The Cyborg and the Bot

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By oriental --- beast

Alone within a metal cube, sparks fly as the circs spasm. Parts are strewn all over the floor, alongside puddles of oil which also stained the only living thing there. Tools of all types, sizes and shapes rested on the desk and floor, the toolbox which they were once in the left wide open. A dirty rag, one that hung off the arm of the chair sway gently as the vent above continued pouring in cool air, which helped in cooling off the animatronics which easily heated up over a short period. Eventually, the plugs attached were removed, and the wires that once kept the machine hooked to the wall and powered were now off. With the pull of a nearby lever, the body was allowed to rest on its full weight on its own pair of legs. Silence followed as the doctor stood before his most advanced and possibly successful achievement yet. Finally taking the moment to inspect his hard work, the doctor grinned as he placed a tool down and reached for the control panel. Once in his hands, he flipped one switch followed by the push of a couple of buttons. A slow hum began to speed up as the room echoed the sound. Wires began to coil back into the body, as the small hatches that exposed the internals were closed shut and the humming and cranking of gears began to grow louder and louder.

Finally, after a wait of at least several minutes, the humming slowed down as the body finally went quiet. Then, slowly as it hardly became noticed by the creator, the creation began to move its fingers. First one, then another and another began to move with the creak of metal and rods, alongside the joints which gave it a moment, to begin with. The humming of its internals was still heard, though not nearly as loud as when first powered up. Finally, the eyes began to open with the synthetic skin and lashes flipping open and shut when finally they did, revealing a pair of (Color) eyes, whose pupils now took the time to look around. First at its lap, then moved slightly to see and watch its hands move. Taking a moment again, they moved their head, eyes trailing off to one side of the room and blinked to get the harsh light from the lamp settled in their gaze. Once it did, the body moved its jaw once, then twice, then a third time before moving on to its neck and arms, then feet and toes, then hips and waist, and last legs.

As the poor machine finally got a hold of their surroundings, their eyes landed on the man who stood there grinning, their eyes shining with pride and success radiating off of them. The Bot tilted its head to the side, now curious at this new creature and its appearance. Without a word, the bot stood on their legs, only wobbling for a brief second before seeming to get a hold of their balance, and approached. Once close to one another, the doctor remained silent as he stared into the eyes of his creation. Then, reaching one hand out, the bot took a gentle hold on the doctor's cheek and rubbed its thumb against it slowly. Cold metal, met soft warm skin, and for a few moments, the two stayed in that position. Time seemed to stand still as the two tared on, not moving until a beeping sound was heard. The doctor gazed down at his wrist, showing his watch off where the beeping came from alongside a red light flashed every few seconds. "Shoot, time's up." He muttered before gazing up at the bot, his creation, once again before smiling kindly at them. "Well now, R-602, how are you? Do you understand me?"

Tilting you're head in curiosity at his words, you gave a slight nod, which only caused the good doctor to smile brightly and give himself a pat on the back. "Perfect. Here, follow me." Offering one of his hands, you paused a moment to look towards his outstretched hand, before slowly reaching out taking hold of it. Watching him turn on his heel, he began walking out to which you started slowly following before getting hold of the walking. A short walk from the room led to a short corridor, then a hallway which split off into a couple of rooms; one of which appeared to be a computer room from the sliver from the partially open door. Another room seemed to be a storage room, and the last of two was a bedroom, which the Doctor pulled you inside. Once inside, he turned to face you while letting go of your hand. Now facing you, he crossed his arms over his chest and grinned. "Now... R-602, you will be staying in your own little room next to mines. There, I will help teach you the basics of what you'll need to learn and have you ready for the outside world. Sound good?"

Not having anything to say, you simply nodded. Finally, he leads you inside the room next door. Once inside, you took a few moments while under the view of the doctor, to look around and study your surroundings and parts of your new room. Finally done, the Doctor turned to leave before looking back at you and stopping one last time. "Oh, and if you wish to call me anything, you may call me (Dr Name). Alright?" Giving a nod, (Dr Name) smiled before finally walking out, leaving you alone to simply get comfortable. Getting comfortable meant getting in the actual bed the room had and simply allowing yourself to shut off. A wire, one connected to your hip, popped out and hooked up to the nearby wall socket. Finally, you felt calm and what seemed to be sleep take over. As you "slept" you wondered what your... er- "birth" would lead to eventually.

To Be Continued

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