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Un-Undertale (Introduction)

By Rey

On he wandered alone, his mind filled with nothing but honest worry and confusion. He glanced out through one of the few intact windows of the resort, staring out in the quiet caverns that surrounded the building... Looking away, he left through the entryway of the hotel, once more going on his endless and lonely walks through what was left. He could go through Muffet's, but he knew that spider wouldn't let him. The Elevator was gone by now. The core? It was gone. He was trapped. His steps echoed throughout the cavern, as he walked alone. Eventually, he reached a small space, one that had an open view of what was once Hotland itself. Now, a total and endless wasteland. The Lava has long since dried and became stone. The core was useless now. Without the lava, no power for the core, without the core? No power for the whole of the Underground. Nothing but darkness.

The only reason he could find his way anymore was by his own magic, and even that seemed to be running out. Sighing, he glanced down towards his hands, seeing the dirt and grime on his gloves along with the large bits of fabric and holes that were in them. His hands were exposed and could be seen. Shaking his head, he turned around and left once more back to the Hotel, his home forever it seemed. He wasn't the only one though, he was just one of many monsters still around. Still living in the endless tunnels and open section of the mountain, all trapped. They all wandered along, unable to really do anything or know what to do. They just walked, walked with blank expressions on their faces, souls damaged, minds carried and with no clue as to why. Alongside the former star, a King dwelled alone within his castle. Asgore sat on his throne, mind still and an unimaginable pain in his heart. He had his chin resting on the palm of his large hand, his eyes downcast and looking to the floor. The flowers which once occupied the floor were now dead, their green and yellow replaced by gray and dark browns. He hasn't had the courage to get up and water them in a long time now.

In Waterfall, the waters of the region smelled terrible. Trash and muck rood through them to the endless bottom that existed alongside the Underground. The flow of this mess went alongside the general disorder of the region. Bridges and docks alike had collapsed or almost been washed away. The residents who were there had been forced to stay home while the world around them crumbled. Meanwhile, a certain guard's house slowly crumbled away, with the former captain still inside and sitting alone. Sitting on her couch, the former captain glanced down at a picture frame that still survived all this time. It displayed herself and her friends. They all looked so happy. Where did this happiness go?

In a Lab, left in the middle of the wasteland of what was once Hotland, a sole creature walked alone. She sighed time and time again, stopping to glance around. Occasionally, she took off her glasses to wipe anything off or to fix her lab coat. Stopping for once, she stared down at the hard rock where lava once flowed. Now it was a hard stone. Sighing again, she carried on her way home, a noticeable limp in each step. Meanwhile, Snowdin was also experiencing the struggle like the rest. Houses were occupied, but everywhere else was empty. Trees are dead, snow is gone, not just mud and earth. In the house near the border between Snowdin and Waterfall. The House stood alone, timber in some places has fallen off or just barely standing. A set of Christmas lights hung loosely from the roof. Standing just outside, the former Judge was alone with his pupils left to examine their surroundings. A moment later, he turned on his heel and wandered back inside, a lot of worry on his mind. For his poor brother, Papyrus was left sick and bedridden, unable to even walk. He was worried, and so was left to stay at home and care for him.

And finally, within the Ruins, a woman wandered alone. Her mind was left empty as she wandered along the endless hallways and rooms, bridges that once stood having fallen away while the olds traps had long since been left damaged. Meanwhile, the woman herself stopped before the entryway of the main room, where children once fell into the Underground. However, none had fallen for a time. Or at all? She couldn't remember. And as such, she continued on her walk.

To be continued...

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