Pain and Healing

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(Warning: Emotional... My most I think...).

Mettaton had a very... private personal life. That much you could say about him in the beginning when you began dating him. The star that you knew on stage, who performed and was seen by millions, turned out to be a very different person behind the scenes... And soon you would discover why that was.


You were currently walking back home, earbuds in place as you listened to some new remixes of Mettaton's song and we're currently trying hard not to break into a dance and follow the beat. The sun was falling and night had appeared to take its place as the first stars appeared overhead of you. You felt the wind blow past you, causing your coat to gently sway to the wind as you reached one of your hands up and pull the coat up slightly higher to cover your mouth, shivering slightly. You continued to hum the song to yourself and let your eyes wander as you gazed at the sidewalk across from you and the small shops, some open and the others closing down for the night. You looked at some of the cars that stood just in front of the shops, with some getting in and driving away.

You let a small sigh out and closed your eyes as you came to a halt and began to think to yourself. Opening them again, you ended up spotting something rather unexpected. Mettaton's car... It was currently in front of the park, right at the end of the block you had been walking down and saw it was empty. Seeing this, you pulled an earbud out and sped up your walk as you went over and stopped next to it. Looking inside, the car had no one inside and you looked over at the entrance of the park. You remembered the last time you two were here, it was for one of your dates and was probably one of, if not the most romantic date you two ever had together. Though you must admit, Mettaton's choice date to the beach was definitely a close second.

"Hmm." You stepped over to the open gate and look up at the gate which had the name of the park and when it was first established. Looking back into the park, he began walking in on the small dirt path that went right past the small playground then pond that had a few benches that rested near it, a clear view of the water.

A few minutes more, you turned your gaze from the pond to the small hills and field of flowers nearby. Looking into the field of flowers and small hills, you caught sight of someone on the largest of the hills, right beside a tall tree. You raised an eyebrow and walked closer to the small field of flowers and got a slightly better look at who it was. Turns out, it was your boyfriend, Mettaton. Seeing him, you began to make your way through the flowers, careful not to crush any of the smaller ones since 1: They were a rare type of flower, known as Echo Flowers. 2: And they were a rare shade of blue, a shade making them appear as if they could glow, especially at night with the moonlight bouncing off of them.

You finally passed the small field of flowers and were now just at the bottom of the hill, looking up at where you could see Mettaton. He was on one knee and seemed to be setting something up. You decided to try and be quiet as you walked up the hill and got close. Finally, you got close enough to see what he was doing...

That was when you realized...

Why Mettaton never talked about his family much...

(Mettaton's View)

Mettaton: "Happy birthday Blooky... If only I was there to help you..." He felt a single tear roll down his cheek as his body shuddered while he looked at the picture of Blooky and him when they were younger... Only in their teen years. He placed a small candle down just in front of the picture contained in a picture frame. Pulling out a tiny box of matches, he picked one out and instantly set it alight before he set the candle on.

The small flame came to life and burned bright for a moment before dimming down slightly. A small stream of smoke came up from it, leaving a trail to raise before his eyes. He paused for a moment before he finally began to sing... to sing a song he and Napstablook once knew as kids when they grew up together...

"Leaves from the vine...

Falling so slow...

Like fragile tiny shells...

Drifting in the foam...

Little brave boy...

Comes walking home...

Brave little boy...

Comes walking home..."

Taking a moment to settle d himself as a few more tears rolled down his face, he reached for his bag and pulled out his guitar... One he used to sing with while playing alongside Napstablook when they performed together for their family... He let out a shaky sob as he struggled to control his emotions... finally... he began again... as he began to play, gently pulling on the strings of the guitar.

"Leaves from the vine~
Falling so slow~

Like fragile tiny shells,

drifting in the foam~

Little brave boy,

comes walking home~
Brave little boy,

comes walking home~"

Taking a seat, crossing his legs as he continued to play the song, his voice failing to waver as he closed his eyes and poured his heart and soul into the song once more. The tears that once fell before, now remained in his teary eyes as he sang, his hand gently passing through the strings, the soft melody playing.

Finally, after a few more moments of this, he stopped, at last, she allowed his eyes to open once more and look at the picture of Booky and himself. Shuddering one last time he closed his eyes once more and leaned his head back still holding the guitar in his hands, afraid to let go.

(Back to your view)
You sat there, on the ground as tears were rolling down your face, a hand covering your mouth as you struggled not to cry form the sight you had just witnessed. Mettaton unfortunately heard your slight sob sounds and turned to you only to jump when he saw you. After a moment of looking at each other, he let go of the small guitar with one hand and reached out for you with it. To this, you nodded your head and moved to sit beside him. Once there, you lay your head gently on his shoulder as you both looked back at the picture of him and Blooky together, holding hands and looking really excited and... happy.

Mettaton let out one more shaky breath before he moved the guitar closer to himself in a protective manner as he looked at the photo. Meanwhile, you remained silent as you hugged your lover form the side and remained quiet out of respect, the two of you remaining that way for the remainder of the sunset as the small flame that once glowed proudly and with much brightness... slowly died down until it fizzled out.

(Songs original title "Leaves from the vine", a song created as a tribute to an actor who sadly passed away. I hope you enjoyed~).

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