A Star's Encouragement

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Mettaton x Reader

From a long week of traveling, Mettaton and (Name) found themselves just outside a resort, where the duo would be sent to stay for the time being. (Name), naturally, was the one having to take the lead as Mettaton was busy fussing over his next shows and interviews. It had been only a month since his grand tour began, and even still he was feeling the pressure. Right now he was feeling it, as he looked himself in the mirror while struggling to fix his tie that already looked fine. Watching this go on, you continued working on unpacking your things safely away and in order. Placing one empty suitcase down and opening another, you stopped at last in frustration and approached Mettaton from behind. The poor star, despite being in his box form and obviously lacking facial features, you could sense that he was stressed. Snatching hold of his tie, you watched him stiffen up while you did the tie for him. Once it was, you calmly ran your hand over it to make sure it was straight before doing the same to his suit. When it was done, Mettaton turned to face you. "Quit overthinking it. You look amazing as always, now go out there and show them who you truly are." With a moment to process your words, Mettaton's yellow screen was soon joined by red in the shape of a heart, to which he followed by embracing you which only made you laugh and return the favor. Finally, he was done and soon was out, leaving you behind to stay and get settled at the resort. It would be at least until noon that he would return, assuming he wasn't caught up with the paparazzi or fans. Finding a seat on the couch, you decided to begin by checking your phone.

The day went on and soon a movie was left playing while you smacked away on some chips you had brought, when you heard your phone ring. Swiping your phone open, a series of messages seemed to have been sent just over a short period of time. Soon seeing one was a message, you checked only to hear that Mettaton was calling you over to the park. Confused but deciding you might as well, you went ahead to clean yourself up along with your room before leaving. Once you were sure both you and your room looked fine, you finally took your room keys and made your way out in casual wear. Once down the elevator and out the front lobby, the short walk began by being greeted by the cool air and clear skies overhead. Soon your walk began and you found yourself surrounded by a small crowd of people. Some of them seemed to be reporters, who were currently eager to ask you some questions. Rather than answer however, you picked up your pace. It was obvious that there was one disadvantage to loving a star; and that was the paparazzi which was forcing you to pick up the pace. Eventually they seemed to get the hint, and gave up. Thankfully, your flight from them had gotten you closer to the park to which you noticed an event going on. Seeing several posters hung up on several telephone poles and street lights, it seemed a charity event was currently underway, and Mettaton was one of those attending.

"So that's why he asked me over." you thought, and off you went towards the park. Closing in, you approached the gate which leads into the park, currently occupied by plenty of fans and news teams, along with police stationed either side to slow the flow of people inside and keep a close eye. Not sure what else to do, you were about to walk to the back of the line leading down the block when a voice called over the rest. "(Name) (Last Name)!?" Confused, your eyes soon met who appeared to be one of the organizers along with an officer to help clear a path. Hearing that overhead, you turned to face them as they approached, gesturing for you to get close. "Yes?" you calmly responded back until you three were close. "I-I've been sent over to bring you over to Mr. Happstablook." Surprised you gave a nod before you let them lead you inside and through the crowd of onlookers. Once in you could see several tables and chairs set up, picnic tables set, people sitting on the ground on either towels or blankets. Small concession stands, barbeques and grills were under way and cooking as the smoke rose above before fading away. Coolers and snack stands were currently being sold by some vendors, while staff assigned to several trailers and other larger food outlets served large crowds. "What's going on here?" The organizer leading you spoke up, while you were playing a game of frogger with the large crowds of people on the path you walked. "It's a special event for the local hospital and for those under severe conditions, mostly kids." "Neat" and with that mystery solved, you smiled knowing why all this effort was put into this event. Eventually spotting a set of large tents, you were led up to one that was guarded by men dressed in suits and wearing sunglasses. With a simple hand gesture, the organizer was allowed in while the officer turned and went the opposite way back. Entering you found yourself in what looked like a star's dressing room when you noticed a changing screen at one end of the room. Said screen was, unfortunately for you, currently occupied as indicated by the obvious silhouette of someone standing just behind it and changing. Quickly turning away, you tried finding something else to distract yourself before then realizing the person didn't even know you were present.

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