The Parents and Impact

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With time going on, things had only seemed to get stranger. Stranger with (Karen) and her child not showing up often. Rather, men and women alike had randomly showed up across town and had watched them. Stockers it seemed like, but they always made sure to keep their distance and escape before you could confront or report them. Any attempt by police to track them down turned up nothing, and it was starting to worry you and Mettaton too much and left you both near paranoid for Impact's safety. This led to you often staying close or around school, soon even taking up a job, though Mettaton talked you down from it as maybe you were overthinking the whole thing. As you did so now, you wished you had. But now wasn't the time to speak, instead it was time to act.

While you, Mettaton and Impact were home a van had pulled up and several armed thugs hopped out. Each dressed in some form of cameo either in black coats or jackets, masks and armed with simple bats or clubs, they all soon piled together up on your house's front door. Together, the group of eight raised their clubs and slammed them down. One hit, and already the door rocked, pieces of wood sent flying farther into the house as glass shuddered. Then followed by another, then another slam with the clubs and bats. As this happened, you already were up with Mettaton and Impact, moving silently through the darkened house. As you were, you called for help. "911, what is your emergency?"

Meanwhile, just outside the crew of thugs finally managed to knock the door's lock, busting it open and sending pieces flying far into the house. Swinging it open, they poured on inside and began searching for you all. Unfortunately, they weren't able to get in on time as you three had already left through the back door and were on the run. As you three did so, the arm thugs soon caught sight of the opened back door. Soon the chase was on, but it wouldn't be for long.

As you three ran along, the cool night air touched your (skin/feathers/etc) causing you to shiver but you ignored it and instead focused solely on getting as much distance as you can. "Metta!? Where are we going!?" "To friends, darling! Someone I KNOW can help!" Trusting in him completely, you kept up as best you could and soon you came into sight of a set of small homes close to a pond just ahead. One such was a house that appeared like a cabin, nearby one which seemed like a lab modeled after a fish. Soon enough you three got close and soon the entrance to the 'lab' slide opened with the three of you now inside. It was chilly, but you soon noticed the several monsters and humans waiting. Sans, Asgore, Papyrus, Toriel, Frisk, Undyne and Alphys stood before you alongside a few others. You had remembered meeting them, and felt relief take over. Sans was first to speak, the skeleton's sockets alight by blue. "It's time... time to give them a-" He paused before grinning; "Nah, not yet." Papyrus' face palmed before taking a step forward towards you and Mettaton. "Not to threaten! Dear (Human/Friend)! We shall protect you and your family from whoever dares to lay their arms on you!" Toriel stepped forward now, eyes stern as an aura of flame appeared on the palm of her hand. "Indeed, those who harm innocent children, and lack any rumors deserve little mercy." She spoke, in a clearly stern yet almost angry voice. With that said, you all prepared to deal with those who broke into your house. As it turned out, they were just outside the house.

"Are you going in or what?" One of the men spoke. "Why don't you?" Spoke an agitated woman's voice. After a small back and forth, a trio approached first and entered, surprised, by the sliding door. Once inside they all looked about but saw nothing. "No ones ere!" "Obviously dumba*s!" As the first three walked inside, they continued to argue and bicker, not noticing a figure slowly crawl downwards from the ceiling above. Outside, the remaining five wandered about to just behind the building as they tried finding a way in or where their target went. As they were, one turned about only to notice one of them was missing completely from sight. Confused, they pointed it out to the others only to see that the others were gone. Only a bat and mask were left behind. Frightened and clearly unsure on what to do, they turned and made a run for it only to bum into a hard surface. Falling on their but, they gazed upward only to notice a set of three figures. One, the target Mettaton, but also the ex-captain of the Royal Guard, and quite a stern former queen of the Underground, Toriel.

They gulped, reaching their arms and hands up in surrender.

(Week Later)

Impact continued to chase after Frisk, while Kris sat by and watched from close by. Susie and a young deer monster, Noelle sat beside him. With them was Toriel who causally spoke with Asgore and a few others. Undyne and Alphys jogged past, or more accurately, Undyne was carrying Alphys who was cheering her on. While this was happening, you and Mettaton were sitting together on a simple park bench watching it all unfold. It had definitely been an eventful month. The police investigation had turned up (Karen) as responsible, though she claimed she had no part in it. Her kid was taken away from her as a result, and though you disliked the women it was crushing watching him cry as he was taken away. You had even thought about at least giving her a lighter sentence, but how could you after what she tried to do to you and your family. So reluctantly, you had turned away.

Laying your head on Mettaton's shoulder, you allowed your eyes to close as silence soon overcame the scene as you and Mettaton held hands.

(The End)

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