Un-Undertale (1)

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Chapter 1

Watching silently through the TV screen, a man dressed in a black suit and wearing sunglasses stared out through the cameras at the state of the ruined city. Turning the camera again towards where he saw the goat woman walking once again, his curiosity grew as he tapped his chin curiously. A moment later, he heard the phone ring. Reaching for it while his eyes stayed on the screens in front, he brought it to his ear. "Hello? Yes... Yes, the same thing over again. What should we do? ... Alright, alright. Fine, experiments shall begin then." Placing the phone down the man turned on his heel, and quickly wandered off and left the room. A short while later, several other agents soon appeared in the room and were informed of their next task. Later, they were all in a pair of black cars and were driving off and away from the research site and mountain. Soon the cars reached civilization, as the small town of Ebbot where the people wandered through their daily life with much ignorance, not knowing what was going on deep in the woods.

While the pair of cars drove silently, they soon came to a halt before the small University building. At the moment, school was out so not many attending were around. One such was you, a loner who wandered along with a pile of books in your hands as you made your way from your school's library. As you did so, you glanced past the two cars but didn't notice anything odd, so continued on your way. However, you failed to notice the pair of cars that followed close behind you. A moment later, you stopped for a moment and glanced back, soon noticing the two cars which made you tense but also felt slight fear. Turning away, you continued but now moving faster. Your destination? Near the middle of town, where the local police station was located. The cars continued, one breaking off and drove away while another followed. Soon, you had arrived just outside the police station, but looking around again you saw nothing. No mysterious cars. Feeling slight relief, you entered the station still just to feel safe. However, a pair of eyes still continued to stare towards the outside of the station. A while later, they left and you soon went on with your day.

A day passed by, yet nothing happened, and you soon continued with your life without worry. However, those who first caught sight of you continued to stock you, and later became your kidnappers. That evening which followed your return home, you suddenly were surrounded by a crew of hour men and women who then overpowered you, and dragged you away. You tried to fight them off, but soon your arms and legs were gripped tightly, keeping you from moving. A while later, darkness seemed to consume your eyes and you passed out. A while passed until you heard a humming from what sounded like a generator. Awaking at last, you sat up in a small room, one where a generator sat in which was running. Confused, you gulped before quickly standing up and looking about. A moment later, two of the agents entered the room, quickly gesturing to them to follow. Gulping, you shook your head but the two didn't care and instead grabbed you and pulled you along. A while later, passing through several dark hallways until finally ending up in yet another room, one where several Doctors seemed to be waiting for something, with their eyes focused on the computer screens all around. Meanwhile, several other agents gather around you and one of them offers you an orange jumpsuit, one with the numbers; "D-5.10" . A moment later, you were escorted by four agents over to what appeared to be a cave, one which had to be high up as it was chilly. The jumpsuit did little to keep you warm, and so you shivered as you wandered towards a large hole in the floor. Glancing towards the agents, they had you wear a set of belts around your waist, alongside some other climbing gear. Later, he then gestured for you to hop off the edge. You shook your head, only to feel a shove and your scream followed as you fell into the abyss.

Moments later through what felt like forever, and you crashed onto the floor of dead flowers. A large amount of dust and other petals and remains of flowers flew all around before settling back down. Groaning, you struggled to sit up then glanced around nervously at your surroundings. Darkness in each direction, only light from the hole above being your only source of light. Eventually standing up, you staggered on forward and soon reached what seemed like an entryway which would lead to a hallway. Coughing into your hand from the dust and other particles flying around, you dust yourself off before removing the belts and other climbing gear given to you. Later, you wandered into the hallway and looked about before you noticed what seemed to be footprints of a person who seemed to disappear through a nearby corridor. Feeling the tension within you grow, you took a deep breath and continued forward before glancing down and realized a note was in your pocket. Pausing for a moment, you pulled out a white note, one with black text. It said the following: "Subject (Name),

You are a part of an experiment where you shall see and explore the land below the earth, we call the "underground". We shall expect you to cooperate with us, or you will be killed. Explore and soon return back here, and you may be free."

Feeling the fear and sadness at this, you struggled to stand for a time. Soon though, you began walking again and found yourself wondering through the many empty hallways and rooms of the caverns. They seemed near endless, with nearly fallen bridges. Muddy waters and ruined traps. This place was the ruins of civilization long passed. Sighing for a moment, you heard footsteps begin to approach from just around the corner. Quickly thinking over, you rushed behind a neary pillar and covered your mouth with your hand. Moments followed with silence except with the echo of footsteps which eventually appeared to be a tall figure, a woman wearing what seemed to be a worn and torn robe with an odd symbol at the stomach. Her fur was dirty, and a mess, with dead set eyes and even limping slightly. The woman had her arms to either side, hanging loose and not moving as she wandered alone in silence. It was almost depressing honestly. Watching this poor creature, poor person, wander alone. A moment later, the woman stopped and turned towards the entryway which you just came from. She took a moment and examined it closely, no... Actually, it was as if she was remembering something or trying to remember. A second later she turned and wondered. Watching this, you took a deep breath and managed to quietly sneak off as the women continued.

A while of careful travel, you managed to enter the ruined city. The streets were bare, buildings abandoned. Everything seemed so dirty and grimy, while the silence was deafening. It was all so eerie. Soon entering another set of hallways, you found yourself at a crossroads, and glanced ahead to a small room where a few webs hung from the ceiling but seemed to be nothing else. The other path, you noticed what seemed to be a large, dirty bag lying on the floor beside a small pile of dead leaves. Walking over to it, you peered down and saw the thing laying there. Then you listened closely, and heard a "ZZZZ'" sound, as if it was trying to pretend to be sleeping. Staring in confusion, you wondered what to do before reaching a hand slowly towards it. Your fingers barely touched the surface, and you felt the warmth coming from it. It was odd, you would have thought it would have been cold. It was also soft, maybe smooth? You tapped gently on the thing, then a moment followed where the "sleeping" stopped and it opened its eyes. A pair of blank, grey eyes looked back at you before suddenly flying up and backing away. It started shaking but you took a step back, bringing your hands up in front of you. "W-Wait! Please! I mean you n-no harm!" You said, the ghost seemed to float back before glancing away briefly, then right back. It then seemed to calm before floating closer to the ground, and nodded. It stared at you, silent and almost unmoving. "Hello...? Who are you...?" It's voice was old, crooked or deep. As if it's throat was dry, not having drank in a long time. It paused, waiting for an answer before you spoke. "(Name), My name is (Name).'

The ghost paused, before a smile crossed its features and gave a slight nod. "(Name)? Nice name.. I-I guess I made a new friend..." You smiled, noticing the excitement in the ghosts eyes and gave a firm nod. "Well then... What is your name?"

The ghost froze briefly, before he smiled once again. "Napstablook"

To be continued...-

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