Scenario: Dates

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What Mettaton does for dates!

Dates with Mettaton are a mixed bag. And not that they weren't great, but because they were both cliché, but sweet, or unexpected and unique. Being the self proclaimed *expert* of romance, Mettaton prefers starting out with the simple, basic and cliché. Whilst it was expected, he made sure to spice things up wherever he could, so that they were memorable. Having a picnic? He'd practically host a mini concert for you and sing. Or he'll take you right up to Mt. Ebbot and have you two seeing the stars at night. Watch a movie? He'll be the main act and have either a play or movie play for you two.

For the unexpected, these were spent traveling and going on Cruises, staying at his family's snail farm or going to the Underground and towards Waterfall. Often, dates were involved with at least two locations mentioned above. One moment that you remembered was having a lovely dance, alone together, in a waterfall with music playing and the "stars" above twinkling.

Another occasion, he took you out of town to a carnival, where you two got on a Ferris wheel before reaching the top where you two shared a tender moment. But despite what this all may suggest, you two also had dates spent at home. Whilst Mettaton wanted to make every moment with you feel special, he came to realize that every moment was special. Even if you two were just staying home, binge watching your favorite series or movies, having dinner, or just cuddling on the couch, you two spent these dates close together.

Mettaton was always grateful for these chances, taking each moment to pepper you with love to which you happily returned in your own way. A kiss on the palm, hand or head. A compliment, or just a simple hug were often enough to get his soul souring, and his mind racing. Yes, these were the dates Mettaton preferred, as whilst his efforts on his more ambitious dates showed how far he could go to show his affection. The simple ones spent at home meant he could focus solely on you and your smile.

And that was often enough for him.

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