MTT x Reader "Morning with a Killer Robot"

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The (Human/Monster) slowly tossed and turned, feeling the light continue to shin on their eyes. They tossed and turned again until finally slowly opening them. Upon their eyes opening up, they quickly shut their eyes and turned away. Opening their eyes again, they were now facing their nightstand. Their phone played their, alarm about to go off. They reach out and calmly shut the alarm off before it could ring. Sighing to themselves, and rolled over to see their Bf. Mettaton. You had the fortune in meeting Mettaton during one of his shows. After your first meeting, you began spending time with one another. Soon enough you became friends! Then Best friends! And- (I think you get the picture) Anyways, here you were, lying down with this gorgeous 'robot' right next to you. You smiled and ran your hand throw MTT's hair gently, feeling his smooth, sulk like locks. You paused before reaching in and kissing MTT's forehead, then backed away. 

Turning to look back at your shared room, you pulled your blankets off of you and we're about to get off the bed until you felt a hand slither around your waist. You paused, looked down, and smiled. Seeing a metal hand, plus arm wrapped around you. You were then pulled over to him and he snuggles his face into your thighs.

(Yawning, clearly tired) "Good morning ~" 

Mettaton opens his eyes slowly, looking up at you and smiling. You smile back. 

"Morning Metta~"

(Mettaton rubs his eyes and stood up.) "Did you have a nice nap~"


Mettaton then turns to the nightstand on his side of the bed and you reached out for a mirror. Picking it up, he raised it to look at his face and see's his hair is a mess, taking one look, he just laughs and proceeds to pull out a cone and began brushing it. You try not to laugh, even when he's at home and on the bed, he must look perfect. You turn away and slide off the bed, feet touching the floor, you searched with your feet for slippers, finally finding them, you slide them on and finally got up. Walking the short distance to your closet, you heard MTT get up himself and unplug himself from the wall socket. You then opened the closet and reached for your robe, yes, MTT got you a robe. It was so soft! It was like a blanket that fit your body completely and you loved it. Easily slipping it on, you turn around and see MTT walking over to you, a smile on his face and boxers full of hearts exposed. He loved anything with hearts, just nothing anyone else can see except for you.

MTT walks up to you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you close. You wrapped your own arms around MTT's waist. Staring at one another, pink eyes meeting (Eye Color)'s and slowly, your heads approached one another, eyes closed and lips connect. A nice, soft, tender kiss. Pulling away from one another you two smiled. 

"So beautiful, what shall we do today~?" 

"mmm- Don't you have work today~?"

"I'm off, and I allowed my employes have a week off from work~ So I can have time to spend with you~"

You smiled, MTT always had a way of trying to spend time with you, even if his dream was on the line. You' ed tried to convince him he didn't have to do that but he wouldn't listen. Now it seems he was hoping to spend some quality time with you. You would've argued against it but, there was no changing his mind once he set his mind on something. 

"Well, we can have a nice breakfast!" 

"That's wonderful Darling. I will get to work!"

Mettaton turned on his heel and left the room, you close behind. Making your way throw the hallway, posters aligned the wall with you, Mettston, and Blooky in several pictures. All smiling at the camera, all filled with joy. A smile made it's way too your lips after seeing them. 

"So, what will it be Darling?"

You turn back to Metta, he was now in the kitchen, wearing an apron which says: 'Kiss the killer robot'. The text was sparkle and was pink. Seeing this, you made your way over to the counter and sat down. 

"You can give me (Food of choice) if that's alright."

"You bet Darling~"

Mettaton set to work, gather the ingredients necessary for your meal. You sat there and pulled out your phone, taking a look at the Undernet to see what was new. Hmm. Undyne and Alphys are engaged! Muffet has her own bakery now, and Flowey apparently robbed a museum, taking 6 souls that were on display... odd. Anyway, the smell of (Type of Food) was beginning to rise in the air and you could easily catch wind of it. You smiled. Mettaton was such a great cook, and you loved his food, even vow he couldn't eat it himself.

"Enjoy Darling~" 

Mettaton handed you your favorite drink and meal, turned on his heel and made his way back to your room. You picked up your (Fork, Spoon, etc) up and dug in. A moment passed until Mettaton appeared again, wearing his own robe, which wrapped around him perfectly and showed his curves. He walked over to you and wrapped one arm around you as you finished your meal. He kissed your cheek.

"Enjoyed it Darling~?"

"Yea, thank you, Metta~" 

You smiled lovingly towards each other and gave one another a tender kiss, after that you two separated and went back to discussing what you will do next for that day.

Mettaton x ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara