Mettaton Ex "A piece of Beauty~!"

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As you wondered throughout the Underground, you continued to scan over your surroundings, looking for the perfect shot for you to paint. Something memorable and that would be worthy of a piece of art. However, nothing seemed to work, there were too many choices... and many places were either too hot, too cold, or too old... Not to mention, none were very... 'mystic'. Nothing that really caught your eye. 

Hotland was burning, it did have few colors to work with, but it was too hot to work in... Something you weren't used to and only rarely went to Hotland in the first place. Snowdin was the opposite, instead of being really hot... you were freezing. It wasn't the same as Hotland where it was always hot but it still required a sweater to be worn. Plus the snow could ruin your art supplies and canvas if it wasn't protected from the elements. So you ended up making your way to Waterfall, in hopes to find the perfect place to set up and paint.

So far? No luck. It wasn't that Waterfall didn't have potential, it was just... it didn't have... Who knows! It just wasn't as great as it could be! 

'You needed something... something worthy to dra- Wait a moment.' You stopped walking and narrowed your eyes as you stared. You stared at him as he sat there, staring intently into the waterfall a couple of meters away from him. He wasn't in the water, instead, he was a far distance away from it, sitting on a bench. His legs were crossed, one over the other, hands atop his leg that rested over the knee of the other. He seemed calm, quiet, at peace, a total opposite of what he would normally be. Where he would be boastful, glamour and all, here he was, quiet and just enjoying the world around him. 

He seems to be in deep focus, thinking real hard for some reason? Hmm... He actually looks good at this moment... So, taking your time, you set a base up and place your canvas on it, adjusting it so it lined up. You used a few 'clips' to keep it in place. You picked up your brush and examined it, then taking out your paint bottles and began adding some to your art palette. Several normal colors and a few mixed colors. You looked up at Metta as he sat there, quietly, still calm and focused on other things. 

You finally were ready and brought the brush up to the canvas and began to paint. Your brush slowly passed over the blank canvas, pink, black, purple, etc. You took a moment to look away from your work and look to Metta as he looked away from the waterfall, looking towards the sky. 'Even Better!'

You continued your artwork, pauses at times to see how it looks, adjusts and then continues. Color after color went on the canvas, taking the shape of the star~

Time passed until finally, it was done. 

The star was now in front of you in his Ex form, or as you called it, 'he's perfect form~!' You sighed happily as your art rested there finished. You nodded and began cleaning your tools and paint, removing it with the water from a small river close by to you.

You smiled and placed your hands on your hips and gave a triumphant smile.

"A job well done!"

"I agree, Darling~"

You nearly screamed and jumped, turning around and falling on your bum. Standing in front of you was your 'inspiration', standing there, laughing at your reaction. You just sat there for another moment, wondering how that happened, glared at him and stood up. You dusted yourself off and grumpily crossed your arms.

(Mettaton): "Aww~ What's wrong Darling~?"

(You): "Nothing... nothing at all aside from you scaring the almighty daylights OUT OF ME!!!"

You sighed, annoyed. Mettaton just giggled more and crossed his arms to match yours. He then looked towards your art. He walked up to it and grabbed a part of the canvas and lifted the art up.

(Mettaton): "Hmm, lovely Darling~ You made me look wonderful~"

(You): "Thanks, I was looking for something to paint and you happened to be there, so thank you for making my life easyier~"

Mettaton smiled at you and sent you a kiss your way, you blushed then smiled and shook your head. Such a piece of Beauty~

(Mettaton): "Thank you Dalring~!"

'Oh, crap! You sometimes speak your thoughts out loud! Oh well...'


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