Tragedy . . . 2

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The day to mourn was a silent one, no smiles or cheers of happiness could be heard as the crowd of monsters gather to mourn the loss of the young skeleton. The grave sat quietly on a small hill, just outside of town. The same hill he along with his brother once did to tell stories and hang out together, being brothers . . . The same hill he and his star once shared their first kiss and where many dates once happened. On the very top was a tree was a gravestone and flowers now rested just in front of it. The letters 'RIP' along with a few kind words had been in graved on the stone.

The older of the two, Sans . . . quietly watched and sniffled as he stared at the cold, grey structure. After a few moments of silence, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a slightly dusty yet still in good condition book, Papyrus favorite bedtime storybook . . .

Looking down at the front cover, the memories flooding his mind once again, he struggled so hard as to not fall on his knees onto the dirt-covered floor. Closing his sockets for a moment, he took only a few steps forward before reaching down and placing the book next to the flowers, making sure to not knock off anything or move it out of place. Once it was done, he backed away and continued to stare at the grave along with everyone else present.

Slowly and quietly, monsters began to leave . . . One by one, in groups or alone until only he and the star were left. The two continued to stare at the gravesite with broken hearts and sadden minds. Finally, after the two said their goodbyes and embraced one another one last time, they parted ways and went back to their separate homes.

For them . . .  The walk back home was just as . . . if not worse then the funeral . . . it was just so silent, quiet . . . Before they could have heard the young, loud, proud and innocent voice of him . . . But no more . . . He was gone now, and there was nothing much they could do about it.

When they got home . . . it got worse . . . Their homes . . . Once filled with life and Joy, cheers and happiness . . . was filled with grief, disappear and sadness . . . sorrow and heartache . . . pain and suffering. ..

Now they could only wonder when the pain could or if it would ever go away . . .

They were losing some of their hope . . . some of their . . . determination.

(A Year afterward):

You quietly whistled to yourself while you cleaned the glass cup in your hands with a washcloth and tap your foot to the beat of the jukebox that was in the room. As you finally finished the glass, you turned to your boss Grillby and handed him the glass as he placed it away under the bars counter. Grillby nodded to you and gave a thumbs up which you happily returned with a smile.

Turning back, you focused now on cleaning the bar's countertop and getting Grillby's ready to open for the day. Your name was (Name) and you had just recently begun living in this monster town. Working in the local bar they had, you had the job as a sever, dishwasher and also had to keep the place in order incase Grillby was ever gone or had to be elsewhere at the time. After a few moments of waiting, you turned your gaze up to the front door to which you approached and finally took the sign down, the one saying you guys were closed and unlocked the door.
Soon after, a couple of people came inside, first a human and a monster than a few more monsters joined them. Soon enough, the bar was almost full and you were running around getting orders and serving everyone there. As you left the kitchen with yet another tray of food, you heard the small bell at the door ring as someone walked in. Turning your gaze you froze and your eyes widen slightly upon seeing who came in. A robot it seemed, one who was dressed in a hoodie, black pants, two pink stalitos. He also had on a pair of white gloves and jet black hair, which happened to cover what would be his right eye.

Overall, he looked quite attractive honestly . . . "Ahem?" You jumped and looked back at who you were serving, them glaring at you slightly with crossed arms. "You gonna give me my food or stare at the pretty boy over there?" You jumped and turned back to the monster, blushing deeply and quickly nodded your head. (You): "Oh! S-Sorry about that! U-Um, your food?" You placed both plates down in front of the two and made one last apology then asked if they would want a refill for their drinks which they gave and you quickly walked away to avoid more embarrassment. As you made your way into the back, your gaze met with that of the robot you had been staring at earlier and his eyes met yours. It was a brief moment before he smiled a little and waved at you to which you blushed slightly and waved a little back with your free hand. As you both looked at one another you heard an 'Ahem' and your eyes quickly went to Grillby who had his arms crossed with him tapping his finger on his arm, giving you a look. You became embarrassed once again and turned away while heading through the back door to the kitchen.

A few moments passed as you cleaned the plates and cups in the back while you thought of that robot you saw earlier. While you were thinking, Grillby came in and turned to you as he placed a note down on the counter next to you before he got ready to leave again. (You): "Hmm? Oh? Another order? Alright, I'll get it." Grillby nodded at you and turned away while you finished up an finally began to prepare and cook the order for the robot.

Finally, after fixing the plate of spaghetti, you stepped out of the kitchen and made your way to the bar's counter where you noticed most of the monsters and humans there had already gone, the bar had become more quiet yet there were still a few there. Walking up to the spot where the robot was sitting, you placed the plate of spagehtti down and smiled at him while he looked up and gave a shy smile back at you. ???: "Thank you darling, here." He offered you some change which you blinked at then happily took and smiled brighter at him. (You): "Thanks, enjoy!" You turned and walked awya while he began to eat. Reahcing down into your apron, you pulled out a wash cloth and began to clean the bar counter.

While you were at work, you looked up at the male bot and saw him as he ate slowly, taking the time to savior the taste of each bite of spagehtti on his fork. You raised an eyebrow as he seemed to stop for a moemtn and began to think about soemthing, looking dreamily into a nearby wall. he was day dreaming and you wondered why but knew it was rude to ask. Turning away, you made one last walked aorund the place, waiuting the final number of monsters and recieved there change or was tipped. Finally, you walked back around the counter and began running the numbers, while doing this you remebered one last person was there and you looked towards the robot. He had stopped eating and finished his drink. You came over and smiled at him. (You): "Did you enjoy your meal?" ???: "Yes Darling, thank you~ It was wonderful~" You were surprsied but smiled and gave a proud smile at your cooking being complimented. (You): "Thank you! I do my best when I cook, always!" He nodded his head then sat up on his seat. ???: "Well I could tell~ Thank you~ . . . What's your name~? I've never seen you before here~?" You looked up at him and gave a shy smile as you shrugged. (You): "Well . . . I came here from far away to find work and somewhere better to live in. I found out that Grillby was hiring so I decided to head over and get a job and a place to live." He hummed and looked down at the counter, then turned his gaze away and looked pff to the side. He seemed to be thinking real hard about something again. You then spoke up and put the wash cloth away, back in your apron. (You): "What's you're name?"

He turned to you and have a proud smile, he stood up from his seat while placing a hand on his chest while the other he outstretched, he spoke proudly. Mettaton: "My name is Mettaton~! Former star, now just a scentist personal assistant~!"

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