Scenario: When you play video games together.

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Together Playing Video Games

Games were something Mettaton had never been particularly into throughout his existence, either on the surface or underground. He only had a vague idea, as based on the simple games he often caught his best friend Alphys playing. And they weren't exactly all that appealing to him, all things considered. Granted, his opinion would end up changing, and that had been thanks to you when one day, curiosity had simply grown too much and he just had to ask about what it was you were playing. Now depending on the game itself, its genre or overall appearance, Mettaton may be curious enough. If not that, then it would be relatively easy in just convincing him to play with you. Mettaton was, of course, reluctant and tried to dodge the offer by claiming he was busy but pressure got to him and he gave in. Sitting beside you either on your couch, bed or just standing beside him whilst he sat in your gaming chair or desk top, you helped get him set up as he patiently waited for you to tell him the ropes. Starting out slow and steady, once the menu screen appeared you told him to try out the tutorial (if there wasn't one, then you showed him all he needed to know yourself) which led to a period of a few minutes up to half an hour (depending on the game; first person shooter, rpg, exploration, horror, etc) before he finally was ready to take on the game itself. At first, Mettaton wasn't expecting much. No matter how good the game may look, sound, or play out, he doubted it was as good as to make you or anyone else for that matter, play as often as you did. Still, he kept an open mind and wanted to give it a fair shot. As such, he relaxed before pressing start and beginning the game.

For his first time, he didn't do half bad. Sure, he either would lose his health, die, forget an item, not realize he was entering a trap or any other mistake a typical first timer would make, but he was quick to learn and get back to making progress in the game. By the halfway point of his first play through, Mettaton was in trance and found himself eager to play more. And upon finishing either the full game or the first level he started on, he'd happily tell you with pure excitement how he did it. It would be just after then when you told him you could play side by side (if the game allowed it) and could play when you two weren't busy with anything. Eager now after having a taste of the game itself, Mettaton agreed and together you'd go on to have a fun season until half an hour came and went, and you two decided to pause for now and take care of your normal chores for the day, and grab a snack, before coming back to play some more. And that was exactly what you two did, and next thing you both knew you were happily snacking away whilst talking about the games either you or your friends or family played. He of course asked when you got it, how long you had been playing for and so on. Finally, once you two were done you were soon back to playing again, either in co-op of two players, or seemingly waiting your turns.

PLaying games would of course have its moments of frustration, Mettaton often experiencing these as he struggled often and made his fair share of mistakes. Eventually though, he was able to either match or surpass you when you played. Not that it matters too much to you, you were just happy you two could share a favorite pastime together. Of course, Mettaton could rage from time to time whilst playing, but mostly he'd get frustrated or annoyed when something went wrong or a player who got under his 'skin.' But when playing with you, he could tame his frustration enough as not to ruin the experience.

Playing video games became a fun and simple pastime for Mettaton, as he grew to love a couple video games that became favorites of his. Having the money too, he bought a good few before taking the time out of his schedule to play them when he could or felt like it. He sometimes would invite you back to play. Mettaton, at one point, decided to start a series reviewing games, and give his honest opinion on them, their quality and how much fun they were to play. They became quite popular as a result, and only became another avenue to which he grew his fan base. Of course, besides reviewing games, Mettaton enjoyed simply playing them with you. You both had a great deal of fun together, enjoying one another's company as you played. Alpohys would find out at one point, it being an unexpected reveal when she did, but she would happily ask him to play games with her for a change. To this he reluctantly agreed, and so began what seemed to be a repeat of before, now he is more experienced and knowledgeable now. Regardless of how it started, Mettaton would become fairly accustomed and enjoy his fair share of games. And whilst he was certainly far from being one ro play them nearly as often as others (he spent more time with you and had his stardom to worry about after all) games would either be one of the most stress relieving or most thrilling experiences he could have and he was happy about it.

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