Under the Moonlight

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(By oriental-beast, idea from Cutecat539 )

Mettaton (Ex) x Werewolf! Reader (Part 1)

Mettaton wondered about in his stage room, in his hands a calendar, while the other had his phone. In a week or so, a full moon would be taking place, a perfect night for a show. Mettaton had planned for this day to come, and tonight, the weather would be perfect. Clear skies, making the stars visible at night. And to add to that, a meteor shower would follow. It was just too perfect to miss such an opportunity as that. A for Mettaton, it would be a great time and place for a show to happen outside in the lovely evening breeze, outside in an open field. It would be far from the city, meaning that the lights above wouldn't affect the viewing of the stars above.

Mettaton was thankful he convinced his dear cousin Blooky to attend, as of course, to use his setup and play music alongside Mettaton himself. Along with that, Shyren would be coming to serve as a backup as usual. With this in mind, he still had one worry. And no, it wasn't if Burgerpants was going to greet each guest that came in or not. Instead, rather, it was about his friend, (Y/N).

For some reason, they had been closed off recently and hadn't left their home say for only grocery shopping or just to visit. They also rarely picked up his calls and they seemed so quiet and nervous. Not to mention, they always seemed to be rugged. Their hair tousled and barely kept. Their clothes wrinkled and they looked exhausted. Worrying for his friend long enough, Mettaton finally decided it was time to pay his friend a visit and check to see what was going on. Grabbing his keys off his table, he unlocked his door and stepped out into the mall hallway that leads to his studio. Inside, many were wondering about and getting things prepared for the show taking place at the end of the week.

Mettaton was too worried about (Y/N) to really notice, and instead, he walked out and made his way to his car. Hopping inside, he started it up and was soon driving down the block towards (Y/N) home with the drive being uneventful thankfully. Eventually, his car pulled up to the front of your house, where he parked and got out. Once out, he glanced up towards is your home and made his way up to your front door. Once there, he knocked upon the door and took a step back to wait. However, he heard nothing, No footsteps approaching or the lights being on inside. Now that he realized it, the lights weren't on anywhere!

Feeling the worry build in him, Mettaton gently nudges the door hoping that is open. The door, much to both his relief but also worry, he walked inside. Once inside though, he noticed had dark the house was, the lights were all off and no sign of any living soul could even be heard. As Mettaton looked around, his concern only grew. Your home looked unkept! Pillows, that were once on the couch, had been tossed to the floor. Picture frames and other wall decorations were lying in the hallway, some shattered. The walls? Some had deep scratches or gashes that tore off some of the wallpaper or left deep holes that showed off some of the house's foundations!

Okay, Mettaton was terrified. Reaching for his phone, he quickly dialed 911 and brought the phone to his ear. He warry made his way into your house, his eyes scanning around his surroundings as he nervously made his way through. Each room he went to, dining room, living room, kitchen. All of them appeared as if some wild beast had torn through them. What really shocked him was the kitchen though, it was a total wreck! Food, plates, and other items were all over the floor! The table and chairs had been flipped over and even a shelf had been torn from the wall!

Mettaotn could feel his soul pounding in his glass stomach, his fear, which had been only growing, had reached a whole new level. But remembering he was here for you, he remained calm and took a few moments to calm himself. Just then, his call was picked up and he headed to a woman on the other end to speak. "This is dispatch, what is your emergency?"

"Hello? This is Happstablook "Mettaton" Ex. I need help at (Home address) immediately! My friend (Y/n) is in some danger!"

"Okay, do not worry we already have officers on their way, just stay on the line with me and let me know what's happening." With that said, Mettaton gave a nod though the dispatcher obviously couldn't see, and continued on slowly. As he made his way towards your room now, he felt the tension grow slowly upon each step as the signs of damage and destroyed photos and pictures lying on the floor. Scratch marks and torn wallpaper were also there. Now that he examined them some more, it looked as if those scratch marks were... from claws?

Mettatom felt his confusion grow, but then he heard something that made his oil (blood) run cold. "Grrrrrrrrr~" A slow rumble or growl from just ahead, and Mettaton gulped. He realized he still had the phone, and in a rather dumb move, turned it off and placed it in his pocket. Approaching your bedroom, he heard the same sound once again. Stopping for a second, he took a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding and stepped closer to your door. He saw the door had been damaged to the put it was off its hedges and was just laying against the doorway to stand up. Gulping, Mettaton quietly switched his normal arm to that of Mettaton Neos. He had asked Alphys before so he could defend himself, and she agreed. And he's glad she did.

Reaching for the door carefully, he took a gentle hold that quickly turned firm and he slowly pulled it open and away from its former place and Mettatom felt his confusion grow, but then he heard something that made his oil (blood) run cold. "Grrrrrrrrr~" A slow rumble or growl from just ahead, and Mettaton gulped. He realized he still had the phone, and in a rather dumb move, turned it off and placed it in his pocket. Approaching your bedroom, he heard the same sound once again. Stopping for a second, he took a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding and stepped closer to your door. He saw the door had been damaged to the put it was off its hedges and was just laying against the doorway to stand up. Gulping, Mettaton quietly switched his normal arm to that of Mettaton Neos. He had asked Alphys before so he could defend himself, and she agreed. And he's glad she did.

Reaching for the door carefully, he took a gentle hold that quickly turned firm and he slowly pulled it open and away from its former place and quietly as he could, moved it aside. Once it was safely out of the way, Mettaton peeked into your bedroom, and to say he was shocked with its condition would be a GREAT understatement. Gulping again, Mettaton stepped into the room, his eyes trained and arm cannon at the ready to fire. Just as he stepped farther into the room he froze on the spot, his eyes widening as he stared down towards the foot of your bed, laying much like a dog would if it was sleeping. The covers were torn or wrapped up in a pile "it" was currently laying on, and "it" seemed to have a long, fluffy wolf-like tail wrapped around itself. A pair of wolf-like ears was also spotted, and Mettaton remained quiet as he tried to process what exactly he was seeing. Then, he realized and a look of pure confusion instantly came to his face, as his voice became little more than a whisper with you're name:


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