💔𝒲h𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝒹𝑜 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉h𝑒 𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈 𝓌𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒💔 (Part 1)

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🐉𝐵𝓎 𝑜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒶 𝓁−𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓉🐉

Warning: Following may include "Heartbreak," "Character/Reader Breakup," "Potential for fallow language," "Mentions of race abuse" and more.

Never had you ran in your life, never had you ran in fear. Fear that was driving you, you, and him to escape. You were desperate, desperate to save him. To save all of them. It all happened so fast. All in one night, it happened. And right now, you were trying to prevent tragedy from happening.

You felt the bushes and branches rubbed against both your exposed skin and flesh, your clothes already being torn in some places as you run. Your hand was gripped tightly around his cold wrist, you barely registering the feeling of the soft fabric of his white-gloved when it rubbed slightly against your skin. Your breathing was what could be heard, alongside the sounds of his fans which were whirring away like crazy. Struggling to keep his body cool.

Finally, you two reached a small river, one that served as a border between your former homeland, and neutral and safe ground. Turning to look down where the river flowed, you spotted a small bridge that went across and leads to the other side. Pulling him along quickly, you two soon found yourselves there and both came to a halt.

"T-They will be here s-soon darling." his glitchy voice spoke, fear evident in his voice. "I know...' You said, eyes closed as you finally allowed yourself to sit down on a fallen long near the old bridge. Your legs ached, and your lungs burned to form the run you did. "That's why we had to go."

"But darling... We can't get away forever."

"Which is why you're going alone. I'll stay and distract them, give the rest of you time to escape. "

Silence quickly followed. Then sniffles as you were suddenly grabbed by the shoulders, and lifted up. "ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?! THEY'LL KILL YOU!!! THEY WILL TAKE YOU AWAY AND I'LL NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!!!"

"I KNOW!!!! I-I know! Okay!?!? I don't want to, but it's the only way to save one of us!"

He was struggling not to break down right there and then. YOu can see it clearly in his expression, his eyes water oil once again, cheeks stained with his tears. He wrapped you quickly in his arms, a tight embrace as he nuzzled your neck with his nose and face. You quickly returned the gesture, arms wrapped around his torso and head resting at the crook of his neck. "M-Metta... Promise me something."

The star hummed before pulling back to meet your gaze, his just as somber and full of emotion like your own now. You paused before glancing down at your ring finger, a bright diamond along with the ring that rested on clear in your sight. You then reach down, and simply slid it off before turning to look up at your love, and offered it in an open palm. "T-Take it... To remember me. To remember us, and the time we had together." Mettaton couldn't hold it any longer as tears began pouring down his face, his hands quickly reaching for and taking hold of the ring. He then held it in his hands as he stood there, eyes closed before he leaned his head back and looked up towards the sky. Finally, he looked back towards you then brought his head low, and connected his lips with yours to which you happily returned and you to wrapped your arms around the other.

After a few minutes, you both heard shouts and feet crunching the ground, which was approaching fast. Turning to your husband, you nodded for him to leave. and after a reluctant pause, Mettaton ran across the old bridge and made it to the other side. After watching, the tears burning your cheeks as they fell and their salty taste reaching your mouth as they did, you turned away o the bridge itself.

Taking a moment to focus your energy, you could hear the shouts of the humans who had been chasing you two close by. Lights begin to flicker about, showing the lights they were using to look around in the darkness. You, meanwhile, were too focused on the task at hand to notice. Reaching out both hands, a ball of magic appeared, quickly forming into one of fire which grew slowly, until ending up the size of a basketball. Once done, you looked towards the old wooden bridge before suddenly the powerful ball of magic towards it, just as the hunters reached you and shouted.

The ball struck near the middle, causing an explosion as the sounds of thunder of the blast rocked the whole area. Wooden planks and pieces of earth, timber, and rock were flying high up in the ar in all directions along with the smoke that was sent it all was, blocking everyone's view. Just as quickly, a set of four hands grabbed at your arms and yanked them aggressively back before a sudden kick was felt at your knee, causing it to buckle. A half a sec later, your face was pressed down to the cold, mudding ground and your arms were locked behind your back where you felt the cold metal of a pair of cuffs being placed at your wrist.

Then, you have yanked up aggressively and began being dragged back as you heard the muttering of the hunters on how they let the other one get away, and the bridge being destroyed.

You felt yourself being dragged back, back to the place where your home with your friends and family once was. Now it was gone, destroyed and you would likely never see it again.

(Timeskip) To Morning

A court hiring, that was what you had been sent to after the previous night's events. You had been forced into a prison cell and now here you were, alone at a table near the front of a courtroom. Behind you rows and rows of towns, citizens sat. All humans who glared at the back of you. To your left, the prosecution. The front? The Judge, a village elder from your original home. To your right? The jury.

The room was filled with some chatter until the judge spoke, listing out the crimes you were now being accused of "supposedly" committing. "You, (Name) (Last Name), are accused of using illegal magic. Conspiracy to overthrow the human government. Ilegal activities under the laws of this land. The kidnapping of a minor. And last but not least... marrying a "creature" though it was against our laws. How do you plead?"

Not caring for the angry glares and whispers, you simply stared up at the Judge, meeting his judgmental face with a stoic and uncaring one of your own. "Not guilty. And all but one charge."

The Judge spoke up. "Which would be?"

"Falling in love... with that monster... My Soulmate"

The room quickly filled with murmurs and whispers of disgust, envy, and hatred. The Judge quickly spoke, silencing with a simple lift of his hand. "You are aware your feelings could be false. Monster is known for their dark magic-"

You quickly interrupted, grinning as you didn't care, nor did you want to hear their 'bs.' "What's the matter? Never knew what true love feels like? Cause let me tell ya, from him it was amazing" Instantly chatter broke out, with many saying disgusting or offensive things behind you, while the Judge glared before coughing into his hand to silence them. "I suggest you behave, Mr/Miss (Last Name). One wrong word form you, and-"

You interrupted again.

"What?" The Judge asked, clearly confused.

"My last name is, and will forever be, (First Name) Blook."



From what they tell you, you would think this place was bad. Trust me when you say it was FAR worse. Cold air, along with hardly any sunlight or warmth that could come with it. It was nearly freezing, wet, damp, and miserable. That's what it felt, as you sat alone in your own cell. The cool air not helping as you struggle to stay warm under the thin and ripped fabric you called a "blanket", one which only covers the upper half of your body and the top of your legs. Sighing as you simply tossed the ruined piece of fabric aside, you sat up and glanced around. You were only met with gray walls and wooden floors.

This place was hell to stay in, and for so long too.

You only hoped... deep down... that your love was safe.

And that he would be happy, no matter.

'I love you, my star. Always~'

A small graced your lips before you looked up to see the small window above, watching as the light slowly disappeared as night began to arrive.

(Part 2 Coming Soon)

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