Mettaton's Stardom

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By MTT_Writer

(A Non-x Reader, but simply an attempt to flesh out Mettaton more as a character in a short (Very Short) story with just him and how he spent his time in the Underground before the Human arrived).

A short while later, an exhausted-looking Mettaton sat behind a currently fangirling doctor Alphys, who was busy gushing about her favorite anime. Though honestly, it was a nice sight as normally Alphys would be silent, instead preferring to focus on her work, which isn't saying much since nowadays she was just busy doing her own thing. Said things like watching anime, sleeping, maybe running some tests, or looking after the core, and that was about it. Now though she was rambling away, leaving Mettaton secretly wishing he was somewhere else at that moment, he knew better. As he stayed quiet and listened, he looked towards the TV which was playing anime at the moment. Alphys soon went quiet, causing Mettaton to turn back to look at her only to notice she was looking back.


"Why... Did you come back, Metta?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... you h-haven't visited often."

"Oh.. That '' Mettaton spoke gloomy, his eyes looked to the floor for a moment before he looked up once again and spoke up. "I... I wanted to start making amends, darling- er, Alphys. I have..." He swallowed, his screen went faint which caused Alphys to gasp quietly. "I wanted to make up for the time we missed together... You're my friend. I should have treated you better, yet it feels like I only used you." He spoke, his voice wavering as he struggled to contain his emotions, though failing as he felt the coolness from the tear rolling down his face. The next thing that followed, Mettaton felt Alphys crash into him in a tight hug, the sounds of her own sobs following. Soon the two were left embracing and crying on the other's shoulders for a few moments until finally the two separated and went on to enjoy their night together, as friends.

(The Next Day)Mettaton left Alphys and the Lab, now heading towards Waterfall where he planned on continuing his journey to make amends for the lives of everyone better. His next stop would take him to none other than his prime 'rival' in the Underground, Undyne. Oh how much he felt dread for this adventure, though he knew it had to be down and so he went through with it.

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