Appreciation through Gifts!

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Mettaton (Ex) x Reader

"Surprise!" Mettaton was left speechless as you stopped inside his office, present in hand and with a smile on your face. "I got you a gift!" Mettaton now was feeling his soul beat as he stood up and embraced you. "Aww, hun. You shouldn't have. But give here~" He made grabby hands your way, causing you to roll your eyes as you gave him your gift. Taking it, Mettaton rocked the gift slightly to listen on what was inside, but couldn't tell for sure. "Is it a microphone?" "You gotta open it." Mettaton stopped to glance down at his present, before setting it down atop his desk. Easily tearing the wrapping paper aside, the obvious box underneath was revealed and Mettaton rocked the box again against his 'ear'. "Is it a pair of shoes? I already have plenty of those, you know~" "No! It's something else, now open it." Mettaton only grew more excited as he gripped the lid and popped it off before tossing it aside. Contained within and buried below a pile of packing peanuts and packing paper, was an adorable plush of Mettaton, wearing a locket that was clearly a few sizes too big for the plush doll. Looking amazed, Mettaton grew a big smile on his face, hugging you as he held his new plush doll close. "Darling, it's beautiful! Did you make this yourself?" Nodding, you showed off your hands which had a few marks indebted in them. "It took me sometime, and Toriel had to help me, but it was well worth it!" Kissing you softly atop your head, you two stayed close for the next for minutes just soaking in the other's presence, love and attention, before the time came for you to leave and him to get on with work. Of course, this was only the beginning of your day.

By the late morning hours, you had set off and prepared your home for Mettaton when he came over. Speaking of which, he had already done his work with scripting writing for his latest episode of cooking with a killer robot and was eager to relax at home when you gave him the text. Said text boiled down to- "Hey Met, I want you to come over! I hope you don't mind.' With that, Mettaton was soon parking up front when you heard him and glanced outside through your window. Seeing him there, you grinned ear to ear before rushing upstairs. Moments later and one knock, you were coming back down before answering your front door. Mettaton stood there, smiling down at you as he pretended to swoon. "Oh my, it MUST be my lucky day~ More gifts for me?" You nodded before presenting him your next gift, this time a simple music box to which he noticed instantly was in the colors of Waterfall, and of his former home with Blooky. "O-Oh my! Where did you get this lovely piece?" As he said this, he lifted it up in order to get a better look as you explained. "Napsta this time, helped me come up with the idea and Asgore helped me repair it. It was broken before when I found it in the dump in Waterfall. So I cleaned it up, fixed its music box itself, then fixed up the box containing it." Smiling at the look of wonder on his face, Mettaton noticed the small handle on the side and began to pull it, causing the music box to come to life and play a jingle he knew all too well. That was his first piece he played with Napstablook sometime ago. If he could, you were sure he'd be crying now as he listened to the song play, then watched in amazement as the box opened up and a display of him in his original box form with Napstablook floating beside him appeared as if they were performing together. "Oh hun. How can I repay you for this?" You shrugged him off. "Nothing, just enjoy it cause that's only the beginning!"

And so it was, as throughout the day you went ahead in gathering the gifts you had spend purchase that day, or had gotten weeks prior, and gave each and everyone to him From a new microphone and suit, to a art piece of him and a remix (provided again by Napstablook) of his original theme. It wasn't easy, as you found yourself running around making sure non of his surprises were spoiled and in fact were waiting for him to get. Thankfully, it seemed your plan had worked out well as by the end of the day, Mettaton found himself alone swamped in his office with several gifts atop his desk. Sitting there, he felt flustered knowing you had gone all out getting any and all kind of presents you knew he would like. 'But now how do I repay them back?' Mettaotn thought to himself, his mind already plotting his own plan to give you the finest and most meaningful gifts money could buy.

(The End)

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