"Daily Morning with a Killer Robot"

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Mettaton-Ex/(Reader) Spend a Morning Together

As you continued cleaning the dishes, then placing them away as you hummed a favorite song to yourself. Finally finishing after placing one last glass cup, you checked to see if anything was left in the sink only to nod in approval now that everything was done. Stepping away you tossed the hand towel aside on the countertop, and took a seat at your dining table. There you laid back, closing your eyes as the feeling of need to sleep was still there. Awaiting a few moments, a door was heard and glancing towards the small hallway, you awaited knowing who it was. Mettaton, walking out in only a plain shirt and shorts, gave a dramatic yawn and stretch. Watching this you snickered, knowing that he always had to act, even when he didn't have too. Noticing you he approached before wrapping his arms around your chest and shoulders, placing a kiss on your temple. "Morning hun." "Morning Met." Finding his own seat besides you, he smiled before fixing his hair aside from his face. "Anyway, hun I got a call from Toriel." Glancing towards him, you gestured to continue. "Yes?" "Well, Toriel needs someone to take Frisk to school." Surprised, you felt some happiness getting to see them again. "Apparently, Toriel will be busy this week, along with Asgore, dealing with the human government." Placing his phone down, you shrugged. "Well I wouldn't mind, and knowing who you are you wouldn't either. When should we go?"

"Well-" A thump was heard, followed by a quick set of steps from none other than your child, impact. Wondering from around the corner, Impact grinned and waved before running up to Mettaton, and then you.


Half an Hour later, Mettaton and you were making your way to Toriel's home. Within the open top which you pride yourself in, you glanced towards Metta as the scarf he wore whipped into the wind. Glancing back towards you, he smiled which you returned back before you returned your gaze to the road. Glancing through the rear view mirror, you noticed Impact playing on his phone. Smiling at seeing the adorable monster he has waited eagerly to see Frisk again. Your wait didn't last too long as finally coming into sight of the Dreemurr's home, you pulled into their driveway only to be greeted by Toriel and Frisk, who both walked right up to your car. Impact, feeling much excitement as seeing his favorite Auntie, quickly hopped out and embraced her, which Toriel happily returned. Stepping out, you and Mettaton both gave Toriel a greeting of a hug, which she returned with a kiss for each. Frisk followed next; "And are you ready to go?" to which the human child offered a thumbs up. With the greetings and hellos over with, you four got in once more and off you went. The drive was fairly uneventful, filled with quite a few laughs as Mettaton decided it was the perfect time to tell his own set of jokes and puns. Much to your own dismay, and the children's amusement.

Soon pulling in alongside the sidewalk, and just in front of the main building, you hopped out alongside Impact and Frisk who stepped out alongside you while Metta took extra time to check his reflection. By the time he was done, you already said your goodbyes, giving Impact a tender kiss on his cheek as he happily accepted the affection. "Now go, and have fun. Okay?" "Okay (Mom/Dad)!" The small monster turned and repeated the same act with his father, who scooped him up in his noodle arms and embraced his son. "I love you so much, dear! Take good care and always be yourself." "Okay dad!" And with that, Frisk and Impact turned face and ran up the small path right up to the school itself. Clearly though, you both had drawn an audience. Mettaton being a star, and you having helped Frisk and the relations between Humans and Monsters, you two were quite famous. And this showed for the fact several kids turned and stared, waved or watched in amazement seeing you two in person. You and Mettaton both happily waved and greeted a few before leaving.


Mere days later, and you and Metta had been called down to the school. This time, it had been Sans to tell you that a 'situation' had taken place. Frisk and Impact both had apparently gotten in trouble for something at the school. This already set red flags, but you and Metta awaited to see before making assumptions. Of course, you still had the thought this was a big misunderstanding and that there was nothing to really worry about. So focused back on the road, you and Metta shared a dead silence aside from the engine and tires on the road. This was interrupted by Metta, who turned to you and spoke; "Darling? Do you think everything is alright?" You considered your response, before smiling and gave a nod. "Of course, everything is gonna be fine. We're together and Impact, along with Frisk, are a tough duo to crack." Confident now, Mettaton smiled and looked ahead on the road. Soon though, you would see the problem for yourselves.


"And that is why I'm here!" You both looked in complete bewilderment and slight exhaustion at one another, listening as this woman went off on the principle about how her child had been 'bullied' by monsters. Honestly, this woman's voice was starting to get on your nerves, but biting your tongue you held back. As she finished her 'speech', the poor principle looked so done already. Leaning back in his seat, the man removed his glasses to wipe his head as a look of exhaustion took over. Clearly too tired to deal with this, he seemed to take a moment to choose his words carefully before giving up. "I'm sorry Miss (Karen's Name), but all evidence points to your child being responsible for the incident. Teacher and staff present have clearly witnessed it and have said as much-"He couldn't finish as Karen slammed her palms on his desk, causing several p[apers to take flight and right off onto the floor. "LIES!!! Clearly they are lying to save their OWN SKIN!!! They would choose a disgusting monster and mute child over my own!!!" The idea of possibly beating her down all the sudden didn;t sound so bad now, as you glanced towards Metta and noticed he was about to kill the women with such a stern look. If looks could end a person, the women would be six feet under. The Principle, clearly having it, responded by slamming a book down and stopped the women's ranting. "I'm sorry Miss (Karen's Name), but you need to go." THe women stormed out, muttering along the way before the poor man turned to you both and apologized. "I;m so sorry for that. She has, and always sense, been a bit of a..." All three of you knew the word, but none wanted to say it. This was a school for young children after all. "Yeah, we figured." You muttered, offering a smile in return.

"Well, just so you know, I and many of the staff support you completely." Mettaton grinned hearing that; "And we support you as well, dear." THe principle finally relaxed, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "Well then, I must say that, despite this incident, your child and Frisk have done well thus far. I must admit, it's not everyday you see a student play dodge ball so well- Not to mention dodge so effectively." He muttered, clearly impressed as he gazed off at nothing, leaving you and Metta to grin as you both knew the answer. "And Impact has done well also, him even becoming quite popular with many other students throughout the school. Pride swelled up in you both, but you two acted humble about it. Later, and off you two went. Back seat, both Frisk and Impact sat together, as each discussed what they did that day.

You, meanwhile, were just happy that it was over with, at least now. You were eager to get home and spend time with your day. It had, afterall, been quite the morning with a killer Robot.

(Sorry if it's a bit rushed, I just had a idea for this and wanted to get it out, but also wanted to add a little more to this idea.)

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