, you can refuse though I do encourage you to join, it may be very beneficial to you."

"Hmm, I may need a little more time to consider this, but it does sound intriguing. How long do I have?"

"A week to decide, and I do hope you choose to join. Based on your talents and abilities, you'd be a great asset to the team." And with that, Metta stood up and walked calmly from the room. As he did you watched on before turning to look out at the large open view you had thanks to the large glass panels in the room. After only four minutes, you had your answer and were quick to give it the following day.

(A Week Later)

"That could have gone a little better?"

"You think?"
You responded as the medical staff continued tending to your wounds, meanwhile Steve Rogers watched from afar, his traditional shield in hand. "Well I was just saying... At the least, it's all over now and we can move on from this." He said before turning on his heel and walked out along with Bruce. Now alone, the medical staff and nurses soon left to give you some time to rest which you happily accepted. Laying back in the comfort of the bed, you allowed your mind to drift back as you thought of the mission you just had.

Loki, an apparent god of Norse Mythology had attempted a conquest of the world only to be stopped by you and the rest of the newly recruited avengers. And though it was a success, and ended with minimal damage in the end, it still hadn't come out cheaply as you had been injured during and left with damaged leg, bruises and cuts and a few other wounds that would need some time to heal up. As you did wait though, you didn't expect who came next into the room.

"Metta? What are you doing here?"

"What?" He said, smirking. "Can't I see the newbie and how he is doing?"

You shrugged. "No, I guess not. Though I did enjoy the privacy I once had."

"Oh really? Huh, guess I should leave-"

"No, don't. I actually like the company I have, I don't feel AS alone now." You offered up a smile, to which Metta returned before he took a seat next to your bed. He was no longer wearing his typical suit and gears, but just a tank top, combat pants and shoes. More comfortable but still ready for anything he described. As you two talked casually about anything and everything, Captain stood before the ajar door watching in silence, grinning before taking a step back and walking away to ensure that no one interrupted either of you.

(The End)

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