Time at the Beach!

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You continued to recline in your chair watching and listening to the sounds of the beach, the monsters and two humans continued to enjoy the wonders of the sea. As you watched, you noticed Papyrus, one of the skeleton bros, attempting to surf only for a "mysterious" shadow underwater make its way towards him and then... "SUPLEX!!!" "UUUUNNNNNDDDDDYYYYYNNNNNNEEEEE!!!!!!" A skeleton was sent flying by the former captain of the royal guard, Undyne. In all honesty, it was the most graceful thing you've ever seen. Papyrus did a rather perfect impression of a starfish and landed, head first, into the water.

Sans, who was sitting on a small towel under an umbrella nearby, pulled out a sign with the 9/10 on it. You couldn't help but laugh at the situation at hand as it played out, with a now angry and soaking skeleton appearing out of the water to shout "SANS!!!."

Frisk, Chara, and Asriel were attempting to make an 'epic' sandcastle. Toriel and Asgore had their own little set up with a slightly larger umbrella with Toriel resting in a chair, reading a book. Asgore was closeby, drinking some (insert drink here) wanting to try something new from the surface instead of having tea again. 

Grillby was close by, (aka) halfway from the water making food for other monsters who were passing by and enjoying the beach also. Nicecream Guy and Burgerpants also were handing food out for others to enjoy. You sat on a recliner, far back from everyone else, just enjoying the view and watching everyone. Suddenly, you heard the sand get stepped on and ice within a glass cup clank against one another. You turned and your face turned a tint of red, MTT stood there wearing a bikini and bra, not small but it still made him look good, he also had a towel under one of his arms and a pair of sunglasses on. You couldn't stop yourself from staring, he just looked that good in anything he wore. He also had sandals on, (Because boots and sand don't mix) and was carrying a chair also. 

 "Ahem" you snap out of your trance and turned to face Mettatons face, which now has a smug look on it. "Like what you see?" Placing the chair down and putting the hand on his hip. Your face felt unbearably hot and so you turned away. , muttering that you weren't looking at all. Mettaton simply laughed and set up his seat with one hand and place his glasses on. Putting the drink down in the small cup holder the chair hand, MTT pulled out a magazine that featured the latest in fashion, which happened to feature him on the front cover. You turned to face him as he continued to ignore the world around him. You sighed and turned back to face everyone else. A volleyball game was currently going on, Undyne, Frisk, and Chara on one side. Papyrus, Asriel, and Muffet surprisingly, on the other. The game looked intense, especially with Undyne hitting the ball.   

You paused and turned to face MTT again as he flipped another page, and paused before removing one hand from the book, and reached for his glass of wine, (odd choice for the beach but) and takes a sip. You curiously raise your head to get a better look at what he's looking at. The Page contained Mettaton in several outfits on one page with different prices for each. Along with the other page containing the latest MTT brand products near the top and new Movies at the bottom. Mettaton had grown popular and he had expanded his brand, just like he wanted. Flipping the page should a chart which displays his most popular MTT products. You paused for a moment a squinted, trying to read some of the text. It was small and was hard to read. You continued to try and read the text until." Curious Darling~" Your face went a little red and turned to face MTT and saw him looking at you, an amused look on his face. You stammered your response. "I-I was j-just, c-curious..." Mettaton laughed. "Darling, " stifling some laughter. "You've started to sound like Alphys." You paused before responding. "O-oh shut up..." 
MTT giggled, and adjusted his position so you could read the magazine. You were going to say something when a ball came flying towards you, seconds before impact and your hands were in front of you, only no impact. Sliding your arms slowly away, you saw one of Mettaton's hands in front of you, inches away. 

Mettaton slowly lowered his hand, a serious look on his face as he looks at the one responsible. Undyne stood there, rubbing her neck nervously, a tint of red on her cheeks. "S-sorry punk, guess I smacked the ball too hard. hehehe" Undyne gives a sheepish smile. You simply slow your breathing and give a simple smile and thumbs up. Undyne sighs before running up to get the ball, only a few feet away before turning back and racing to the others, all with worried looks on their faces. 

Mettaton let's out a heavy sigh and turns to face you. "Are you alright?" His voice no longer sounding cheerful upbeat, instead of serious. You simply nodded and took in a large amount of air. Mettaton turned away and reached for a bottle of water, he turned back and handed you to bottle for you to drink. Some time passed as everything went back to normal, you paused before standing up and getting ready to swim. "Darling, can you do something for me?" You stopped and turned around. A towel laid out with Mettaton laying on it, back facing the sky. A bottle of sunscreen in it. You looked at MTT confused, he is, after all, a machine, right? 

You approached MTT and grabbed the bottle from his hands, giving him a confused look. "Oh Darling, these synthetic skin requires moisture in order to remain as good as it does now, care to help me maintain it?"  You paused before simply nodding a kneeling next to him as he looked forward, away from the sea. Mettaton wasn't wearing his shoulder pads, a certain part of his outer casing were removed, he looked more human-like this, he still, however, had his heart casing still. 

The only skin you saw was on his shoulders and slightly below where his shoulder pads would be. His "buttocks" also was made of this 'skin', everywhere else was much the same. You thought it was kinda pointless but decided to go on with it anyway. Pouring a small portion of cream in your hands and slowly run it over his shoulders. You heard him make a quiet 'mmm' sound and rest his head on his arms. YOu continued, basically messaging him and he continued to make slight noises, even a moan or to. You can't help but wonder how he felt such things, Alphys really did make wonderful things, but you think she goes too far sometimes. 

After a while, which you failed to realize, you finally stopped and backed away from MTT still on your knees. Mettaton took a moment before turning to face you. "Why' ed you stop Darling~? I found I was quite enjoying myself there." HE said this with a wink, or at least you thought it was but it was hard to tell because his left, (which would really be his right in his view) eye, was covered. Your face still burned slightly and faint dust of pink covered your cheeks. Mettaton laughed, noticing your expression. Mettaton stifled his laughter before giving you a cheeky smile. "Care to continue ~?" Mettaton gesture to his... ...but... It is suddenly scorching all of the sudden or was it just you. You immediately covered your face with your hands and MTT went into a laughing fit. 

After a moment full of laughter and you trying to recompose yourself, you both finally were alright and willing to continue. "Your too cute Darling~," MTT said this while holding his on the chin. You proceed to pick up a pile of sand and throw it at the star as he quickly turned away, got up and began playfully running the other way as you chased after him. Oh well... it was an interesting day.

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