The Star that never was 2

40 3 7

Happstablook x Reader

Now looking at one another, you wasted not another moment for making a sprint away from the duo. Disappearing from right, you didn't stop as you jumped over one log, with crunching leaves under your shoes, till you finally came to a halt once you felt you were far enough. Breathing slowly, you wiped the sweat off your brow before sighing and leaned against a tree. You soon began the trek home, this time avoiding the main path that led directly into town and instead took a shortcut to your home. As you had been running away, Napstablook looked dumbfounded at this, while poor Happstablook watched on from afar, stunned before a look of sadness came to their face. 'Well... that was odd." Napstablook soon turned to their cousin, and led the way as they left for home. And that is how the day you first saw one another went.


It wouldn't be until the end of autumn, and beginning of winter, did things take a turn. Soon gaining several large pounds of salt, a spare shovel and other items, you soon began the long wait as the snow began to fall. Watching from your living room chair, you watched as the outside world slowly began to transform from the falling bits of snow. What followed was the blanket that covered the floor, which began to grow as you carried on with your day, and occasionally peered out from time to time. By only a few days, and already the snow was knee deep and almost impossible to get through. Outside, cars had an impossible time and were stuck where they were, meaning everyone had to walk to get around. This included yourself, as you wrapped your scarf securely around your neck, before you began your march through the snow. Each step felt as if a weight was on your feet, as one foot after another disappeared under the snow. Thankfully, however, you found yourself along the sidewalks cleared by the previous night crews of workmen sent to pour salt and clear much of the path for the public. The relief was felt once the weight disappeared and each step was easier, and so you picked up the pace before stopping by the local diner. Finding a seat, you sighed as you rubbed your gloved hands together, before a waitress approached with a menu.

Time spent and soon enough, you felt much better and ready to take on the cold. Stepping outside once again, you began your long walk towards the flower shop to visit another friend of yours, someone who you got to know during your very first days living here. Approaching his shop, you reached for the handle only to spot the 'Closed' sign. "Nevermind, I'll go around." you said as you walked alongside before reaching the employee's only backdoor, which you causally knocked. For a moment, you waited, before repeating it again. This time, a heavy thud of footsteps could be heard before the door audibly unlocked, and swung open. Standing there, tall and looking down at you from his great height, was known other than Asgore. Having the brightest smile on his face, Asgore instantly scoped you up in a tight hug, to which you happily returned. Placing you back down, Asgore gestures behind him. "Would you like to come in for some tea?" "Sure thing." Soon getting out a table, then a pair of chairs, you watched as he prepared a party for two. Once done, he wandered over to his small stove, placed a pot down, before beginning making the tea. Turning to face you again, he approached with a bright smile on his face. "So, what brings you here, (Name)?" "Little more than wanting to see and visit you, hope you don't mind?" "Of course not, I welcome you here, (Name)." And so began your day of conversing side by side, together as the hot water boiled. Moments later, and a loud whistle caused you both to quiet down. Soon a lovely pot of (Flavored) tea was placed before. As its contents were poured into separate cups of glass, you listened to the small radio which played some tunes for you both. "You can enjoy it now, (Name)." Asgore began sipping his tea, soon joined by himself as you enjoyed your time side by side. It would be during this conversation, something would be brought up by Asgore, that surprised you. "You know, (Name)? I've recently been hearing the most incredible singing voice I've ever heard?" Looking up, you shook your head in response. "It's true. My neighbors, slash customers-" he chuckled; "are the ones behind it. Specifically, one of them."

Curious, you spoke up; "And who are they?" "Happstablook, I believe their name was. They are a young ghost, and currently are living beside their cousin, Napstablook." Pausing, you looked off to the side while thinking before a realization clicked. "Do you... know them by chance?" Asgore shrugged; "Not that well, since Happstablook is more the shy type. Napstablook has been the one to really talk on their behalf." I see." you wondered if you'd run into them today, though after how things went between you two, would it go well? Not dwelling on it for much longer, you soon bid farewell and left as Asgore led you out. Not exactly thrilled to be outside in the cold, you ignored the temperature for now and decided to just get a move on. This town was sorta infamous for being plain and not having much to offer, but you didn't want to stay home and be bored out of your mind. It was only as you were thinking this that you ended up just in front of the Blooks home. As you were, you were stopped almost instantly as a voice spoke out to you. Confused, you quickly realized it came from their home, and looking towards it, you saw it was them. Napstablook.

Surprised, you quickly gave a friendly wave before you began to move, only for them to speak again. "W-Wait! I just wish t-to talk to you!" Surprised, you approached while offering a kind smile. "Yeah? You wanted to talk with me?" Na[stab;ppl gave what could only be described as a rough nod of yes, before gesturing to the house behind him. "Yeah. Happsta said that some time ago, he noticed you. Apparently they caught you running away from our home." You gulped, before bringing your hands up; "No no no! I meant nothing b-by it! I was just... surprised by the singing I heard." Napstablook froze for a moment, before a soft smile came to their face. :That would make the most sense, it isn't often that criminals come around this town. Let alone to our home... I was afraid I had to call Undyne over, after agreeing to file a report." You're heart snake hearing that, but Napstablook quickly noticed before they smiled again. "It's fine. It was just a misunderstanding. I can go tell her myself." With much relief washing over you, you both remained in awkward silence before Napstablook spoke up. "Would you like to come in?" "I wouldn't mind." And so, you both went ahead inside the small, but warm home. Once inside, you found yourself sitting on the floor, to which Napstablook apologized for as he said that they didn't have any furniture being ghosts and all, but you waved it off, saying it was fine.

Time went by slowly as you two shattered idly by, Napstablook even offering you a 'ghost' sandwich, which you tried to grab only for your fingers to go right through. "Oh... right. Sorry." You merely shrugged, laughing it off. "It's alright, besides... food usually does flow 'right' through me." Napstablook paused before they smiled and shook their heads. Moments later, and you prepared to leave. Stopping for a moment, you looked toNapstablook. "Napsta? Mind if I ask you something?" Napstablook nodded. "What would you like to ask?" "Happsta;" you paused; "They live with you, right?" "Yes?" "Maybe... you can introduce us at some point? We did get off on the wrong start, after all?" Napstablook smiled again; "I wouldn't mind, and neither would they. I'll ask them when they feel up to it." And with that, you left but not before giving your phone number and his inr eturn for contact.


Napstablook was busy fixing lunch for himself and Happsta, when the latter appeared from their room upstairs. Looking up, Napsta noticed their cousin Happstablook, looked more tired than usual, with partially dark circles around their eyes and a deep frown on their face. Napsta looked saddened by this, but put on a smile for their cousin's sake. "Everything okay, Happsta?" Happsta took a moment before shrugging, then gloated over to the table and 'sat' back as they waited for lunch. "Same thing. Same dream... same dream I'll never get to have, and only watch from far away. " Happsta slumped back, looking as gloomy as ever while Napsta started on, unsure of just what to even do to help them. Sighing once more, they turned and finished up lunch before bringing it over. "It'll be fine... things will turn out for the better, even if it would be what we want. Okay?" Happsta merely nodded before starting to eat, leaving Blooky unsure of what to do. Then an idea came to their mind, and soon their phone began to ring as Happsta went to write alone in their diary upstairs.

(To be continued!)

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