.Mettaton's Neo Time to Shine. (Part 2)

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Mettaton Neo and you continued your fight against the small crazed child, you two managing to dodge and miss the child's blade which came close, only for you two to sidestep out of the way. With that opening, you instantly sent a kick flying right at the child's chest which caused him to drop their blade. After being kicked back a few feet they pulled out their revolver and took aim at you only to be smacked across the face with Neo's hand which sent them flying back several more feet away.

Mettaton then charged ahead as you sent two fireballs right after the child as they tried to get up quickly, only to be met with two flames coming right at them and forced the child to quickly sidestep and was punched in their stomach by Mettaton's fist, hard. They were sent back and crashed into the wall behind them, leaving a huge dent after they fell on the floor on their hands and knees.

As they struggled to stand up from the heavy blow you stepped forward and grabbed them by the collar. Once grabbing them you picked them up and slam them into the wall, hard. Your hand clenched tightly as you glared into their eyes harshly. In your other hand is your fire, burning bright and almost turning into a faint purple in appearance.

You were just about to finish it when you felt a firm hand grab your shoulder and stop you. Turning your gaze, your (E/C) color eyes met those of pink as Mettaton gave you a stern look and shook his head slightly. Noticing this and deciding to agree with him you looked back at the child and noticed that they no longer had those red, demon-like eyes and were instead filled with tears and crying? They sounded scared, frighten, and guilty and it made you tense up more so because of it.

Soon you released your hold and they ended up falling off their knees, arms wrapped around themselves and letting several choked sobs through their nose, a small puddle of tears made by them. You stepped back and continued to watch this sad display of regret and turned your gaze to metta only to see him giving you the same look back. Eventually, you both nodded and you went ahead and grabbed the knife and revolver, finding out both were just simple toys and held them behind your back while Mettaton walked up to the child themselves and picked them up like a parent would their own. He then cradled them, holding them up with one arm under there but while the other held them close which was wrapped around their mid-section.

He began rocking them back and forth as he tried calming them down the best he could while whispering sweet things in their ear while you sat by and watched, your own eyes filling up with tears at the sight you were looking at. Eventually, the child stopped and preceded to go on and on saying sorry for what they did and all they had killed, and then went on about how they would fix it. While part of you wanted to deny such an idea or even think about ending them right there and now since you believed they could be lying, part of you ended up winning over and that part of you said to show some Mercy and spare them.

Once you did they turned around and walked out of the core, leaving you and Mettaton alone as you two glanced at one another before embracing each other in a tight embrace, your eyes closing as you allowed your heads to rest against one another and your eyes looking into his. Soon you two closed the gap and pecked each other on the lips as you both smiled and held one another for some time until the reset happened. Tho you and Mettatona in you wouldn't remember what happened, in the New and last TImeline you two would end up together again, in love and as a happy couple on the surface. Living in peace.

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