Mettaton's Struggle

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A Tense Relationship

Or "Mettaton's Choice"

Sitting alone at his table, Mettaton continued to feel the feeling of anxiousness take hold of him while his mind was in full blown panic. Just moments ago, he had gotten the call that Papyrus and (Name) would be attending this special event by the end of the month and yet, despite either not knowing it, had personally asked Metta out to the event. It was then that Mettaton knew he was trapped. Two people, two he had cared for alot and had become close, we're both vowing for him. And he honestly wasn't sure what he should do. How do you reject someone and accept the other? Wouldn't you or Papyrus be upset and turn their back on them? What could he say? What would he say? The answer didn't come that evening as Mettaton sat alone in his bedroom, legs dangling off the side of his bed while his eyes gazed up towards the pinkish ceiling above him. He hoped that he didn't have to go through a rejection, that he wouldn't have to break someone's heart. But it seemed he would soon experience it regardless. With that clear, Mettaton stood up and approached his table where he performed his make-up routine in the morning. Staring himself at the mirror, he glanced towards the photos that were hanging up which displayed you and him together, side by side during a trip out of town. Another of Papyrus and him at a local fair. Of course, you had all been friends then, and officially, still now. But both you and Papyrus had shown interest in him, and Mettaton had vowed before leaving the Underground never to hurt another person he cared for. It had taken time to heal with Napstablook, but it was worth it. But now dealing with two and in a romance no less? He never felt such worry ever before.

But knowing he would have to decide, Mettaton looked himself in the mirror and gave a firm nod. When the time came, he would be ready. He would handle this right, and prevent any hardship or sadness. Though it stayed on his mind as he prepared for bed, Mettaton was already planning ahead for when the time came. And hope seemed to return to him once again.


Attending yet another performance, you had been accustomed to getting a backstage VIP pass and being able to see your friend and love interest, Mettaton. You carried in your hands a bouquet of flowers, already destined for said star along with a note. Not a confession as you planned on doing so later, but still a nice treat and way to build courage before you finally got the chance to ask the question. Upon reaching the security guards, you flashed the pass and they instantly gave the nod, you already having shown your trust overtime with frequent visits. Once seeing the fan-meet up room, which was where Mettaton usually brought those lucky few, you already felt relief. As you got comfortable and placed either item down, you heard a door swing open and Mettaton step out. Upon spotting you, he instantly grinned and brought you into a hug.


Papyrus was generally a confident person, one who never allowed anything to worry or discourage himself. He always had a smile on his face, and a cheery attitude more often than not. It was just who he was. However now it seemed the Great Papyrus faced an impossible challenge, and that was to actually deliver this letter and gift to Mettaton. Right at this moment he carried a well wrapped package carrying his present inside, along with it a quick letter of admiration for the star. Careful not to trip or fall, Papyrus brought the gift to MTT Resort. Walking inside, he gave a cheerful greeting to each of the staff along the way to where a Q&A was taking place, this happened to be in the resort's Restaurant. Once stepping inside, and having Security check him over for safety reasons, Papyrus stepped inside and witnessed several monsters and humans who waved and cheered as Mettaotn performed a few tricks. As a question had questioned just how strong yet flexible he was, Mettaton took it as a challenge and showed off to the audience. In the aftermath was a nice split across the stage, grinning as the crowd went wild. Papyrus joined in applauding the star as he stood and took a bow on stage. "Alright darlings, next ask!" As the event continued, Papyrus sat by and silently watched and enjoyed the show. It was nice to get out of the house after all. Plus he wouldn't have to hear Sans puns, which honestly could annoy him at times despite some actually being... funny? Papyrus questioned whether or not he might be driven insane by them yet.

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