Scenario: A hardcore Nerd

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(Thank you RoyalMareOfDarkness for the suggestion!)

Or; When Mettaton is secretly a nerd?

This wouldn't be something you discovered until much later after you two became an item. Either through accident or just overhearing it from your friend Alphys, you learned that your love was quite the snail enthusiast, and a very passionate one at that. A hobby of his, whilst not at home, or at his work in the studio or resort; saw him instead busy in two places. Either at the library busy collecting any works in regards to snails and their species. Or, at home in his personal "space" which he claimed to work in but was really a place where a whole enclosure of snails he kept and cared for. And whilst anyone else may have a simple cage or relatively small container, Mettaton seemed to have the idea a whole "mansion" would be appropriate for the snails. As such, one glance and you'd see a whole dining room table width enclosure, a foot from touching the ceiling, with countless snails having made their home inside. So many colors and shades, with snails of many sizes all over. Upon entering, either through curiosity or by accident, you walked in only to freeze from where you were at the sight.

If he was there, he'd immediately gasp before trying to cover the display from view, either using himself or anything like a towel to block it from view whilst saying; "It's not what it seems!" and "Pay that no mind!" If not, that it would be later in which you brought it up, leading Mettaton to look away in embarrassment before finally building the courage after a moment of silence and explaining himself. Regardless, you would make sure not to laugh or make it seem you weren't judging him, cause why would you? He would, of course, address it and explain his 'bobby' to which you simply didn't care, and that you only wished he had told you instead of keeping it hidden. He explained that he was worried you were grossed out or wouldn't understand just why he had snails to begin with. To which, you would laugh it off or pretend to act insulted, before telling him he was worrying over nothing. You didn't care, as it was his business, it was hurting no one, and he clearly put in a lot of effort and enjoyed it. Of course if you knew of his life before being a star, you'd bring up that you almost expected it or that it only made sense for him to find a hobby outside of being a star, which he could find some enjoyment from and be able to take things slow.

Ultimately, he would feel immense relief before offering to bring you back in to see his collection for yourself, to which you agreed. You watched as he fussed over his snails, even name calling them and introducing them each. They all had silly names and a few were his 'favorite' of the bunch, but as he explained he; "Love them all equally" and said they were all his. Laughing it off, you watched for a little while longer before either asking to hold one, or offering to help in some way before leaving. If it was the former, you would of course be hesitant and afraid you'd hurt the small guys, but thankfully Mettaton helped calm your nerves before placing one gently in your palm. The small creature, a native to the underground, soon relaxed upon getting comfortable before moving on forward slowly. You grinned sheepishly, commenting on how weird it felt, yet surprisingly not as slimy. Mettaton went on to explain that those from the Underground were noticeably different from ones on the surface, slightly larger and mostly slim. It was strange hearing that, but you quietly listened as he went on about the snails he had and the ones he knew from the underground. He then went on about how many from the Underground were, the species and which were his favorites. Listening you soon found yourself sitting down whilst the little one causally got off your hand and onto the table before it began making an attempted escape.

Alternatively, if you merely choose to help him, you watch as he stops to look at each and every snail before either providing food or water, fixing up their small 'homes' or just cleaning their spaces each. Eventually though, he stopped and mentioned a fact about snails and how different ones on the surface were from those below. Curious, you asked what made them different and he began listing the facts, before mentioning how difficult it was to care for ones on the surface, since they had differences from the ones in the Underground. Eventually, in either case, you were left listening as Mettaton went on to explain the snails he had, which ones he didn't, when he got them and everything you needed to know. Whether or not you choose to stop him, time certainly did go by until you and him left before continuing your day as normal. Afterwards, Mettaton asked if you could help him from now on, to which you agreed.

If not snails, but rather something more unexpected say... anime, then it would catch you for the loop. One day you minded your own business, again, thinking Mettaton was working on a new song or album from his office when you heard those sounds of any anime ever, the japanese or dub and all. Curious, you approached before two things happened. Either you knocked, or you remained silent before peeking inside. If you knock you instantly hear a thud followed by a silent 'crap' before quick movement, then silence before Mettaton answers. He looked embarrassed and had a noticeable blush before causally grinning and tried to play it off. "Yes hun?" From there you'd asked what he was doing, in which he tried to play it off before asking if you needed anything. Unfortunately, he spoke too soon as behind him you notice some rather obvious anime merch. If you didn't knock and instead peeked inside, you would be surprised to find Mettaton watching an anime play intently, a small smile on his face as he sat comfortably back in his seat and eyes glued to the screen. This explains why he was often so 'busy,' as it was evident from this sighting alone he was a bit of an anime nerd. Of course that changed to a total hardcore dork or nerd as once you looked around his room, you saw plenty of merch from plushies to small figures all around his room.

Then, just as the episode ended, he stopped to turn and reach for something only to freeze once his eyes met yours. You gave a sheepish grin as he froze, before panicking as he shut his (TV, PC, Tablet) down before causally reaching for his microphone. "Oh, sorry dear. I was just uh... looking for my program and came across Alphys's. I swear, she watches so much anime using my account." He tried to play it off, but you casually reminded him that Alphys already had her own, and that you caught him watching it a few seconds ago. He would, of course, refuse and try to change the conversation whilst willingly being horrible. Finally, he would give in either way and let you come in. Stepping inside as he moved out of the way, you were surprised once he turned the lights on and your eyes were met with so many colors. Posters on the walls, merch of all sorts on shelves, the table, desk. Figures lined in a case, shirts hanging nearby on a hanger- Alphys would be in paradise here, easily. Turning towards him, you saw he looked deeply embarrassed, even ashamed as he stared at the ground. What's wrong you would ask, and he responds with; "Because it's embarrassing... I know how some people look at anime lovers. They mock them and all. That's why I keep it hidden." You either laughed, or simply smiled before placing a hand on his shoulder or hand. "You have nothing to hide. If you like it? Then by all means." If you revealed you liked watching it too, or that you simply didn't care, he would be surprised before grinning from ear to ear before offering you a personal 'tour' of his room. Accepting out of wanting to support your (Bf, Fiancé, Hubby) you were soon engulfed into a whole world with different anime, from those set in the modern world, to fantasy with knights and dragons, giant robots, demons and gods, and everything in between. He had quite the impressive collection, one clearly formed over years of hard work. Though being a star, in his case, likely helped. By the end you were either feeling really proud, and potentially jealous, or just overwhelmed and having been lost completely part way. Regardless, your support meant a lot, and after offering for you to join him in binge watching the latest series to come out you either agreed or politely refused, but still offered to be there in case he wanted someone to talk with about it.

Despite this revelation, he did have to swear to secrecy, as whilst he was fine with you know. You being his love, his friends especially in Alphys, didn't need to know. He wouldn't hear the end of it from her or Undyne, especially after his comments against Amines in general. He didn't want to appear like a massive hypocrite even after he decided to give them a chance and watch some time ago. Regardless, you made sure to promise and keep your word, just for your hardcore nerdy love.

(Hope you enjoyed!)

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