Metta Pan 2~

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As you ran over to them, you snatched up the small knitting needle and yarn ball that rested on the dresser and came over to the three. Quickly, Metta's shadow tugged harder and harder as he tried desperately to free himself. Metta struggled but kept him in place as you attached the yarn with the needle and soon you had the shadows foot back with Metta's foot. Metta took a moment to inspect your work before smiling and grabbing your hand to shake. Metta: "Thank you darling~! I appreciate the work~!"

You smiled and happily shook his hand back. (You): "You're welcome Metta Pan~! But if I can ask, is that why you came here?" Metta Pan: "Why yes darling~! My shadow can just be such a nusince~! He's just so hard to deal with anymore~!" His shadow crossed his arms and looked away while Metta himself just sighed and turned away, looking off to the side. Metta: "Well anyway, I had another reason to come here~!" (You): "Oh? What would that reason be?" Metta smiled and took hold of both of your hands and brought them close to him. Metta: "Simple! I'm taking you with me to Glamourland~!"

Silence quickly took over the room for at least a few moments before you blinked and spoke again.

(You): "G-Glamourland?" He nodded his head excitedly and suddenly spun you around while pulling you close. Now you were in his arms, bodies together in an embrace as he grinned down at you, his smile surprisingly causing your face to warm up but you kept quiet. Metta: "Yes~! Glamourland~! A magic land located to the second star on the right~!" He points outside to the two brightest stars in the sky, one larger than the other.

You were still quiet but looking back at him, you saw him looking down at you with a proud grin. Metta: "So? What do you say dear~? Wanna travel to Glamourland and escape adult life~?" You took the next few moments to think before you nodded your head slowly and turned to smile at him. (You): "I will! I want to go to Glamourland!" He smiled and picked you up form the ground and spun you around in the air as he flew up. Metta: "Wonderful~! Let's go~!" "WAIT!!!" He stopped and looked at you confused before noticing your two siblings who both started waking up. Metta: "Ah, you wanna bring them with you two~?" You nodded your head. "Yup!" Metta: "Arlight~!" He looked at Frisk and Asriel as they both sat up and rubbed their eyes, trying to wake up only to gasp and look in shock as they noticed you, Metta, and Blooky floating there.

Asriel: "I-Is that . . . ?" Frisk: "I-It can't be . . ." (You): "but it is! Metta Pan~!" Both jumped out of there beds and raced up to you both and cheered, looking excited. Frisk: " I can't believe it!!!" Asriel: "OMG!!! His HERE!!!" Metta giggled and flew down, getting close to the two and nodded his head. Metta: "Yup! That's me~! Do you two wanna join me on an adventure~?" Frisk and Asriel: "YEA!!!" Metta turned to Blooky and nodded his head at him. Metta: "You know what to do~! Time for some magic~!" Blooky nodded his small head and flew over you, Frisk and Asriel, releasing a faint, pixie dust filled mist of magic and all three of you started to float up and away. (You): "Oh MY!!! We're flying!!!" Frisk: "I can't believe it!!! Asriel: "Neither can I!!!"

All three of you were racing around in the room, even spinning around the ceiling light and moving quickly. Metta and Blooky watched you three, an amused expression on there faces.  Finally, Metta got in the way of you three and brought his hand up to make you stop, to which all three of you did and looked at him, excited and ready to go. Metta: "Alright, now you three beauties stay close and follow me~! We're playing follow the leader~!" All three of you nodded as Metta made his way to the window and swung the glass panels aside, clearing room.

Metta: "And Here we Goooo~!!!" He flew backward and seemingly fell out of the window while you three quickly followed and flew right out the window! The air blew hard against your face as you felt weightless and quickly approached the ground. Your screams of joy turned into screams of terror as you got closer and closer to hitting it. Suddenly, just as you were a foot or so away from hitting the ground, you felt two arms wrap around your body and pick you up and away from the ground, a power force carries you up and back into the sky once again. You had your eyes shut tightly and gripped onto the shoulders of the person who saved you. You were shaking as you felt your heartbeat quickly in your chest. "It's alright darling, your safe~ I promise~" Your eyes shot opened and you blinked before realizing you were in his arms, looking up you saw the concerned yet caring look in Metta Pan's eyes as he held you close. Metta: "Don't worry, same thing happened to me when I first tried . . . I ended up in the water tho, that was not fun . . ." He gave a sheepish grin while you smiled a little before snuggling up into his chest, him looking surprised and his eyes widening as he realized what you were doing. Metta: "O-Oh . . . Um, let's get . . . going?"


Meanwhile, a set of clouds clear overhead of a large island in the middle of the sea. The clear blue waters exposed some of the hidden and sunken wrecks of old sailing ships that surrounded the place. A few large and small rocks that decorated the coast on one side, one being a massive skull-shaped small island nearby. A volcano rested silently near the north of the island, a massive, overgrown forest of trees that surrounded it. A rather large and near tropical tropical island that rests alone in the middle of the ocean. Except, it was the current home of nonother then Metta Pan himself, and the place were his arch nemesis, Captin Flowey frequently made his mark.

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