My Last Tale~

176 7 2

By Rey

For some time now, you have worked your hardest at work. For some time now, you had searched for a job, until recently, when you found one. This didn't mean however, it was working you enjoyed, as it left you feeling exhausted. Returning home after a long day, you entered your temporary home, only to face plant down only your couch and finally give your feet and legs a break. Both feel as they were burning, you were quick to take them off before then getting dressed casually for your break and the rest of the day. Soon you found yourself checking your schedule, only to feel almost faint. You'd soon be returning to college after much preparation. Letting out a groan, you went ahead back to your room and ready to rest your feet.


Upon the first day, you eventually found the room you'd now be staying in for the time being, as you continued your education for (Whatever you want). Eventually arriving outside the dorm room, you pulled out the keys given to you and made your way inside. Taking a look around, you felt some relief as it seemed your roommate hadn't ruined the room yet and everything was still in order. The RC was running at a low setting, leaving the room feeling just right, neither too cold nor warm. The TV was off, along with much of the lights it seemed, in fact, the only thing noticeable being the sound of a shower running. Curious to meet your roommate, you shrugged it off for the time being and went ahead to get comfortable. Soon you were back in the living room, sitting in the loveseat that happened to be there. Getting out a book, you began to read. A pair of earbuds in, listening to music so you could focus on your reading. Time seemed to pass slowly, without realizing, until finally the water currently running turned off, and now, your roommate had stepped out.

You paused for a moment, unsure if you heard a voice just past the music or not, so went back to reading. It happened again and you peeked out past your book towards the door. Maybe you had heard someone outside? Suddenly you felt a tap on the shoulder. This instantly caused you to jump and send your book flying up only to land right behind you, and in front of your new roommate. "Oh! SORRY, DEAR!!!" You huffed, slightly unknown for what happened, and felt a pair of hands grab your arm and should, then help you up. Standing up again, you quickly dusted off your jacket and turned to whoever it was.

Standing in front of you was a man, a goth it seemed. He was ahead taller, black raven hair, and wore some eye shadow and a piercing on either ear, pink lipstick, and a black collar. Their shirt had a heart in between the stomach and chest, with the words 'Death by Glamour' written in fancy text wrapped around it. He was wearing a pair of tight, black pants and dress shoes, and he seemed to be well built enough with some muscle. He stood in front of you, offering a sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "S-Sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to make you jump, I just wanted to know if you were my new roommate?" "Hmm? O-Oh yeah! Yeah, I am. It's nice to meet you, Mr-?" "Metta. Just call me Metta." He said, offering a kind smile and handshake which you smiled and willingly gave back. "Nice to meet ya, and my name is (Name)." "So? Wanna chat a little and get to know one another? Since we are gonna be staying together for a while now." "Yeah, I'd like that."


A while later, you two were enjoying a nice convo between one another, as you two stayed in the room for a while. Soon though, you said bye and made your way to get ready for college while Metta said he would join later. Sometime later, your first day for classes came, and off you went. Walking through the seemingly endless hallways and crowds of students, until finally arriving in class. Stepping inside, you saw that not many had arrived yet while you took one quick glance at the teacher, who was currently typing away on his computer. Watching silently, you went ahead and took a seat near the middle and center. A while later, all seats nearby were filled and the class had begun. Time slowly ticked by, as the teacher droned on and on. Eventually, the class came to an end and you made your way to the next class. As the day went on, you were silently hoping for the day to end so you could return home.

At your final class, you suddenly met up with Metta once more. Thankfully, you got to sit beside him and you two managed your final classes at last. A while later, you walk back to your shared dorm room together. After getting the chance to enjoy one another, you would later head off to bed. However, you had some trouble sleeping. The reason? Metta was still on your mind and a smile on your face as you thought about your new friend.


Some Years or so later.
Finally, the last day had passed, and you were already on your way home. You were getting packed with Metta's help. As you two did so, you two gave one another quick glances the other didn't notice. A tense atmosphere existed between you two, and you two felt it. But neither of you wanted to break the silence. Finally, you turned around and smiled at Metta. "T-Thanks again for your help. I'm glad for the h-help." Metta smiled and gave a nod before turning to you. "Yeah, you're welcome dear. I'm glad to help." You both smiled at one another, until you got a call from your mom, and went to answer. This forced you to step out of the room to talk, while Metta remained and thought alone silently over what happened.

A short while later, you two made your way to the bus stop and prepared to finally leave. Metta watched as you stood waiting along with several others, for the bus. As you waited, Metta looked over to you then gave a sigh, a sad look in his eyes before glancing at you again. You paused as you turned to look back at him, you had a worried look. "Are you alright Mett?" Mettaton turned back and gave a slight nod. "O-Oh yes darling. I just... I hate to see you go." "Oh..." Giving a sad glance to the ground, you then turned back to him and smiled before walking close and gave him a tight hug. Metta took a moment, then hugged you back. As you two hugged one another, the sound of a bus approached and you two pulled away and stood next to one another watching the bus rollover. Finally, the bus stopped and many started getting on. You quickly turned to Metta and gave him one last hug before turning back and running inside, while Mettaton waved on behind you.

As you got on, Metta took a step back and waved at one another. A little later, the bus started away and you two watched the other disappear from sight, and turn away as you focused on your own futures.


A while later, after a couple of years, you soon found a letter waiting for you in your mailbox. Checking it, you checked the address and became confused. Then it became shocked, realization, and finally excitement. You raced back inside and soon found yourself sitting at your dinner table, holding the letter which you opened up, and looked over.

"From Mettaton,

Darling (name), it has been some time since we last saw each other. I have heard you made quite the name for yourself, and have done a lot since we last saw one another. I'm so happy for you. I am visiting town soon, Snowd-in was it? Odd name, considering it's mostly summer there, but regardless. I hope I see you soon.

You're true, Metta~"

Soon you got out a piece of paper, then a pencil, and were already getting a letter prepared to send back. Sometime later, letters between you and Metta continued to fly to one another over time. You and Metta soon planned for a meet-up, which went alongside Metta's visit. Eventually, however, the day came at last. As you waited on the train platform, a loud whistle blew overhead and soon you spotted the sight of the evening train coming in. It soon came to an eventual halt, and the doors on the carriages opened up with many stepping off onto the platform, and meeting with loved ones. Eventually, however, one of the last passengers stepped down the set of stairs and onto the platform itself. Metta stood there, in all his glory. He had changed, the gothic ecstatic had been replaced with a more feminine one. He had on eye shadow, his Revan hair now blocked one side of his face, he also wore more expensive clothing. The piercings were gone, and his lipstick was now pink and black. Changed, but still easy to tell just who it was.

Noticing you, he was quick to drop his two suitcases, four designer bags, and race up to you which you did also, and embraced one another. Spinning you around, metta put you back on your own feet and you two were quick to leave the station and made your way back to your house, so he had somewhere to stay.

(To Be Continued)

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