The Gangsta of Hotland~3

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As slowly your eye up and let out a yawn, you sat up on your bed and pushed the covers off of ourselves. Rubbing your eyes to try and wake up, you felt a pair of hands tighten their embrace around you as you felt something hard touching your thigh. Turning your gaze your face flushed as you saw you were still in the arms of the currently sleeping mob-boss, Mettaton. You blinked to make sure you were seeing this right then gulped and tried to pry his gloved hands off of your waist. Reaching both of your hands down, you took hold of his and gently slide your fingers in between yourself and his fingers, and began trying to move them. It felt like you were trying to move a sewer pipe out of place by how hard his finger was to move, trying to force his joints in the other way. Instead, his grip seems to tighten as the smile on his face disappeared and he groaned a little. He moved closer to you and snuggled more into your sighed, nuzzling you.

Your face felt very warm as you struggled to even come up with a plan on how to get out of this situation. Thankfully, Mettaton seemed to solve your problem as his eyes opened slowly and he let out a loud yawn. As he stretched out one of his arms, his other remaining to hold you, he glanced around the room. he seemed confused as he looked at his surroundings before a look of realization comes to his face and he turns to you. Once he saw you he quickly moved his hand away from around your body and looked towards the door to your room. Mettaton quietly spoke to you, sounding embarrassed. Mettaton: "S-Sorry about that darling, must have dozed off..."

"It's fine Metta, don't worry." He nodded his head then got up and out of the bed. He quickly fixed his suit and put back on his boots. As he got ready you continued to watch him, unsure of what to do yourself. Finally, he finished and walk over to the door to your room. He paused before he turned to you but was still looking at the floor. Mettaton: "Breakfast will ready for you soon. BP will come to pick you up." "O-Ok." He turned around and left your room, closing your door as he left. You sat there on your bed for a few minutes before getting up and preparing for the day.

Mettaton walked through the hallways to his office room, pulling out his phone as he walked. He texted some of his staff and sent them off to help care for you while he went to get to work. Apparently, a young human child had entered the Underground and was making their way through all the mob bosses that ruled over the Ruins, Snowdin, and recently, Waterfall. Hearing this, metta decided to get ready for his meet-up with the child. Smirking to himself as he entered his personal armory he opened up his closet which had all his favorite weapons and gear inside. Bombs and grenades near the top, his chainsaw and Tommy-gun in the middle, and his small bomb bots at the bottom.

Reaching for his Tommy-gun, he picked it up and dusted it off with his hand. He smirked to himself as he saw his reflection on the barrel of the gun. Mettaton: "Time to put on a show~"


As you sat at the dinner table, your breakfast in front of you, you're mind wondered as you thought about your time here. It surprisingly wasn't too bad, besides the punishments... You let out a sigh and placed your fork down as you thought to yourself. Burgerpants: "You want more lemon juice?" He brought up the pitcher which had the lemonade. You brought your hand up and shook your head. "No thanks, I've had enough." BP nodded his head and turned away. As you finished up and got ready to leave the room, you had an odd feeling and this was about your captor.

For some reason, you still thought about what happened between you and Metta this morning and what was happening before. It seemed you had started getting close and feeling happy while around Meettaton himself. Which was odd since he was the same person who forced you into this position, to begin with, yet now you started feeling different towards him? Letting out a sigh, you made sure to use your napkin before placing the crippled piece of paper on your now finished plate and left, leaving the servants to do the work themselves. As you walked down the near-endless hallways and corridors of the Mansion to the lab, you thought about your time in general here and how it was actually better than compared to your old life. Before you were forced to work and though you had freedom, it wasn't the kinda freedom you wanted. Still tho, you followed your boss's orders and di them no matter what. However, it was risky to say the list. Being a debt collector as your boss and higher-ups called you, it was your job to collect the money from those who rocked along with your old boss. But it was dangerous and you faced death nearly everywhere you went as many did not respect you for your position.

And while you did get paid, you often thought the pay was not worth the danger and struggle. Here, even with the oversight and restrictions wasn't as bad. At least you weren't always in danger of death, instead, you just lived your life and that was it. Waking up in the morning, using your bathroom, taking a bath or shower may be, eating breakfast then going to the library to read or spend time with Metta, returning and having lunch or dinner then heading off to bed. It wasn't a bad life at all... It was simple, quiet and rather enjoyable... Better yet, it was a normal and yet peaceful life.

And you kinda wanted it to stay that way and hopped it would never end. A small smile came to your face as you walked until reaching the doors to the library. Upon entering you noticed the room was empty. Perfect as it meant you could read peacefully and alone. As you walked up to one of the bookshelves to pick out a new book to read, you suddenly stopped yourself and got an odd feeling in your stomach. Then your eyes widen and you quickly turned on your heel and ran back out of the room. Something bad was gonna happen, and you needed to stop it.

Mettaton x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang