The Relentless Bot

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Xtale, an AU that you dislike greatly, especially the one who "ran" it, Xtale Gaster. You just saw the AU as little more than his tool to wield and do whatever he pleased with it with no consequence and it made you feel sick since the fate of those who lived in it was under the control of who you saw was a mad man. Tho you personally didn't mind the others of the AU, you still were reluctant to open your heart to them for they were his "puppets" you thought. However, this line of thinking changed one day when you happened to meet one of those of his AU, non-other than the alternative version of your AUs star, Mettaton.

Unlike your own who was a star first and who was mostly happy and lived with his cousin Blooky, his counterpart seemed to be the complete opposite. He was silent, intimidating, deadly, and relentless. Honestly, you felt threaten anytime he happened to journey to your own AU for whatever business Xtale Gaster had in store, tho you never bothered asking as you felt you did not need to know.

Instead, you just focused on your friends and family and living your life normally and to the fullest, but one day this changed.

On a late summer evening, while you were at your home reading a book while sitting close to the fireplace while listening to some calm music in the background, you heard a small thud sound outside, followed by a loud grunt and something heavy falling. Getting up from your seat you placed your book down on the small table in front of your seat and hurried outside where you saw someone you never thought you would see for at least a couple of years.

Laying on the ground in front of your home was a badly beaten and dented Xtale Mettaton. There he rested, laying upon his side with his own cape covering much of his body from your view tho you could see some of it through small holes and tears that it had. His hair was a complete mess and his face had several scars and small dents on it tho his eye seemed to have survived. His mask that he wore was gone, revealing his partially moving mouth, showing that he was alive but clearly suffered some internal damage as he was dripping some black, oily like fluid through it. Stepping closer you could see his sword was a few feet away, appearing that it had been through some serious damage as it had a huge crack in the middle, exposing the insides of the handle and it seemed it was beyond repair.

Looking back from his weapon you saw Mettaton's chest slowly rise and fall again in rather short, rapid breaths, showing that he was barely alive. Pushing away your shock and confusion you got down on one knee beside him and knelt down. Once closer you could now hear not only his breathing but also his internals at work tho they were very faint and hard to hear. Giving him a sad look, your eyes filled with concern you reached down and took a gentle hold of his ruined cape and pulled it off to reveal his whole body to yourself. Once done you saw that his own soul was cracked and the glass containing it had nearly been shattered with a large yet rounded exit hole that had been made through it, indicating someone or thing had stabbed him through, trying to end him.

With this information in mind you glanced down at his legs and saw that they were in just as much in a poor state as the rest of him with small holes and dents, covered in dirt and grim, he looked like he had been tossed in a mixture of trash and sharp rocks, then thrashed around violently until finally being thrown away. After a few moments of silence, you looked up at his face and saw him looking back at you with pained and sad eyes, seemingly being for your help. Not willing got to watch him suffer, and already curious in knowing what had happened to him you nodded to yourself and carefully help sit him up until he was sitting and you quickly moved to his side, still crunching, and placed one arm around his waist while the other grabbed his arm and slung it over your shoulder.

With as much strength you could muster you counted to three and you picked him up. He cringed and let out a pained grown bu managed to stand up on at least one leg along with you won two and soon you both were making it back inside your home. Finally, after a few minutes or so you got to your front door and came inside. Once inside you carried him into your living room and laid him down on the couch, careful not to have any of him hanging off and for him to be in more pain. You quickly walked off only to come back with some towels, a washcloth, and a few other cleaning supplies to help clean the state he was left in.

Soon, he no longer seemed to have been tossed in the trash and was cleaner tho clearly, he still appeared as if he had seen better days so you pulled out your phone and called your AUs Alphys and asked her to come over and help and she agreed. By this time it seemed Xtale Mettaton had fallen asleep, now comfy and close to the warmth of the fireplace you watched him slowly close his eyes and allowed himself to nap.

A while later he awoke and found himself on your couch still but he had now been fixed and was seemingly back to normal. Looking around the now more well-lit living room of yours he could hear talking faintly outside and he took a moment to gather himself before standing up and walking over to your door and peeked outside. There he saw your making to your friends and family including Frisk and Chara along with Alphys and Undyne with Toriel and Asgore about what happened and what to do next. Seeing this he stayed quiet and watched for a few moments before then turning around and looking at the pictures that decorated your home's walls. Some were of you and family, friends, and other basic stuff. Others tho caught his eye as there were a few where you were with your AU counterparts in some while in others you seemed to have traveled to alternate versions of the Underground itself.

This surprised him but he was interrupted when you came back in and saw him. "Oh, you're up! How are you feeling?" He jumped and turned to you and blinked before he responded. "N-Never been better... Thanks." He said with his voice almost quiet as he turned away and continued to explore your home, to which you didn't mind, and simply let him as you came back in and closed your front door.

Turning back you watched as the star continued his exploration while you simply went back to your chores and taking care of your own home. eventually, it was the middle of the day and you st alone on the couch, reading a few papers Sans had sent you that talked about other AUs and what went on in them. You wanted to learn so you could help them get their happy ending you felt they deserved. Sans thought it was pointless but you insisted and so, he agreed. A while passed as you continued to read through the files until you heard someone walk into the living room with you and you looked up. There was Metta from Xtale standing there, dressed no longer in his white and gray armor as he had no real use for it at this time,  but instead in some normal street clothes and a hoodie with some black pants and a normal pair of shoes.

It had been only yesterday when he first arrived and you along with your Sans and ALphys were still struggling to come up with a way to bring him back to his world, so for now it was agreed he would stay at your house for the time being and get comfy while work was being done on a mission to transport him back.

XTale Metta: "Sorry to interrupt you darling, but could we possibly go out later? I wish to see what this AU has to offer!" He sounded a little giddy and excited, clearly, the former stern, intimidating, and frightening bot form before was now replaced by a child-like curiosity, and rather kind bot, and you couldn't help it but feel slightly attracted to him for it. "Alright, we can go-" "YES!!!" He fist-bumped the air then turned around and rushed to his room to get ready, he was very eager to explore and see more of this AU as he had never gotten the chance before now and you didn't mind being the one to show him. Really, it sounded like a great idea and you were happy to oblige.

Mettaton x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon